
Perfect Day Part 1 - Sweet Sweet 既Ikea 早餐 (10月18日)

以前仲返緊學時,一到星期五晚,就有咁夜得咁夜先瞓~ 或者天光先瞓! 一時去睇午夜場; 一時同朋友去食宵夜; 或者喺屋企打機玩電腦or 唔知做乜鬼......總之有夜一夜都唔願瞓! 第二日星期六就瞓到下晝點幾兩點...再夜一夜先瞓...星期日又瞓到晏晝......成個weekend 就咁冇咗......

近依大半年,我 + 老公決定一改以往既壞習慣! 星期五晚唔去睇戲,改租DVD; 只會夜少少瞓,唔會太夜瞓~ 星期六盡量早起出去食早餐~~~~

尋日(10月18日)我地一早起身,渣車去Ikea 食佢地又平又大份又正既早餐!

 咁大份早餐都只係£2.00 左右! 仲包埋麵包1個~~~

 我好鍾意食Ikea 早餐既scrambled egg~ 不過早餐就算加大 (依個已經係加大~),都係得好少scrambled egg,而且冇得另外order,我覺得到喉唔到肺......

尋日買完早餐(自助式),搵到位坐之後,老公走去沖茶~ 佢沖完茶返來,就輪到我去攞茄汁 + 鹽,老公就幫我杯茶加糖加奶~ 分工合作! 我攞茄汁返來後,望望碟早餐......

 我: 咦~ 今次依個人冇咁孤寒喎! 你睇吓今次佢比幾多scrambled egg~ 上次果個人真係衰!

 老公: 唔係果個人冇咁孤寒......

 我: 唔係呀! 今次scrambled egg 多過上次好多喎......

 老公: 都話唔關果個人事咯......

遲鈍既我望望自己份早餐,再望望老公份早餐......原來老公將佢份scrambled egg 全部比哂我!!! (感動~~~~~


 食完個sweet sweet 早餐,一出Ikea 門口就見到大大條彩虹橫誇整個停車場~~~

跟住去咗Ikea 隔離既Braehead Shopping Centre 行街shopping~ 就係咁開始咗由朝玩到晚既一日嘞!

7 則留言:

  1. haha! 你老公同我老公好鬼似 ga o者!
    [版主回覆10/20/2008 16:42:00](Empty)

  2. 傻婆,好老公, 幸福
    [版主回覆10/20/2008 16:43:00]我其實係癲婆~ 佢先係傻佬!

  3. 你睇你老公幾鍚你~
    [版主回覆10/21/2008 16:50:00]妳睇吓我幾易氹! 一份蛋就氹到我....

  4. 妳真係好鬼遲鈍呀
    [版主回覆10/21/2008 16:51:00]啱啱起身冇耐嘛! 個腦仲未開行~~~~
    係囉~ 我覺得今年特別多彩虹!

  5. I like ikea's breakfast too cos it's really worth it...for $2...it's the same digit just that it's in AUD here..but the portion of yours seem so much bigger than the ones i get here! looks sth like this but like you last time, i can't seem to get up in time for breakfast too! I just like staying up late even though i'm not exactly doing anyth special or productive.. have you been to sydney before? i still think i'll like uk more than australia! the ppl in sydney are rather racists..not just the whites...even the local chinese (ABCs) can be mean to international students..such idiots man. And weather here isn't great as well...it's not as cold as uk but the temperature difference in a single day is horrible. The sun is so sorching during the day but the nights can be really cold and windy..like 24 degrees in the day and 11 at night! It's irritating cos i don't know what am i suppose to wear! I suppose all the tax rates in welfare countries are high, same for australia too so everyth is ex. I think it can go up to 40%, depending on your income, but uk is as high 50% i heard?? and i know what u mean by those unemployed losers. I see them begging for money on the streets and then walk into a convenience stall to buy cigarettes! they're jus lazy bums!
    [版主回覆10/23/2008 20:14:00]there are 2 options for the breakfast ga~ small only £0.95 (the portion is like yours!) and the big one for £2.XX (ours)
    no i havent been to sydney~ but i would love to visit australia one day, though australia is not top of our traveling list! sunshine and beach are not our cup of tea~~~
    actally racists are everywhere! it's hard to avoid~ it's just the same in UK! and i know what you mean about the ABCs looking down on international students, i know cos i had been into the situation! how the ABCs / BBCs look down on international students, is just like how Hong Kong people look down on mainlanders~ it's very sad and unnecessary~~~

  6. 你真係攪笑, 你轉數好少咁低架喎, 未訓醒呀靚女
    [版主回覆10/27/2008 04:30:00]應該係啱啱瞓醒 + 未食野......
