


1. 洗好米後,米 + 水既比例係1:6~ 再加埋瑤柱粒 + 2茶匙油落水拌勻,就可以開始煲。

2. 不過通常用電飯煲煲出來既粥會好杰! 所以粥煲好後,焗到咁上下,我會倒落普通煲用爐再煲5至10分鐘,有需要既話會加水~ 咁方法煲粥慳時間又唔洗睇火...好方便!

3. 皮蛋 + 炸魚條本身已經可以即食,所以基本上我只係先煲好瑤柱白粥, 皮蛋 + 炸魚條切粒 + 切條備用....食既時候先再加皮蛋 + 炸魚條落去滾兩滾,再灑上蔥花就食得架嘞!

7 則留言:

  1. 我以前覺得煲粥好難, 等我試試用1:6的份量, 看看效果如何, 相信一定好好味!
    [版主回覆06/17/2008 19:18:00]如果唔用電飯煲煲粥,要睇住火 + 要隨時加水架! 1:6係比電飯煲開頭時用既比例來~ 仲有 - 唔係個個電飯煲都煲得粥架!!!

  2. 我比較中意食杰粥...你碗粥啱晒我....
    [版主回覆06/17/2008 20:28:00]又綿又杰架 - 咁先飽肚嘛! 如果水了了咁...疴篤尿都冇鬼咗咯!

  3. 看看效果如何!相信一定好味.
    [版主回覆06/17/2008 22:12:00]都幾好味架~ 試吓吖!

  4. 通常我係自己睇火煲粥,都係鍾意杰既粥!
    [版主回覆06/17/2008 22:14:00]以前未有煲粥功能電飯煲時,我都係要睇火煲粥~ 而家有就緊係可以偷懶啦!
    我又係鍾意杰粥~ 不過一定要綿囉! 潮州粥咁好似水溝飯咁我就唔鍾意嘞......

  5. 潮州粥我都係唔鍾意架!
    [版主回覆06/17/2008 22:55:00]同道中人!

  6. yes you should check out the thermal pot! i'm sure u'll find it useful...it actually works like a flask...no electricity...but they call it magic cooker cos it can continue cooking the soup if u put in the inner pot when the soup is still boiling...the heat retaining function will trap the heat n continue cookin it...but i just use it to keep my food hot... oh by the way...i want to ask if i can use dried shrimps instead of dried scallops when making this porridge? dried scallops are so pricey here...dried shrimps are cheaper tho... hee..i don't really use my yahoo blog..i usually use xanga, but i use yahoo to post some entries for my good fren who's using yahoo blog..i'm studying in sydney now..this is my 1st yr here...and i only started cooking after coming over..i hardly cook anytime last time..not even instant noodles! haha...but nw i feel cooking can be fun too..especially when i'm eating with my boyfriend as well...i'm sure u feel happy too when your husband like your cooking! besides, too much of those rich food outside can get pretty sickening.. i wish i'm in uk instead, i've always wanted to study in london, but the living costs are so high..
    [版主回覆10/20/2008 16:37:00]OIC! so you are studying in Sydney~ why do you want to study in UK? i can guarantee you that - once you have come to UK, you would wish to straight back to Sydney on the next flight available!
    to be honest, i dont really like staying in UK! bad weather; crap food; things are expensive; high tax rate to support the teenage single mums + the unemployed losers...... i wish i could move back to HK so much!!!!

  7. hey just wondering if i can substitute dried shrimps for dried scallops when making porridge?
    [版主回覆10/20/2008 16:29:00]sorry for the late reply! i dont use the computer as often as week days during weekend~ (spend time with my husband ma! )
    yes of course you can use whatever you like! cooking is like innovation~ you can use different ingredients to create new cooking ideas!
