

我鍾意食瀨粉~ 所以整親魚蛋粉都係用瀨粉~~~~ 當然可以用其他粉啦!!!

1. 大地魚乾一條用小爐火煨香,剪成小塊放入煲魚袋內。

2. 鍋中加入滾水適量,放入煲魚袋,用中火滾約10分鐘淆出湯底,用鹽調味。

3. 煮熟瀨粉 + 過冷河,瀝乾備用。

4. 煲滾已淆好的湯底,加入魚蛋和瀨粉,煮至回滾,洒上蔥花即成。

12 則留言:

  1. 個湯似唔似雲吞湯㗎?......,師傅仔 ,  你好叻呀,乜鬼都識
    [版主回覆04/26/2008 11:04:00]Thanks~ 不過我唔係乜野都識架...... 
    正過雲吞湯好多! 你有冇食過大地魚? 好香架!!!

  2. 我聽日就試試 ,我有用大地魚+免治豬肉整肉旦,都幾好味㗎
    [版主回覆04/26/2008 12:02:00]我好多時煮飯果陣就咁浸浸佢,剪開佢 + 加d油攞去蒸...蒸完淋d頭抽落去就咁食! 好好送飯~~~

  3. 未試過喎,甘都得 ,真係要試試
    [版主回覆04/26/2008 12:34:00]好好食~ 好鮮甜架!!! 搣哂d肉出來撈飯好鬼正!!!!!    
    不過好多骨~ 要好小心囉!!!!

  4. 你個邊都有大地魚賣架...
    [版主回覆04/26/2008 16:02:00]大地魚依度有得賣但唔靚......不過我果d唔係買既~~ 係私伙野來! 我媽咪成日寄包裹比我架! 裡面乜鬼都有,所以我來咗英國咁耐,腊腸海味...食d野從來都冇缺少過!!!  
    佢仲試過有次寄菜芯比我!!!! 不過佢寄到來變咗梅菜...全部唔要得~ 其實原本應該係ok 既~ 因為佢次次都係寄特快 - 今日喺香港寄,我後日就會收到 - 前後唔洗3日!!! 不過佢果次唔知做乜鬼攞膠袋包住d菜~ 咪焗到梅哂囉!!!

  5. wow, look so yummy.  Your ma ma so good to you ah.
    [版主回覆05/24/2008 01:46:00]咦~ 原來係妳!
    我見到BK 妳問飯煲喎~ 本來我想答咀...但後來唔記得咗.......  妳講果個飯煲牌子,我好似喺一個英國賣日本野既website 見過! (好似咋~) 不過我自己就用緊第二個牌子! 我果個喺香港帶過來架 - 係我媽咪唔知申請乜鬼送既.......

  6. I saw that rice cooker has Porridge function.  So, I want to buy it to make a baby rice soup for my BB la.   But I want to know is it good or not before I buy it.
    [版主回覆05/24/2008 03:43:00]而家好多飯煲都有煲粥功能架! 我用緊果個都有~ 不過我媽咪講過其實好似個個飯煲都可以用來煲粥架! (不過唔知真定假嘞...)

  7. It doesn't have much choice in the store here. (I live in U.S).   I look at the website (Target and Walmart), they have this function online but no sale in store.     I must order online.  So, I want to know beforeI buy it law...
    By the way, nice to meet you. 
    [版主回覆05/24/2008 04:14:00]Nice to meet you too!  我記得妳都喺我BK 煮餸個topic 度留過言~~~~

  8. Really can make rice soup on every rice cooker?  I will try try tonight. Thx.
    [版主回覆05/24/2008 04:15:00]我媽咪講過咋~ 我唔知真定假架!!!!

  9. Sorry for my poor english.   I want to say "They have this function of the rice cooker online and sale in online only.  
    [版主回覆05/24/2008 04:17:00]唔緊要~ 我睇得明!  (不過妳唔識打中文既咩?)
    妳唔試吓onlione 買~ 外國買野,用過唔啱心水應該可以退貨架! 一係妳香港有冇親人可以寄個過來比妳?

  10. Trouble ma. (To return a rice cooker)
    Yes ah, I leave you a message before.  You've a good memory.
    I cannot type chinese ah.  Besides, I am at work now.  (What a boring job).
    [版主回覆05/24/2008 04:57:00]我係好好記性架!

  11. 我媽咪講過咋~ 我唔知真定假架!!!! ------I still want to try try ah.  
    [版主回覆05/24/2008 04:59:00]咁妳試過之後,得唔得都好,話聲比我知呀!  (尤其係唔得 - 一定要話我知!!! 等我唔好再亂咁同人講!!!!)

  12. I think I put too much water into the rice cooker.  The water is not boiling.   I just give up la.   And I finally order the rice cooker at target.
    [版主回覆05/27/2008 22:05:00]哦~ 咁仲好啦! 個飯煲有哂煲粥function 咁就一定得唔會失敗麻~
