
日本土鍋 + 核突蛋撻 (9月21日)


一直好鍾意依種日本土鍋!!! 但礙於屋企係無火煮食(hot plate),我一路以為唔用得依種煲......不過上次去Kelly 屋企,佢 + Lily 都話係可以用既,不過好慢熱! 慢就慢啦~~~ 最緊要用得啫!!!

決定買其實已經係好幾個星期既事~ 因為決定咗買之後,我就去勻所有中國超市格價 + 格size! 搵啱size 個款~~~ 尋日(9月21日)終於扑槌買依個 - perfect size + cute 公仔,而且又好平! 只係£7.90~~~~



尋日睇戲前去中英行買零食...但買唔鬼到我想要既朱古力味嘉頓威化餅!  (冇錯~ 我好間唔中都會想食甜既零食~)


 老公: Hon~ 妳睇吓...妳仲話妳焗d蛋撻唔靚? 佢地果d咁核突都攞出來賣.....

 我: 哇~~~~~~~~~~~~

咁其實要靚過佢一d都唔難! 唔係我焗果d靚...只係佢地果d太核突啫!

 咁既樣仲賣£2.60!!!! 我自己焗一打都唔洗£2.00...........

8 則留言:

  1. 你整嗰啲靚好多~
    [版主回覆09/23/2008 18:57:00]我都覺得係! 邊有核突成咁都攞出來賣架???

  2. 妳老公好有妳心,專登買啲咁鬼嚇人嘅嘢妳話比妳知,妳整嘅野係幾咁好,但呢4pat野又真係........
    [版主回覆09/23/2008 18:59:00]冇買呀! 咁鬼核突仲買???? 佢喺舖頭比我睇之嘛~ 影完相放返低即閃!

  3. 甘你自信心有大到嗎?
    By the way, do you have msn or skype?
    [版主回覆09/23/2008 19:00:00]我自信心仲唔夠大? 妳唔覺得我一向好自大既咩??
    yes ive got both~ what's up?

  4. Earthquake ar ?~
    [版主回覆09/23/2008 19:00:00]係喎~ 幾似喎!!!

  5. Yup, i am in UK now. I feel so boring in here, which boys are more than girls...... don't know how to talk with men sometimes!!!
    I am living in Liverpool!! Come and find me when you have time, actually i may go to Edinburgh to visit my friend and so may meet up sometime later!!
    [版主回覆09/24/2008 03:04:00]are you renting a your own place or are you living in hall? when are you starting uni? look after yourself + try to enjoy life in UK~
    just let me know when are you coming to Scotland~ welcome to UK!

  6. 泗和行自己做的蛋撻都超超超難吃!那個皮,一點都沒有起酥,像塊味道很差的蘇格蘭特産SHORT BREAD, 我形容不出來,反正沒有比那再難吃的蛋撻皮了。
    [版主回覆09/24/2008 17:45:00]我、老公 + 好多朋友都鍾意食泗和行既蛋撻喎~ 因為我地唔鍾意食酥皮! 泗和行係用聖安娜蛋撻果隻製法架~~~ 我香港派既餅咭都係 聖安娜~ 我d朋友就用來換哂蛋撻嘞!

  7. 証明你已經係大師傅黎啦
    [版主回覆09/25/2008 17:08:00]我就唔係大師~ 不過佢地就好鬼咋!!!

  8. I think your egg tarts look the same as those in a bakery. Your husband bought those egg tarts? Are they edible? Btw when you buy the japanese clay pot did u check if the box says made in japan? cos those that are made in china crack very fast. I think fire is better for cooking..in my previous apartment i used induction, i can't use a lot of pots for induction, not even non-stick pans! If u use hot plates then can u still use chinese wok?
    [版主回覆05/13/2009 06:07:00]he didnt buy them, he just showed them to me in the shop! i can make my own egg tarts, so why buy them?
    there was no box when i bought the pot, so i dont kno whether it's genuinely made in Japan or not. however it seems fine.
    i think you can use non-stick pans on induction hobs woh! nowaday most non-stick pans can be used on all kinds of hobs~ you can check the instructions of the pans for sure!
    im using hot plates at the moment~ i also like fire but my cooker was brand new when we moved in, didnt want to waste it! im using non-stick wok and pans cos the chinese woks are too heavy for me.
