

1. 銀魚乾洗淨略浸瀝乾。

2. 燒熱油鑊下銀魚乾炒至香,加入銀芽(芽菜仔)兜勻

3. 用胡椒粉、糖和生抽調味,炒勻上碟即成。

4 則留言:

  1. I had this when I was really small at my grandma's house!   It has been a long time that I haven't had this!  Thanks for reminding me of this dish!!
    [版主回覆03/11/2009 03:10:00]you're welcome!
    why did you get rid of your pic?

  2. Hello Mrs. T, thanks for telling me that my photo has been removed.  When I checked what happened, I found that I used my second login (instead of the one I use everyday) to enter into your blog yesterday.  Even though it's still Aline, that login doesn't contain any photo yet.   
    Have you got your flight to HK confirmed yet?  When'll you be leaving?
    [版主回覆03/11/2009 18:43:00]OIC! i thought Yahoo Blog doesnt allow 2 A/C have the same login name???
    im going back to HK tomorrow, will be back to UK on the 26th~

  3. 其實銀魚咩味?我成日都見到但冇食過
    [版主回覆04/08/2009 15:54:00]好難形容喎.....我覺得好香,好鮮甜 + 有少少甘甘地既after taste 囉!

  4. ☜♡ 肥貓♡☞2009年9月18日 下午7:44

    銀魚乾我未見過!你呢樣餸好正呀!!! 又簡單!!
    [版主回覆09/20/2009 05:02:00]我一向好鍾意食清炒銀芽! 清清地又平又好味~~~ 銀魚乾海味舖應該有得賣! 我依包係V媽媽寄比我架~
