
小V珍藏小曬冷 - Louis Vuitton

手袋 - 我唸係女人都唔會嫌多! 我依個凡人都係一樣~ 而我自己最鍾意既手袋品牌就係Louis Vuitton.......依2張相係2004年LV 慶祝150週年時,喺巴黎旗艦店外既巨型手袋廣告影既~ 睇我咁狂野要爬上去 - 就知我有幾鍾意啦!!!

無聊既我有時會攞哂所有手袋出來影全家褔~ (
 太得閒!) 有時同網友討論緊手袋,網友都會想睇吓我有乜收藏......但好抱歉 - 全家褔只供我個人鑑賞! 我係唔會公開既 (所以今次係"小曬冷"!),免得比人話我扮哂野!

所以只喺度講部份我覺得比較特別既LV~ (只係對我自己來講覺得比較特別 + 有sentimental values......而唔係特別貴!!!!)

 我第一隻LV...老公送既"Pochette Accessoires"~ (我成日記錯咗係V媽媽送我第一隻LV...但其實係老公!!!) 當時我地住既地區仲未有LV 分店,仲係學生既老公特登帶我去倫敦買!
個袋我已好少用,因為太細,但我覺得好珍貴~~~~ 已經唔鬼記得幾耐之前咯! 只記得買果日要排隊 + 每人只准買1個,唔夠15分鐘依個款已經賣清!!!  之前條帶濕咗水分開變咗兩條,我特登攞去LV store 換返條帶.......

,V媽媽為咗氹返我開心,特登喺香港買返個一樣既銀包(Monogram Zipped Compact),另加一個Damier Naviglio 手袋速遞比我........(

 College 畢業時,V媽媽 + 阿姨過來參加我既畢業典禮~ 佢地來英國前順道跟團去歐洲旅行...喺米蘭買比我既畢業禮物 - "Cite MM" + Monogram 波鞋1對~~~~~

 已停產既"Josephine PM"~ 唔記得係邊年老公送既聖誕定係生日禮物~ 不過我好鍾意依個袋!

 05年去巴黎旅行時,喺旗艦店老公送既戰利品 - "Popincourt Long"~ 已停產 + 我本來已經唔記得依個袋叫乜名,多謝網友Princess 話我知個名~

 05年12月第一次去LV Cocktail Party 時買既"Klara"~ 當時我唔知依個袋原來係限量只出一季既,加上全間店只來貨1隻咁大把! 好彩我手快~~~ 嘻嘻!
 06年4月為咗參加Stuart + Fiona 既婚禮,特別買咗套新裙...為咗襯返套新裙買咗依個杏色既Vernis "Roxbury Drive"~ 依個款仍然有得賣,有其他新顏色...但杏色已停產! 所以早排又有人話我講大話.......

 我其中一件嫁妝 - V媽媽買既"Pegase 50"手提旅行喼~ 06年7月尾,V媽媽、V爸爸 + V姨丈過來出席我同老公喺英國既婚宴,V媽媽去LV 朝聖時買比我既~ 佢話依個喼當係我出嫁既衣箱! 唔好睇佢喼仔細細,其實擺到好鬼多野架!
 LV既行李 + 部份款式既手袋會附送埋Name Tag~ 買袋時亦會免費幫你喺Name Tag 上刻上姓名既initial~ 我未嫁前係姓"Lee"既,所以initial 自然係"VL"......睇落去好有"A貨feel"!!!!

 07年4月時喺巴黎買既"Antigua Cabas Navy Striped MM"~ 依個袋好似只出一季 (我買時唔知~),而家成個系列都停產嘞.........

除咗手袋之外,我仲有好多其他LV 小配件 e.g. 鎖匙包、化妝袋、電話繩、頸巾、雨遮 etc之類濕濕碎碎既野........

