
Mr.T好手勢: 火腿杯焗蘑菇蛋 (Baked Eggs & Mushrooms in Ham Crisps)

1. Muffin 焗盆(如圖)塗上一層薄薄的油,焗爐預熱180C。

2. 燒熱1湯匙橄欖油,加入牛油約1茶匙,炒香切碎的蘑菇約8至10粒和洋蔥1個(視乎大小~),用海鹽和磨碎之黑胡椒調味。

3. 蘑菇和洋蔥離火,加入Creme Fraiche (法文~ 但唔知中文係乜~) 適量和切碎的的parsley 拌勻。

4. 將火腿(比較厚身少少既火腿e.g. honey roast ham)放入Muffin 焗盆的杯位內(每個杯可用1至2片火腿),令火腿固定成杯形。

5. 將之前煮好的蘑菇洋蔥Creme Fraiche用湯匙填入火腿杯內至一半滿,再放一隻新鮮的生雞蛋在火腿杯內。

6. 放入已預熱焗爐內焗12至15 分鐘,最後用海鹽和磨碎黑胡椒調味即成,可配多士。

P.S. 此食譜係T生為咗答謝佢老婆(即係我~),喺過去一年來煮咗好多野食餵到佢飽飽~ 特登上網揾個食譜出來喺1月1日親手煮比我食既!

2 則留言:

  1. i always wanted to try making this but i don't have a muffin tray! This dish looks so nice! Your husband made this? Seems like he's got a flair for cooking too!
    [版主回覆04/27/2009 02:02:00]just go get a muffin tin~ im sure you can get one easily in any supermarket! this is a very good dish~~~~

  2. i've seen in a food magazine where they crack an egg into a ham "cup" and bake it in the oven. I think that sounds nice too..I can add some onion and mushroom in it before adding the egg! Did u add eggs to this dish as well? At first i thought they're eggs baked in ham "cups" when i first saw the picture.
    [版主回覆04/27/2009 06:40:00]actually this dish is exactly how you think to cook~ it is eggs baked in ham cups!!
    first place the ham in the muffin tin, make the ham like a cup shape > then fried the chopped onions and mushrooms, seasoning with salt and pepper > add creme fraiche and chopped parsley then mix > fill the cup shape ham half full with the mixture > crack an egg on the top > then put into the oven > that's it!
