
二人世界三餸一湯 - 2009年7月15日 (附食譜)

蕃茄銀芽碎牛湯; 客家豆豉豬肉缽; 翠玉瓜炒牛肉 & 蒜香彩虹鱒

因為天氣太熱,好耐冇煮過三餸一湯嘞!!! 近幾日雖然天氣仍然熱,不過叫做好少少啦,已回落廿零度......

不過仍然熱到唔想煲湯,煲湯最少要2粒鐘,搞到廚房熱上加熱.....所以都係滾湯好嘞~ 天氣熱最好就係滾開胃既蕃茄湯!

見腩肉好靚,於是買返屋企先唸點煮~ 買完餸返屋企剛好V媽媽來電,同V媽媽言談間講起V嫲嫲......突然想起我小時候V嫲嫲返香港小住,我地返去探佢時,佢都會整V爸爸好鍾意食既"客家豆豉豬肉缽"! 我冇正宗客家缽,唯有用個大碗來代替......我當然整得不及V嫲嫲啦~~~~

順帶一提 - 以前V嫲嫲煮"客家豆豉豬肉缽",會分開好多次來蒸,腩肉既肥膏油份都比高溫慢速逼哂出來,食起來一d都唔覺得油膩~ 而且V嫲嫲仲會準備洗乾淨既生菜,將豬肉缽煮滾上枱後,才加入生菜拌食!

最近愛上咗courgette! 成日都想食!!! 可能係因為最近2次去BBQ,發現courgette 好清甜呢?? 所以買咗2條來炒牛肉~~~~ 翠玉瓜炒牛肉做法同菜心炒牛肉相似,所以請大家參考菜心炒牛肉既食譜啦!

最近仲好想食煎魚,不過Asda所有魚全部都係起哂一塊塊魚柳~ 而且來來去去都係鱈魚呀、三文呀、sole 魚呀......只得彩虹鱒係完條魚,於是就買條來自創咗個"蒜香彩虹鱒"! 估唔到煮個濃味既蒜蓉汁,同彩虹鱒又幾配合喎! 剛好遮咗彩虹鱒果陣似熟三文魚既腥味~~~~

蕃茄銀芽碎牛湯食譜click here~

客家豆豉豬肉缽食譜click here~

翠玉瓜炒牛肉(參考食譜:菜薳牛肉)click here~

蒜香彩虹鱒食譜click here~

1 則留言:

  1. Hello V girl kitchen,
    You guys living in Glasgow, England? I also hv friends migrated there couple years ago...but I lost her contact.
    I also have a "Chasseur " frying pan which I bought few years ago,I heard that it's not good to use the detergent to wash it as the substances of detegent might retain on the pan surface, is that right? I m worried cuz I used to wash the pan with detergent.
    Thankyou very much!
    [版主回覆07/20/2009 01:11:00]Hello and welcome!
    yes im living in Glasgow with husband, since my husband is a BBC! (actually Glasgow is in Scotland, not England~ England + Scotland + Northern Ireland = UK! ) haha~~~ maybe i know your friends? what's her name???
    really? i didnt know that! i use washing liquid to wash all my dishes........
