
洋蔥薯仔焗鹹牛肉 (Corn Beef Hash)

1. 洋蔥和薯仔切成丁; 薯仔丁略炸一會,瀝乾多餘油份備用。

2. 燒熱橄欖油,爆香蒜茸,加入切碎細洋蔥炒香。

2. 加入薯仔丁炒勻,用鹽和磨碎黑胡椒調味。

2. 加入壓碎罐頭鹹牛肉和新鮮切碎迷迭香,和薯仔洋蔥一起炒勻。

3. 將洋蔥薯仔鹹牛肉盛入焗盆內,放入已預熱焗爐(200C),焗至鹹牛肉略焦,洒上新鮮切碎的parsley 即成。

4. 可配麵包或Cornbread (玉米麵包)同食。 Cornbread 食譜click here~

5 則留言:

  1. i just tried making this today and it's very nice!!! i forgot to add the garlic tho but it's still yummy!! and i was reading your mineral powder entry just now, so i was wondering if you had heard of Sheer Cover mineral makeup? their mineral loose powder is their best product and they've got pretty good deals online..the uk website is this : sheercover.co.uk
    [版主回覆12/08/2008 21:41:00]glad you like it!   it's a quick + easy dish~~~
    yes ive heard about Sheer Cover! however you cant find their products in UK's high street stores~ they sell their products on Sky shopping channel + website!
    i never try it~ cos i rarely buy makeup products without trying the real thing first! besides, i already got too many boxes at home...need time to clear some before buying anymore new things!  thanks for telling me though~~~

  2. by the way, if you order the sheer cover trial kit online it's only £29.95 for all this:

    Sheer Cover® Introductory Kit

    When you order the Sheer Cover® Introductory Kit, you will receive:
    • Mineral Foundation in two shades (1.5g each)
    • Duo Concealer in two shades (1.5g)
    • Extra-Length Mascara (4ml)
    • Conditioning Cleanser (60ml)
    • Nourishing Moisturiser with SPF15 (30 ml)

    BONUS GIFTS with your order:
    • 4 Studio Quality Makeup Brushes
    • Sheer Colour® Compact
    • 6 days, 6 ways Lip to Lid Highlighter Sampler Card
    • Sheer Cover® Tips & Tricks DVD
    i think it's worth a try for so many items! i'm already so tempted to order 1 too on the australia website.
    [版主回覆12/08/2008 21:46:00]wow it's a very good deal!
    however ive seen the demonstration on Sky shopping channel before, it seemed a bit complicated......

  3. Yum (to the corn bread)! I will have to try to make the corn beef hash! That's one of my hubby's favorite.  Thanks for the recipe!  I will try that this weekend perhaps.  I personally don't eat beef so I hope it will turn out right/tasty! 
    [版主回覆04/30/2009 03:05:00]let me know what you think about it OK?

  4. Don't you worry! I sure will tell ya and show off after I made it!
    [版主回覆04/30/2009 04:17:00]looking forward~~~~

  5. I think you should place a link to the corn bread recipe on this recipe! Just in case people wonder what's that like I did initially!
    [版主回覆05/03/2009 08:22:00]yes~ that's a very good idea! thanks for suggesting~
