
Penne All Arrabbiata with Chicken

依個係起源於羅馬既傳統意粉餐~ "Arrabbiata" 意即 "Angry" (忿怒) - 因為簡單既香草蕃茄醬中加咗辣椒..........

1. 用鹽水煮熟penne pasta,過冷河瀝乾; 雞胸肉適量切薄片。

2. 燒熱橄欖油約2湯匙,炒熟雞胸肉片,用海鹽調味,盛起備用。

3. 爆香切碎洋蔥半個和蒜茸,炒至洋蔥粒變軟後,灒白酒醋 (White Wine Vinegar)約1至2湯匙、切碎的紅辣椒乾 (辣椒乾份量可隨意增減~),用糖調味炒勻。

4. 加入罐頭蕃茄,用木匙搗爛蕃茄拌勻,加海鹽和磨碎黑胡椒調味。

5. 轉中火(keep 住微滾 + 搞拌) 煮約10至15分鐘至汁稠。

6. 加入切碎sun dried tomato 和新鮮切碎的parsley 拌勻,再加入雞胸肉片和已煮好的penne pasta 兜勻煮滾。

7. 上碟後再灑上少許切碎的parsley 即成。

3 則留言:

  1. 你整得好鬼靚呀...
    [版主回覆05/11/2008 18:08:00]thanks~~~~ 依個都係好易 + 好快整架!
    我仲未係母親,不過妳係 - 祝妳母親節快樂啊~~~ 

  2. 賣相好靚呀!
    [版主回覆05/11/2008 20:01:00]thanks~ 紅紅綠綠撈埋一齊實靚架啦!!!

  3. hi, first time i leave eomment here... my mother in law whose italian, she often order this dish when we are out in the italian restaurant, the original recipe has no chicken breast ga... i like your version looks much better coz the one that we order from the restaurant just plain penne with the sauce... and little bit of parsley
    [版主回覆02/27/2009 20:46:00]welcome~ btw is that your baby in the pic? very cute!
    i know the original recipe doesnt not have chicken, cos i learned this recipe from a genuine Italian food website~ i just copied the idea from my local supermarket's ready meal by add chicken in it!

    besides, im not a vegetarian! cant stand a meal without meat~~~~~
