

我好鍾意香水! 尤其花香味既香水......

老公、朋友、甚至我d exes...個個都知道我鍾意香水~ 所以送親野都會送香水比我! 後來我發現屋企既香水用極都用唔哂,仲越來越多........我就叫佢地唔好再送香水啦!!!

但老公去親工幹,喺機場都會買一兩枝比我~ (免稅嘛!!) 而家屋企有30幾枝香水,高峰期時絕對唔止依個數目! 為求去緊d貨,我喺屋企都會用香水...朝早起身...夜晚沖完涼...都會噴少少~~~~

我又好鬼長情! 用香水同用手袋一樣 - 最緊要自己鍾意~ 我唔會追新款 / 新味! 所以遇到我好鍾意既香水,我會用完再買~~~~

基本上大部份既花香香水我都鍾意! 而我特別喜歡既香水就有..........

 "Joy" by Jean Patou~ 花香味香水中既經典,係世界2nd best-selling 香水! (第一係chanel No.5~) 後生時既V媽媽已開始用"Joy",所以我細個時已聞慣~ 而家仲用埋一份.......

 "True Love" by Elizabeth Arden~ 淺粉紅色既香水係1994年既產品~ 第一次聞到已經好鍾意! 我婚禮果日都係用"True Love"......依枝已經係我第4枝!!

 基本上我好鍾意Elizabeth Arden 既香水!

 Gucci~ Gucci 既香水通常我都幾鍾意~ 但佢地最近唔知做乜鬼喺電視度出咗個好鬼老土既香水廣告......右一既"Gucci No.3"又係V媽媽最喜愛既香水之一,不過好可惜已停產~

 Anna Sui~ 紫樽既Anna Sui 係我香水至愛之一!!!! 真係百聞不厭~ 不過Anna Sui 其他既香水我就覺得麻麻.........

(阿Ca~ 冇錯...相裡面手袋形果枝就係妳送比我果枝,我真係冇乜點噴過!) 話時話 - Anna Sui 產品既包裝真係好鬼靚~~~ 我用完個樽都唔捨得揼..........

 Christian Dior~ 一向都覺得Chanel +  Christian Dior 既香水太過成熟~ 唔係好啱天真 + 傻既我!!! 但唔啱還唔啱,一樣有人送比我~~~

我超鍾意中間既"Diorissimo" - 係我鍾意既茉莉花味!!!!! 而右邊既"Tendre Poison"都好得 - 味道好清好clean~~ 完全唔似original 既Poison............

 "Pleasures" by Estee Lauder~ "Pleasures"系列既香水係我最近既新寵!! 可能最近天氣開始熱,味道清淡既花香聞起上來好精神舒服~~~~~~~

 "Bvlgari"~ 味道超清淡既香水!! 用完之後味道若隱若現...唔留意既話會唔多覺自己噴咗香水~~~ 不過味道清新乾淨,沖完涼臨瞓前用最好!

 Jean Paul Gaultier Fragile~ 茉莉花味香水;


14 則留言:

  1. 你真的有好多香水, 但我就跟你相反, 我個老不鐘意聞香水味, 佢個nose好敏感, 所以同佢一齊後, 都沒有用香水了。
    [版主回覆05/08/2008 21:10:00]我老公都鍾意我噴香水架~
    同我一樣 - 佢最鍾意我用清淡既花香味!

  2. 我鍾意甜甜地,生果味既香水!
    [版主回覆05/08/2008 21:57:00]生果味 not my cup of tea!

  3. 仲有L'Occitane櫻花味都唔錯架~ 我都有少少想買..因為我老公又有鼻敏感..以前用開issey miyake既, 佢話太勁喎, 咁我就少用喇.. 因為SUMMER喇..係D交通工具上面又開始有小動物既行縱喇!
    [版主回覆05/09/2008 20:40:00]L'Occitane 到依家我只用過佢地既hand cream 咋! 我地依頭有一間尃門店...不過我好怕入去 - 因為佢地好hard sell 好煩!!!
    我老公用Issey Miyake 架!  不過我自己就冇用~

  4. 你都好多香水喎, 點噴得哂
    我就好少噴香水, 係有次老公係機場買過幾支香水比我,但我只係噴過一次咋.....果隻香水幾香架, 係YSL,  吾太濃, 幾清新呢....
    [版主回覆05/09/2008 20:45:00]就係噴極都噴唔哂先要喺屋企都噴!
    我會好唔自在~ 所以個化妝袋會袋定枝細細既以備不時之需!

