

霸王別姬 (1993) Farewell My Concubine (1993)

正話同一個網友傾開計,佢睇完我既"5遊花都",以為我今次去巴黎比人打咗荷包! 之後我就突然醒起,5年前 - 即2003年既3月中,老公第一次帶我去巴黎,臨走前一晚喺鐵塔下比人打咗荷包! (我估~ 其實我到依家都唔知幾時 + 喺邊度比人打荷包既......) 果時媽咪見我咁鬼慘~ 佢就話得閒時去買番個銀包送比我 (係LV來既!)

2003年4月1日,媽咪打電話比我,佢話今日去買番咗個同款LV銀包比我~ 佢另外仲買咗個格仔斜"咩"手袋比我 - 因為我比人打荷包時,銀包裡面有400euro~ 媽咪話叫我當果400euro 買咗個手袋比自己,唔好再唔開心! 之後媽咪問我......

媽咪: 妳知唔知張國榮死咗?

我(唔信地): E~ 乜妳都興玩"愚人節"架? 不過唔好笑喎!

媽咪: 係真架! 妳唔知咩? 係今日既事來! 頭先我同xx auntie 一齊去中環置地LV......我都奇怪點解咁多人又咁塞車......好似喺文華跳咗落來!

我: .................!?!?!?

坦白講,想當年我小學至中學時代係阿倫迷來! (其實而家都係...) 果時鍾意阿倫就自然"反榮"架啦! 不過後來人大咗,唔再好似靚仔靚妹咁追捧偶像~ 我發現原來張國榮真係好有talent!!! 我最鍾意佢既幾首歌係"追"、"當愛已成往事"+"左右手"~ 每次聽到依幾首歌,我毛管都會棟起哂 - 係好聽果隻喎!!!!!

我其中一齣最愛既電影,就係<霸王別姬> - 一套有關同性戀,但會令到我依個唔係同性戀既人睇完會喊既電影! 到而家我都認為 - 唔會有另一個演員可以演"程蝶衣"依個角色,比張國榮演得更加出色! 雖然喺戲裡面程蝶衣對師兄段小樓既感情係男向男,但張國榮演出來果一份"真"~ 令我覺得好蕩氣迴腸......

2003年特別多事發生: 我第一次去巴黎......第一次比人打荷包(暫時仲係得一次! 阿彌陀佛~~~)......張國榮離世......仲有梅艷芳......同埋我既好朋友M.........

8 則留言:

  1. 世 事 難 料 ﹐ 所 以 我 日 日 都 至 少 call我 爸 媽 一 次 ﹐ 得 閒 就 同 佝 地 去 街 食 嘢 。
    [版主回覆04/01/2008 04:11:00]你爹哋媽咪都喺加拿大? (你就好啦!) 不過我唸用刀橫住我爹哋媽咪條頸佢地都唔會過來住! 咁我同佢地都有成日通電話.....

  2. 我 係 被 我 媽 媽 用 刀 橫 過 喱 㗎 ﹐ 真 人 真 事 。
    [版主回覆04/01/2008 04:23:00]加拿大有幾慘呀? 喊到咁既衰樣......(同你換吖嗱?)

  3. 個 公 仔 係 作 大 咗 d﹐個 時 真 係 唔 想 移 民 㗎 ﹐ 而 家 就 OK算 喇 。 前 幾 年 返 香 港 唔 夠 兩 個 禮 拜 就 改 機 票 返 嚟 。 我 以 為 几 =幾 ﹐ 是 但 喇 ﹐ 我 當 溝 通 咗 and你 又 收 到 㗎 喇 ﹗ ﹗ ﹗ 你 明 唔 明 白 就 唔 關 我 事  ﹗ ﹗
    [版主回覆04/01/2008 05:02:00]我同你有少少唔同 - 當初來時充滿期望! 但一落機就想轉頭返香港......

  4. 係 呀 ﹗ 你 係 女 ﹐ 我 係 男 ﹐ 係 好 唔 同 㗎 。 我 鍾 意 釣 魚 ﹑ “lin”車 ﹑ 滑 雪 ﹑ 打 golf﹐ 係 香 港 就 負 擔 唔 起 囉 。
    [版主回覆04/03/2008 17:19:00]你既嗜好除咗釣魚+滑雪我都啱之外,車同golf 我都冇乜興趣! 連喺Wii 度玩車+golf 都冇興趣!!!!

  5. 我都阿倫迷呀....
    [版主回覆04/03/2008 17:33:00]所以我揾老公都叫"阿倫"!  (咁啱啫~)
    03年真係唔係咁開心! 學妳話齋 - 眼見陪住自己長大既偶像一個一個咁離開,感覺好似有唔係咁熟既朋友離開咗一樣~ 我仲要加埋一個真係自己好朋友來......唉~又就來係我朋友死忌,特別多感觸........

  6. Your mum is really nice to you. If it's me, my mum will probably scold me for being so careless with my belongings! So did she send to wallet and the bag to UK for you?
    [版主回覆05/15/2009 16:43:00]im the her only child, if she's not nice to me, who should she be nice to?  
    i was crying when i called her from Paris, she understood how i felt at that time, esp it was the 1st i went to Paris......
    yes~ she then sent the wallet and the bag to me by express.

  7. You must be really touched then!  Did you lose any important documents?? If not i'm sure her gifts would had made up for everything! Bcos i don't think the bag is just 400 euro..she even gave you a bonus! 
    [版主回覆05/16/2009 06:05:00]of course i was very touched~
    yes i lost my HK ID, 回鄉証 (i know i was stupid! i just used to put them in my wallet......), my student ID, my bank cards.....fortunately i didnt have any credit cards at that time~~~~
    yes the bag was far over 400 euros~ and let's dont forget the wallet as well.....

  8. Wah..so many cards! that must have been very troublesome for you! Ya silly you..shouldn't have carried the hk ids with you. I'll try not to carry with me documents that're not 'local'. But luckily your bank cards are not visa/master debit cards too, if not you would've some bank money. And your mum would have to buy you a lot more LVs..haha!  But my dad always memorises all the numbers on his cards (IDs, credit cards), so you can cancel immediately once u realise that it's gone. At least you still had your passport with you, if not you would be staying in paris for some time. Does your mum do that often? Like buying things for you when something caught her eye and then send it over to you? Sometimes i think the postage is really not worth it but it's nice to receive parcels! it's like getting a present!
    [版主回覆05/17/2009 02:34:00]i learned my lesson and never put my HK IDs in my wallet when im in the UK! that time i was in Paris, i just thought that i might need some ID when i went out, just in case, cos we left our passports in the hotel........
    yes my mum is weird! she like buying people things, but she doesnt like to receive presents - except from me!  apart from the LV bag and wallet, i also received a D&G bubble jacket, gold necklace and some clothes before~ however ive asked her stop doing this anymore after i got  married, cos ive grown up la ma!
