

此食譜可用排骨、雞翼或雞件來代表豬肉~ 我用既係肥瘦相間既spare rib chops,不過我唔知中文係乜......

1. 豬肉切大塊,用胡椒粉、生抽、糖、雞粉、少許老抽和麻油醃最少3小時。

2. 薯仔切角備用。

3. 燒熱油鑊爆香拍碎蒜頭數粒,下豬肉塊炒至變色。

4. 加入薯仔兜勻,倒入醃用汁,放入冰糖1塊,並加水適量煮滾。

5. 滾後轉小火炆約30分鐘至薯仔全熟,試味,如有需要可加少許蠔油調味。

6. 埋粟粉芡至汁稠即成。

5 則留言:

  1. 送飯一流
    [版主回覆12/16/2008 21:19:00]係呀~ 淨撈汁都得呀!

  2. 我就鍾意煮薯仔炆雞翼用南乳都好香呢!
    [版主回覆12/19/2008 20:18:00]係呀~ 係呀~ 南乳炆都好正架!

  3. 呢個好吸引~
    [版主回覆12/20/2008 18:17:00]Thank you~ 依個食到一滴汁都冇得剩!

  4. hello! yea!! u're back!!
    btw, this one use veal instead of pork ok ma? and if i use veal, can i add oyster sauce too? and what is 炆? is it simmer? do i have to cover the pan?
    [版主回覆04/09/2009 00:58:00]hey yes im back~ how are you?
    never try using veal instead of pork in chinese cooking! however, in my own opinion, i think veal and pork taste very similar~ so i guess it should be OK!
    yes~ 炆 = simmer~ you need to cover the pan as well! but you also need to stir the meat occasionally!

  5. I just made this with veal and it's nice with too!!! ya veal is much milder than beef so it's still good with this dish. Maybe you can try it too next time!
    [版主回覆04/11/2009 23:23:00]good to hear that~
    however...it's not easy to get veal in UK's supermarket woh!