 我用緊既係"Monogram Agenda Fonctionnel PM" 記事簿~
 依枝銀色既"Golden Agenda Ballpoint Pen" 其實一d都唔好寫 - 太幼! 但為咗方便搵筆,都焗住買咗佢! (我覺得LV 係特登整到個位咁細焗人地買佢既筆既!!!!
 "Monogram Multicolore" 既鏡連鏡套~ 而家好似已經停產...(好似~) 鏡係金屬造既,所以唔會打爛! 不過我好後悔買咗白色 - 雖然靚,但易污糟 + 抹唔甩......!!

我買野一向唔追新款亦更加唔會買limited edition! (亦買唔起...),只求自己鍾意 + 用得開心~~~
 所以我擁有既其他LV 都係大路貨色,冇乜特別......
 不過依2張04年Louis Vuitton 150 週年既明信片 (同款唔同色~) 就係有錢都買唔到! 04年買野時送既......

Louis Vuitton 下一個150週年我都死鬼咗咯.......

16 則留言:

  1. post more la.  I like to see it.   Monogram Multicolore" 既鏡連鏡套~-------I like it too.  Pretty ah.
    [版主回覆06/10/2008 05:59:00]No la~ I just wanted to share with other LV lovers! not to show off ah~~~~

  2. 大開眼界~.~
    [版主回覆06/10/2008 17:25:00]過獎!

  3. 你真係一個超級LV fans!
    [版主回覆06/10/2008 20:56:00]如果妳睇我張LV 全家褔既話...我唸妳會話我係一個"痴線"既LV fan!

  4. I don't think you show off ah.  I just feel you're sharing la.. 
    [版主回覆06/10/2008 23:06:00]Thanks! but there are some green eyed monsters may think that im showing off ma~~~~

  5. haha... 我就... 好鍾意又唔係.. 唔鍾意又唔係.. 有就當然好啦... 同你一樣喎~ 我老公 (當年的男友), 送第一隻LV 都係果隻....我都係覺得好細, 唔o岩我呢d大大袋野出街既人. 不過都係一種好有紀念的收藏....
    [版主回覆06/11/2008 05:42:00]樣樣野都會有人鍾意有人唔鍾意架啦! 個個都鍾意就死嘞 - 咪好鬼難買!!!
    我都係用大袋既人~ 其實我大部份既LV 都係大袋來既! 不過冇乜特別~~~

  6. Josephine PM~~出果陣, 我都好想買架 ...因為我好中意粉紅色...但最後都冇買到, 因為我知自己吾係一個錫袋ge人..., 怕好快用殘.......
    [版主回覆06/12/2008 01:40:00]如果用野粗都易用殘架~ 因為佢係布來! 不過我用野雖然唔會就住就住,但就唔算粗囉!

  7. Thanks for sharing.  I dont think you are showing off, you just show us what you like. Thanks again.
    [版主回覆02/23/2009 06:28:00]Thanks~ you dont think im showing off...however some shallow green eyed monsters may think that im showing off......

  8. 嘩...你咁都叫做少少收藏.....已經算係...幾多啦喎.....
    [版主回覆02/23/2009 06:25:00]依度大約有三份一左右~ 不過我冇唸住全部show 哂出來喎! 影一次相好大工程.....

  9. 我鐘意你個 Monogram Zipped Compact, 係唔係可以放埋散紙架? 我一個LV都無, 買唔起!
    [版主回覆02/23/2009 06:15:00]有拉鍊架,拉鍊位就係散紙包囉! 早排我換咗個Monogram Vernis French Purse,所以而家冇用個Zipped Compact 咯~
    其實我都買唔起架! 我無業架嘛~ 全部都係V媽媽 / 老公送架咋......

  10. :+:+:涼粉子:+:+:2009年2月22日 下午2:02

    [版主回覆02/23/2009 06:10:00]仲有Gucci~ 我未開始用LV 之前係用Gucci 既! 不過後來少買咗好多 + 有部份擺咗喺香港 (我以前成日同V媽媽兩份用手袋~),所以現有Gucci 不多!


