
簡易Pasta Bake

此食譜可隨意用Penne (直坑紋通粉)、Farfalle (蝴蝶粉)或 Fusilli (螺絲粉)~

1. 焗盤塗上油,將pasta 煮熟瀝乾,加salt + pepper 拌勻放在焗盤內。

2. 油浸/水浸吞拿魚和罐頭粟米瀝乾,吞拿魚搗爛,將吞拿魚和粟米平均地鋪在pasta 上。

3. 淋上pasta bake sauce 1罐。

4. 放入預熱10分鐘焗爐內(200C)內焗至汁稠微焦即成,食前可洒上磨碎parmesan cheese~

變化: 蘑菇雞肉蕃茄忌廉汁Pasta Bake

只在step (2) 用蒜蓉炒熟雞肉和蘑菇,混入pasta bake sauce; 其餘做法和上述完全相同!

8 則留言:

  1. 我都愛PASTA﹐簡單用CAN CREAM OF MUSHROOM 就算﹐無你好甘好心機。我老婆懶呀﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗
    [版主回覆03/22/2008 04:31:00]好心機? 我都係開罐頭咋喎(依個食譜~)  
    你老婆懶? 咁你應帶老婆出街食飯!!! 哈哈~~~

  2. Can I just used condensed tomato soup instead of pasta sauce? This recipe is good for lazy days and we don't have any fresh ingredients in the frigde!
    [版主回覆05/10/2009 01:09:00]i think condensed soup is a good idea as well! however i think it maybe too thick, thus you have to add water~~

  3. I just tired this yesterday and the condensed tomato soup is nice with this too! i didn't add water and it's still alright, but i added too much cheese on top. Too cheesy..
    [版主回覆05/11/2009 20:40:00]remember dont add too much cheese next time!

  4. i sprinkled a lot of cheddar cheese on top before baking bcos i was worried that the top might be burnt without the cheese covering it. Luckily my boyfriend doesn't complain bout my cooking at all. I bet your husband loves everything you make for him too!
    [版主回覆05/12/2009 01:52:00]you should have checked it regularly rather than adding lots of cheese on it~  just try a few more times and you'll get it right!

  5. 我超喜歡pasta...不過我唔曉整... 次次都係JC整比我食^^c 等我下次off 跟你個recepit 整一次先... 不過我一定冇你整得咁令...
    [版主回覆05/18/2009 19:51:00]紅紅綠綠咁影相緊靚啦!  靚唔靚唔重要,最緊要好味! 係咪?

  6. 最衰你係英國...如果係HKG就好啦 唔係我地有時間一齊整野食... 你整main course....我整蛋糕or dessert....JC 揀酒... 不知幾開心... 肥___肥"""
    [版主回覆05/18/2009 21:55:00]又或者你住英國都得架!
    咁我老公去咗邊? 佢就咁等食呀?

  7. 好易整又好食咁喎, 我都要試下!
    [版主回覆05/19/2009 04:38:00]超方便易整呀!

  8. 你好!
    你煮得真係好靚呀,睇完你個食譜,等我就試下先!! 真好又諗少樣餸.
    [版主回覆05/26/2009 18:42:00]多謝!
    依個又方便又快又好味! 得閒試吓吖~
