


1. 雞肉、火腿扒和豆腐切大丁。

2. 雞肉用胡椒粉、生抽、糖、麻油和豆粉醃好。

3. 燒熱油鑊,下雞粒炒至開始轉金黃色,加入豆腐和清雞湯適量煮約5分鐘。

4. 加入火腿丁、青豆和金菇拌勻,再煮滾後勾豆粉芡即成。

3 則留言:

  1. It look really yummy.   I just have a headache what to cook for my 18th months old son.   He don't want to eat "rice soup" anymore la.   (I guess my rice soup taste bad la.)     
    [版主回覆12/11/2008 17:09:00]thanks~ do you think your son will like this? (well im not a mother...yet~ dont know what babies shoud eat!) if your son can already eat solid food, i suggest you can use minced chicken~~~~

  2. 有金菇呀~我好鍾意呀!
    [版主回覆12/12/2008 07:02:00]原本史雲生食譜係冇金菇架! 我只係錯有錯著......因為我之前以為個南乳釀雞翼係用金菇,所以買咗金菇~ 後來先知原來係金針......  咁包金菇咪放埋落去煮囉!

  3. Did you use chicken mince for this dish?  Looks yummy! And i do happen to have chicken mince in my fridge right now! whee....
    [版主回覆06/07/2009 04:49:00]no~ i used chicken thighs, just cut them into small pieces! but i guess you can def use minced chicken~
