
廚房通告 (2009年2月22日)

一口氣補返哂2篇blog 之前冇咗既相:

 V之最愛LV - 小V珍藏小曬冷 - Louis Vuitton

 V扮乜鬼靚靚 - V噴乜鬼香水?


8 則留言:

  1. wa...................只係香水 5年都未用得晒啵
    [版主回覆02/23/2009 05:52:00]我已經好努力日日噴架嘞......

  2. 睇 見 就 煩 喇 ,咁 鬼 多 ,攞 喱 沖 涼 咩
    [版主回覆02/23/2009 05:54:00]噴埋你吖嘞!!!!

  3. 張LV Poster真係好特別!!我無儲開香水既,但發覺原來我都有三款香水同你d珍藏一樣喎!!
    [版主回覆02/23/2009 18:50:00]果張其實唔係poster 來,係一個LV 150週年既巨型立體廣告板來架! 好鬼得意~ 果年報紙都有登依個巨型廣告既新聞,好彩我地撞啱時間去巴黎咋! (我地去之前唔知係150週年 + 唔知有個廣告板~~~)
    係? 妳都鍾意香水架? 邊3款呀? 可能我地仲有多d相同,因為我只介紹咗其中幾枝~~~

  4. Hahaha Mrs T, now I know that I'm NOT alone for having a big carton of parfums!!   
    For bags, I don't have any brand preference and that's why I'm still OK.  
    [版主回覆02/23/2009 23:06:00]which perfume is your favourite then?
    my 5 biggest weaknesses: bags (not just LV!); shoes; perfumes; cookware + books! cant stop buying these things!!!

  5. 我間唔中先噴下架咋...好少買,都係人地送既.我連名都未必記得呢!我見個樽相同咋...我有支"true love",我好鐘意呢隻味.個朋友送左支sample俾我,我自己買左支大既.朋友送既有綠綠地色既,好似叫咩"伊利沙百",綠茶味,另外一支係圓蓋,圓身既,好似茉莉花香甘既.......噫噫,唔知有無記錯呢?
    另外,我有d dior,gucci,都係人地送既..好少用囉...係甘多喇.....
    [版主回覆02/24/2009 16:32:00]True Love + Green Tea 都係Elizabeth Arden 架!   而Green Tea 出咗2個唔同味道 - 普通Green Tea + Green Tea Revitalize~ 我2枝都有!  
    得閒就噴吓用咗佢啦,香水擺得耐唔好會揮發 + 變味架! 咁就嘥哂嘞!!!!!

  6. For different stages of life and seasons, I change my favorite perfums accordingly.  However, since the first day I fell in love with perfum, I love those smell very feminine.  
    For this winter, my favorites are:  Eau de nuit, Sisley as well as Eau de Parfum, Chole.
    For Summer, I love Pleasures Intense, Estee Lauder and Cheap & Chic, Moschino.  
    Like you, I do have my weaknesses:  Shoes (favorite: Geox!), books (cooking, psychology, fashion and beauty), cosmetics (all Japanese brands), perfums and Watches (fine Swiss watches).  Luckily now I become a mother and I'm learning to save $$ for my son's future usage.  Otherwise, for each seasonal change, I'd have 3 to 4 big cartons of gifts to the Salvation Army or Red Cross!
    [版主回覆02/24/2009 19:21:00]well if i love one thing, i will stick to it like forever!  e.g. True Love~ although it has been launched for over 10 years already, i still love it! ive got my 4th bottle and it is still one of my favourite fragances~
    haha~~~ very true! each seasonal change, i must get rid of a few big bags (the big black bin liners) of clothes + shoes! i usually take them to Oxfam~ and that's why the staff recongise me!
    unfortunately, apart from my 5 biggest weaknesses......i also have other small weaknesses~ i guess im kind of a shopaholic!  i really need to learn how to spend less on something which i dont "need" (just "want")!

  7. For the moment, just enjoy your life and be 'selfish' before your future babies'll arrive!  
    [版主回覆02/25/2009 21:45:00]haha~~~ you dont need to scare me la!  my husband and i always have plans for everything, hopefully i dont have to change my life style even after my future babies born!

  8. 係呀...我個樽綠茶味香水已經被我掉左喇.......無晒味lu......其他個d都好少用,不過個樽好靚,放左係飾櫃做左裝飾品喇......... 查實我又真係好少用...好似無咩場合要用甘既.........係有時同老公去街噴下囉.......依家又大肚,都無機會用lu..........
    [版主回覆02/25/2009 21:48:00]咁咪嘥哂囉!  放得太耐既香水,配方濃度又唔同咗,除咗變味之外,仲可以會傷皮膚架! 不過如果妳唔用,只用來擺都冇防既!