  5. 我未生囡囡前 , 都好鍾意用及買香水 , 但自從B 女出世後 , 都冇用過了 , 因香水對BB會敏感及氣管唔好 , 而且又惹蚊惹蜜蜂等
    [版主回覆05/09/2008 20:52:00]係呀~~~~ 我就係成日夏天惹蜜蜂架嘞! 不過我又習慣咗用香水,唔用好似唔知點咁...... 我都知生咗BB就唔可以再用香水...起碼要等一排~~~ 所以而家咪盡量清貨囉!
    我自己雖然有用香水既習慣,但我好怕其他人噴太勁香水! 尤其阿婆用既香水...十幾歲靚妹用既cheap 野...仲有d姣男勁噴......方圓十里都聞到!!! 真係作嘔~~~~

  6. 我屋企冇香水架..早幾日我朋友送左幾支香水版比我...細細支我比左二位靚女...佢哋不知幾開心...因為佢哋好中意扮靚...
    [版主回覆05/11/2008 18:25:00]女仔多數都貪靚 - 我細個時都好似妳兩個女咁架!!! 媽咪幫我噴少少香水我都會好開心~~~

  7. 嘩, 咁多香水, 其實你有冇數過有幾多支架
    [版主回覆05/20/2008 18:17:00]而家咪30幾枝囉~ 之前試過50幾....   我係一個 庸俗既人來 - 太多身外物~~~~  

  8. Hi 你好!
    我也真的好鍾意香水,看到你提到的”Joy” by Jean Patou 香水,好想知在哪裡可以買到?我在莎莎等都問過話無,希望你可以告訴我吧!THX!
    [版主回覆06/07/2008 21:58:00]香港我唔係太清楚喎~ 我依枝係喺依度買架! (我住喺英國~) 妳不如試吓大型百貨公司e.g. 連卡佛 etc.
    網上有人話尖沙咀duty free 可能有~ 妳可以試吓!  good luck~~

  9. Me too I like 花香味既香水, especially Rose.
    [版主回覆02/23/2009 06:37:00]hahaa~~~~ i think that's why bees are always around me during summer!
    i hate fruity fragrance! it feels like havent washed my hands after eating fruit!!!!

  10. i bought a bottle of true love today! I wanted to try it after reading this entry. And i think it's very sweet cos u said u used it for your wedding as well! The name is just perfect for it. I also think that elizabeth arden's perfumes are very nice. I also got the green tea one recently, but i still want the sunflower one as well!! Then i'll have ur arden collection! hehe! And these 3 scents are also really cheap here, i only got the true love 100ml for AU$15 which is about £7.5 now? But they are really nice! So natural..have you tried elizabeth arden's splendor? i think u'll like it!
    [版主回覆05/07/2009 01:48:00]no i havent tried Splendor! i really should stop buying perfumes since ive already got so many~~~~
    yes EA's perfumes are not expensive~ plus apart from top brands like Chanel, usually old products are cheaper! so do you like True Love?
    do you know there are 2 different "Green Tea"? original Green Tea + Green Tea Revitalise~ they are not the same ga!

  11. I didn't know there's 2 types of "Green Tea"! The one i bought is the light colour cap one in your picture. I think it's the original. Is the revitalise one nicer? I like the "True Love"! It smells quite romantic, do u feel so? You always say that you should stop buying this and that but in the end you still give in to temptations when you see things u like! haha!! Especially when they're on sale! Like how you just bought those clothes and shoes. I remember you mentioning about how many pairs of shoes u have already and shld really stop buying, but in the end.............. I think it's fun to have a selection of perfumes to choose from everyday. If i use the same one everyday, i may get a little sick of it..plus some nice scents should be saved for special occasions. So it's ok..it's just one more "splendor". haha!!
    [版主回覆05/08/2009 02:11:00]dont you realise there are 2 different bottle in the pic? actually Green Tea and Green Revitalise are quite similar~ but you can tell they're not the same....it's hard to describe~ but i like both!
    my self control is already much better than before la! just sometimes still cant win the devil~~~

  12. Haven't commented for so long! But i'm always reading your blog as usual! :)) I'm just wondering..what do u think of elizabeth arden's red door? Do u think it's suitable for someone who's bout 40plus? hmmm... Oh and u do feel like ea green tea's scent doesn't really last? I've got to spray quite a lot to make it last longer..like bout 6-7 sprays.

  13. oops..forgot to mention Arden Beauty! Let me know what u think about these 2 perfumes? I'm thinking of getting one for my mum since i like ea's perfumes so much. 
    [版主回覆02/11/2010 21:17:00]i havent tried both, so cant make any comments.....sorry!
    i dont think Green Tea doesnt last longer enough~ i guess maybe different people have different effects! i think Green Tea is not too strong and that's why i like it!

  14. Elizabeth Arden 左一是什麼名?
