

之前喺Marimo 既website 見到佢地有好多好鬼cute 既食物造型產品~ 但我只鍾情於cushion,實在太太太可愛~~~~~ 舊年返香港時喺CitySuper 見到佢地個雞脾cushion,即時買鬼咗佢~ 不過就搵唔到我當時最想要既漢堡包 + 蛋撻...........但今次竟然比老公搵到!!! 呵呵~~~~~~

原先我上網時係鍾意個大蛋撻多過個漢堡包既~ 但摸到實物之後,我就鍾意個漢堡包多d - 因為質地好滑好舒服~~~

 蛋撻個造型係比漢堡包可愛~ 但無奈唔係咁好攬......尤其係蛋既部份~ 好睇唔好"食"!!!! 不過我都係好鍾意佢既~~~~~~~

3 則留言:

  1. 好得意!! 我好想食呀...個蛋撻個面咁令~~好想 "lam"下佢..嘻嘻~~
    [版主回覆04/28/2008 23:50:00]就係因為個蛋撻令面~ 所以先唔好攬!!! 不過造型好可愛囉~

  2. 咦,我D女都有個雞肶同蛋撻,但唔系cushion系手機繩棃架,因為系felt,所以可以用黎clean 個cell phone添!
    [版主回覆04/29/2008 15:47:00]係架~ 食物系列好多產品除咗有cushion,仲有埋電話繩架! 有興趣既話,可以去佢地個website 睇吓!
    佢地最近出咗個"雞翼"cushion + 電話繩~ 不過我個人覺得唔太似雞翼.......佢唔講到明既話我都唔知係乜來!

  3. Do you know if i can get these cushions online on any website? Wah..your husband's suitcase must be really fat cos of these 2 cushions! Ya i understand what u're saying. i suppose any job will come with responsibilities. And my parents do have expectations on me. They just expect me to do well and be more ambitious which is kind of stressful. I'm not the ambitious sort at all. They're still quite conservative when it comes to such things, education and marriage. So that's why i can't tell them either that i'm staying with boyfriend, they'll worry what if we don't last. And like u said, they'll think like am i going to stay with different guys till i find the one. I move in with my boyfriend bcos i felt that he's someone i can live with, we're able to accommodate each other and i've never been this serious before too. Plus, it's really expensive to stay alone when u're overseas!! I wanted to save money and i enjoying making dinner for both of us. But sometimes it's rather time-consuming to make a good meal.  ya i won't want a maid either especially if i'm staying in an apartment. I feel weird having someone around. You know my bf's mum is that kind of that doesn't know how to cook or do housework properly, i kind of promised myself that i don't want to be like that. There's no excuse not doing these things properly when we don't have to work right? If not what's the point of staying at home? You got married soon after you graduate? That sounds sweet. I remember u said your husband didn't want u to leave that's why he proposed to u. Btw, you always go back to hk during holidays last time? Do you go back for long? I'm going to hk this july for 5 weeks! it's going to be the longest time i'm away from my boyfriend.  Sometimes i don't know if it's good or not that i'm always so dependent on him.
    [版主回覆04/27/2009 02:46:00]unfortunately Marimo dont do online shopping! but you can find their products in CitySuper.
    im not saying that you are not being serious abt your BF, just that sometimes things can be changed by a lot of reasons. whether he's the right guy, does not depend on whether you are serious or not!
    yes i got married soon after i finsihed uni~ i guess my husband didnt want me to go back to HK because he was afraid i may meet another guy!??!?
    i used to go back to HK twice a year when i was still studying (summer + Xmas~). it was like Xmas for 4 weeks + summer nearly 2 months. why would you think you go back to HK maybe a bad thing? i know you will miss your BF~ how about your family? dont you miss them?
