

1. 免治牛肉用胡椒粉、糖、生抽、紹酒和粟粉醃好; 蕃茄數個洗淨切角備用。

2. 煎好雞蛋,加水入鑊內至滾,加入蕃茄滾數分鐘至稔,最後用湯匙將免治牛肉逐少加入湯內,滾至牛肉熟透,洒上蔥花+用鹽調味即成。

P.S. 依個原係V媽媽食譜~ 我喺香港生活時星期六既午餐,V媽媽會煮一d快捷既餸菜+湯,依個滾湯係其中一個最常煮既! 到我自己一個人喺英國生活,發現依個湯材料豐富~ 所以好多時只滾個湯+煲白飯,作為簡單既一餐!

6 則留言:

  1. 真係好方便喎....不過我二個女好衰..吾係好中意食肉...細女就吾中意食蕃茄...搵日朝早我自己試下煮黎食先得...
    [版主回覆03/17/2008 04:09:00]依個湯就算唔食渣都好好飲架! 又快煮~ 有時夜晚滾咗太多,我第二日就煲d飯撈湯當lunch!

  2. Hello! D o I add the rice in after the soup is done? and do i have to take the egg after frying it? I just tried one of your recipe just now... and my boyfriend said it was yummy! thanks for the ideas... i like your blog's layout...makes it really easy to read and to find whatever i need.. do continue to add more! ps...i also started to cook after i left home too...too expensive to eat out all the time plus i miss home cooked food too...
    [版主回覆10/16/2008 19:17:00]welcome~
    re the rice - you dont have to add the rice into the soup...you can just add the soup into a bowl of hot rice when the soup's done;  also you DONT have to take the eggs out, just add water directly! after adding water, you can use a spatula to cut the fried eggs into smaller pieces, then let them cook for a while~~~
    thanks for your comment! im glad yous enjoy my recipes~~

  3. hmm...seems like i made a little mistake with my pork mince attempt..i add a little too much 紹酒 to the mince..i just wanted to get rid of any pork smell but now it just taste like 紹酒. how much should i add? a teaspoon?
    [版主回覆04/08/2009 15:42:00]it depends on how many pork you've got woh! or maybe you can try to add ground ginger~

  4. i really like this dish a lot ar! Tomato soup is always nice! i'm going to try making pasta soup with it this time. I think it sounds good too! And i'll be sure not to add too much 紹酒 to the mince this time round!
    [版主回覆04/25/2009 18:37:00]yes this dish is good with anything or just on its own!

  5. Gaileは林家歐巴桑2009年5月22日 下午6:58

    [版主回覆05/25/2009 10:36:00]依個湯用來撈飯特別好味!  不過要"趙"多兩吓喎!!!!! 湯飯比較難消化架~~

  6. Gaileは林家歐巴桑2009年5月22日 下午7:01

    因為我62唔食牛,可以用mince pork代替嗎?等我試下先
    [版主回覆05/25/2009 10:34:00]我未試過用豬肉....不過應該冇問題既~ 但食味一定會有少少分別架嘞!