  11. 我覺得呢個一拖出機場好有派頭
    [版主回覆02/26/2009 18:13:00]好前係07年,我 + 老公返香港再去台灣影婚紗相~ 我地入咗禁區後未夠鐘登機,咁我拉住個LV喼 + 老公抽住LV 手提旅行袋周圍行吓......
    我地睇緊野時用英文傾計,突然有5、6個阿嬸喺我身邊,眼及住我個喼 + 好大聲用廣東話討論 - 我個喼堅定流! 當中有人話堅亦有人話係流~ 跟住其中一個阿嬸話: 應該係真架! 佢地兩個一齊架,個男既都攞住個袋~~~
    我唸阿嬸們聽到我地用英文傾計,以為我地唔識中文! 所以咁肆無忌譂公開討論......不過我冇火,我只係臨走時望住佢地笑一笑! 佢地果刻好突然,即時細聲返~ 佢地應該估到我聽到哂佢地講乜!

  12. Wah..i really like your bags! u said they're just the normal LV stuff but i don't really see ppl using them on the streets..in fact i think yours are much more unique! i really think u got such a good life wor..your husband was already willing to buy you stuff that you like even when he was just studying..that's v sweet of him..
    [版主回覆02/28/2009 03:05:00]thank~ but they really are normal LV stuff! i gues apart from the "Klara"! the reason you dont see people using them on streets is because they're all old styles, and LV stop producing and selling some of these styles~
    thanks again~ yes i realize that im a very lucky person! my family, my husband and even my friends, they all love me very much!
    actually my husband bought me gifts when he was still studying, it's just because he wanted to make me happy~ yes it's very sweet! but whether a guy is a good BF / husband, it doesnt depend on how many gifts he gives you, the most important thing is no matter what happens, he def will be there for you!

  13. did you keep all your LV bags? Luckily u're settling down in uk now, imagine all the stuff u have to ship back if u're going back to hk! I bet u accumulated quite a lot when u're still studying. Almost all of them were bought by your husband and ur mum right? Btw, your "Klara" is still in very good condition! And who says u're showing off? Next time if i see such a comment i'll tell that person off. It's your blog anyway, what's wrong with expressing your "love"? haha!
    [版主回覆05/06/2009 18:22:00]yes i keep all my LV bags! i will never dump or sell any of them, cos even some bags i dont use anymore, they still have sentimental values to me!
    well if there's anyone who think that im showing off - just dont come in my blog anymore! it's just that easy!

  14. "yes i
    keep all my LV bags! i will never dump or sell any of them, cos even
    some bags i dont use anymore, they still have sentimental values to me! "  I agree with you completely. Every bag has different story, even though I always keep them in the box, that doesn't mean they are not important.
    [版主回覆05/12/2009 17:08:00]

  15. Did you buy a new bag when you were in Paris in 2004? Cos i just noticed that you're carrying two different bags on the same trip!  The LV hq is really big there! No wonder you never seemed to be tired of going to Paris! Btw, your Josephine and Antigua Cabas Navy Stripped, the materials for these two are a bit more difficult to maintain right? Cos they can be stained..how do you preserve them?  And when are you going to post " 小V珍藏 小 曬冷 - Louis Vuitton (Part 2) "?
    [版主回覆06/07/2009 05:44:00]smart girl!  i was carrying a Damier Naviglio when i went to Paris; and i bought a Cabas Mezzo in Paris flagship shop~
    i like Paris is not just because of LV, it's because Paris is my favourite city since i was a little girl! there are a lot to do in Paris apart from buying LV~~
    yes those 2 bags are getting dirty very easily, however i just treat them as other bags, no special treatment, luckily they're still in good condition!
    there wont be Part 2 la! however im thinking to post a blog abt my discontinued LVs.......

  16. 犀利呀~~~我都好like LV架不過無錢買咁多呀
    [版主回覆07/10/2009 15:12:00]唔犀利, 依度大約係我1/3既LV~ 不過我都冇錢買,全部都係V媽媽 + 老公送比我架咋......
