
農曆新年 - 蘿蔔糕

La Cuisine De Veronica,V女廚房,賀年糕點,蘿蔔糕,Steamed Mooli Cake

1. 預準材料: 白蘿蔔2斤(約1200克); 粘米粉85克; 鷹粟粉95克; 清水約300毫升; 臘腸、江瑤柱、蝦米和冬菇各適量。

2. 江瑤柱、蝦米和冬菇浸軟後,江瑤柱撕成絲; 蝦米切碎; 冬菇搾乾水切粒。

3. 臘腸切成幼粒; 白蘿蔔去皮刨幼絲; 粘米粉和鷹粟粉用密筲簊篩勻。

 4. 燒熱油鑊,下江瑤柱、蝦米、冬菇和臘腸炒香後盛起備用。

 5. 炒熟蘿蔔絲,保留蘿蔔絲出的水。

 6. 熄火後加入已篩勻的粘米粉和鷹粟粉,視乎蘿蔔出水情況加入適量清水拌勻。

 7. 加入先前炒香的江瑤柱、蝦米、冬菇和臘腸拌勻。(可預留部份材料用來裝飾糕面!)

8. 用胡椒粉、雞粉和糖調味。

9. 蒸糕的盤先掃上一層油,將蘿蔔糕混合物倒入,蒸約1小時,取出鋪上預留的材料,再灑上蔥花和切碎莞茜即成。

La Cuisine De Veronica,V女廚房,賀年糕點,蘿蔔糕,Steamed Mooli Cake

22 則留言:

  1. 你好有心機, 個糕整得好靚呀 , 我都諗過想自己整, 但係一諗到要刨蘿蔔絲就有d 怕怕, 我驚整損手
    [版主回覆01/14/2009 20:57:00]多謝!  我都係第一次整蘿蔔糕架咋~ 本來唸住可能要整多幾次先見得人...所以我好開心呀!
    哈哈~~~~ 咁妳又唔洗咁驚! 唔係個個人整蘿蔔糕都好似我咁唔小心批到手架嘛!

  2. 我成日都心思思想過年自己蒸年糕、蘿蔔糕,不過我媽咪成日話聽人講:如果過年底糕蒸唔起,成日都行衰運",叫我費事攪咁多野,攪到我唔敢自己蒸糕
    [版主回覆01/14/2009 20:51:00]咁妳過年之前整...練習多幾次,練到次次都一定蒸得起為止~ 咁過年時咪唔洗怕蒸唔起囉!

  3. Mr T is really a lucky man of having you at home!!   You know cooking all the best dishes......
    When I was small, I love only the turnip cake made by my grandmother and this passion hasn't been changed yet.   Of course now, she is very old and can't make any turnip cake anymore.
    Now, I found your recipe, I'll try and see whether I can find back the passionate taste of turnip cake of my loving  grandma.... THANKS for your recipe!!
    [版主回覆01/14/2009 20:49:00]Thanks~ im not as good as you said about myself!
    this is my 1st time making turnip cake! and i would say it's a success~ try the recipe! and i think you should ask your grandma for any special techniques (if there are any!)
    hope you will like it!

  4. 你整既蘿蔔糕好掂,新年我一定會食
    [版主回覆01/15/2009 01:24:00]多謝~

  5. I was just thinking about making this last night! Thanks for the recipe!  I hope I can make it as nice and tasty!
    [版主回覆01/15/2009 04:40:00]you're welcome!
    try it~ try it~ it's easy and delicious!  im very surprised that it's not as complicated as i thought~ hope you'll like the recipe!

  6. 睇落好似好易咁喎~~~ 等我遲d 又試下先. 因為我 99 新年實會整. 不過水準次次都唔同的..費事佢整我又整..
    [版主回覆01/15/2009 18:07:00]係呀~ 其實好易架咋,一d都唔難整! 我初時都以為好難,但整過妳就知易嘞!
    我99一來唔識煮野; 二來佢連續2年都去旅行唔喺依度過年,要食蘿蔔糕真係要靠自己!

  7. 好靚仔!! 我的食晒了, 想encore...因為奶奶比我一條蘿蔔.....心思思中......
    [版主回覆01/17/2009 10:07:00]thanks!
    我果底第二日已經冇哂嘞!  因為第一次整,所以特登整少d試吓~ 廢事唔成功時會嘥野嘛!
    老公叫我再整過! 所以聽日去買蘿蔔!  今次唸住整多d~

  8. 唉...我真係覺得自己好懶!
    [版主回覆01/17/2009 20:49:00]整啦! 仲有時間呀~ 我今次第一次整之嘛,都唔係好麻煩呀~~~~ 我今日去買蘿蔔再整過!

  9. 佢地剛剛先exam完~我全屋都未執呀~仲有幾日就過年~我估今年都係唔得啦!
    [版主回覆01/17/2009 21:17:00]我都努力執緊屋! (我拆咗棵聖誕樹但仲未收埋...... ) 但係又好想整野食喎! 老公中國新年冇得放假,想整d有新年氣氛既食物~~~

  10. 我整左0刺..都幾易整喎..同埋呢..好好食呀. 我拎左返公司請同事食. 佢地都勁讚呀~~ 好開心.
    不過呢..我覺得我整出黎果D "粉" 左D. 係咪因為太多水呢?
    [版主回覆01/19/2009 17:42:00]我未整時都以為好難整,整過就知一d都唔難!
    如果粉的話...應該一係唔夠水; 一係唔夠蘿蔔~~~~~

  11. I've tried your recipe last weekend and it was a beautiful success! THANKS for your recipe! Even my 16 months' old boy loves it....
    I asked my grandmother her secret of delicious turnip cake and she told me that she adds crispy grilled pork's belly in it.   But when I think of the fat content/calories it'll add into the cake, I dropped this idea and just want to keep your recipe!  hahahaha...
    After this success, I'm thinking of making taro root cake after.....
    [版主回覆01/19/2009 17:51:00]you're welcome! im so glad you for your success~~~
    crispy grilled pork belly? erm....maybe a good idea~ however yes it's really unhealthy!!!!!  
    only a few days to chinese new year, so if you want to make taro root cake, you better act fast!

  12. 請問呢.你呢個材料份量.係for幾大既 size架??
    [版主回覆01/23/2009 03:19:00]依個份量做出來既就係相中既玻璃焗盤既大細 - 長10吋, 闊7吋, 深2吋~

  13. ☆╮↘QQ貓TY-喵喵 ↙╭☆2010年1月25日 上午3:06

    我想問大約用幾多 冬菇,臘腸, 胡椒粉,雞粉和糖 ? thanks
    [版主回覆01/25/2010 20:18:00]除咗本身糕底材料份量之外,其他材料 + 調味份量,我都係煮慣野自己因返份量隨手落架咋~

  14. 你整得好靚好靚,白雪雪呀,我琴日整左,底糕啡啡地色,因為我加左蠔油,早知我睇左你個blog先就好喇!haha~~ Mrs.T  有冇教整其實糕點?^^
    [版主回覆01/31/2011 22:12:00]多謝晶晶讚賞!
    哎吔~ 落蠔油舊糕緊係變色啦! 調味唔洗落蠔油架,落鹽或雞粉嘛!
    妳睇返節日食譜個分類,仲有個黃糖年糕食譜架! 我今晚或者聽日會整鯉魚年糕,整完再出食譜~

  15. 今日到我玩,你整得好靚
    [版主回覆06/19/2011 00:58:00]Thank you sa!
    整咗未呀? 成唔成功呀??

  16. 蘿蔔糕好靚
    不過我整同你唔同,炒熟蘿蔔 絲時會加片糖,等保留蘿蔔絲出的水後不有苦味。
    [版主回覆06/20/2011 07:13:00]多謝讚賞!
    其實整任何一種食物都有好多唔同方法既!  我未試過炒完蘿蔔絲出水有苦味喎! 片糖黃色果喎,咁整出來既蘿蔔糕會唔會變黃架?
    我有椰汁年糕食譜(黃色果種): http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/veronicams_tsim/article?mid=30987

  17. Hi v. Just wondering whether you have a recipe for vegetarian version of turnip cake?? Cos making it for an aunt who's vegetarian. If not, would you be able to gimme some tips as to What include So the taste won't be So bland?? Thank lots in advance..

    1. i dont have a vegetarian version...yet!
      im also making a vegetarian one for Mr.T's aunt~
      im going to make it tmr, will share the recipe on Wed.

    2. Oooooo... What's the chance.. Haha.. great will wait for your version So I can "elaborate" mine on.. LOL thanks

    3. it's not coincidence~ in fact i make vegetarian turnip cake for his aunt every year - if she spends chinese new year in the UK.
      btw ive posted the recipe la~
