
V記士多啤梨雪糕 (草莓雪糕)

雖然我唔鍾意食雪糕,不過因為太好玩,而且老公又好捧場, 整到上咗癮......

材料其實同"V記朱古力雪糕" + "V記芒果雪糕"大同小異~ 步驟就有少少唔同,不過都係唔需要用雪糕機架~~~

1. 材料: 重忌廉(Double Cream)500ml, 全脂奶235ml, 蛋黃3個, 士多啤梨(即草莓)1盒約450g, 糖霜120g, 雲呢嗱香油 / 香精1/2茶匙, 幼鹽1/4茶匙,。

2. 士多啤梨洗淨抹乾,去蒂備用。

3. 將全脂奶和幼鹽用小火加熱(不要煮至滾!); 煮至微微出煙後熄火。

4. 蛋黃和一半糖霜(約60g)用電動Mixer 打成吉士醬(custard)。

5. 將吉士醬慢慢加入(3)牛奶內,邊加邊搞拌,並用小火慢慢加熱。(不要煮滾!)

 6. 煮至吉士醬和牛奶完全拌勻,混合物微熱變稠,將混合物盛入玻璃大碗內,再將玻璃碗坐入冰水中,待混合物冷卻。

7. 士多啤梨加入剩下的一半糖霜,壓爛成蓉待用。

8. 重忌廉用電動Mixer 打至挺身; 將打起的重忌廉 、士多啤梨蓉和雲呢嗱香油加入已涼的(6)中,再用Mixer 打勻。

9. 將拌勻好的(8)倒入容器中,放入冰格先冷凍45分鐘至1小時,取出用電動打蛋電器打勻,再放回冰格冷凍。

10. 重復(9)2至3次後,再冷藏3至4小時待雪糕完全凝固即可。



- 食用前可先取出雪糕,放入普通格冷凍30分鐘後才食用,這時的雪糕會軟硬適中;

- 步驟(9)作用為打碎材料中的水份,在雪糕冷凍成型過程中結成的冰粒! 重復步驟(9)的次數越多,雪糕越香滑;

- 因為士多啤梨有好多汁,所以雪糕中會有較多水份,凝固過程中更容易形成冰粒,所以可能需要多打勻幾次; 以我經驗 - 步驟(9)用電動打蛋器打勻,效果比用湯匙理想!

- 依個食譜係根據一個英文食譜而改良,材料係重忌廉(Double Cream),好鬼肥架!!! 如果怕肥既話,可以改用奶脂較低既淡忌廉(Whipping Cream)!

17 則留言:

  1. Gaileは林家歐巴桑2009年7月11日 下午8:00

    琴日我都試左朱古力雪糕,今日仲試埋芒果time,不過等緊雪既step...我既朱古力唔知係咪我攪拌次數唔夠多定唔夠勻呢,食落好似有少少碎冰仔,有d脆脆地既feel,仲可以補救嗎?所以今日既芒果我要攪多幾次先得!!!你整好多款,款款都係我+老公鐘意既水果,個strawberry ice-cream仲有埋愛心tim,點捨得食呀!不過下一水我想整蜜瓜味試試
    [版主回覆07/12/2009 16:49:00]有碎冰就代表搞得唔夠,除咗搞得唔夠,仲可能係搞得唔勻! 我發現用電動打蛋器最慢既速度來打,效果好過用湯匙!
    我第一次整朱古力雪糕只用湯匙 + 只搞咗2次,完全冇碎冰; 不過芒果雪糕用湯匙 + 搞咗3次,就有少少~ 我當時就知道係因為芒果水份多~ 所以 今次我用電動打蛋器,搞咗5次,出來效果又變回香滑冇冰嘞!

  2. Gaileは林家歐巴桑2009年7月12日 上午2:46

    [版主回覆07/13/2009 04:22:00]我都裝得幾滿架~ 不過冷凍過既雪糕雖然未完全set 哂,不過開始變杰,用慢速來打應該冇問題~ (我冇問題喎.....)

  3. 愛心雪糕+心形模,你老公冧C啦
    HK好難搵到double cream,連city super都唔見,淨係得個介紹牌,我諗我要用Whipping Cream先得
    [版主回覆07/13/2009 04:30:00]個心型我整咗好多次整到我發癲先成功架!!!!  早排買咗個心型雪糕三文治模一直未用過,咁唸住士多啤梨雪糕係粉紅色,咪整個姣姣地既粉紅心心囉~~~~ 不過個模好鬼難用架......
    有網友叫我話妳知 - 二德惠有double cream 賣呀!  另外有網友用過whipping cream + thick whipping cream (我估係似double cream 既厚度~),都話用thick 既效果好好多!

  4. 整得好靚!你好犀利呀! 你用來壓爛strawberry的用具好得意, 幾好wor, 唔使下下開攪拌機
    [版主回覆07/14/2009 00:44:00]多謝~ 不過我唔犀利!
    我用來壓爛士多啤梨既係potato masher - 用來壓薯蓉架!  因為我想士多啤梨雪糕裡面有士多啤梨果肉粒,如果用搞拌機會搞到冇哂粒粒啊~~~~

  5. 我仲以為你整布甸tim!
    [版主回覆07/14/2009 00:40:00]哈哈~~~~ 又幾似喎!

  6. 好靚既心型士多啤梨雪糕
    [版主回覆07/14/2009 00:40:00]Thanks~ 不過個心型模好難用,我整咗好多次先整到咁靚!!!

  7. 有冇咁好玩呀 , 你又引死我啦 !
    [版主回覆07/14/2009 00:39:00]只要係整野食,無論果樣野我鍾唔鍾意食都好,我都會覺得好玩~~~  妳整甜品咁犀利,依個對妳來講完全冇難度啦!

  8. 二德惠我真係未去過,似乎要搵機會上去look look先得   代我同你位blog友講聲thank you呀
    [版主回覆07/14/2009 02:39:00]我去過油麻地二德惠一次,真係好多野賣~ 樣樣材料都好齊,而且又可以買少份量包裝既!
    妳去條link 睇吓吖: http://www.twinsco.com/

  9. 心型好靚呀~~`
    [版主回覆07/14/2009 18:38:00]我整咗好多次個型先有咁靚!

  10. 糖霜 is it icing sugar? Can I use caster sugar instead?  And do u think it'll work if i use thickened cream instead of double cream?  I was thinking of making coconut ice-cream! But i'm not use if i can use half the portion of cream and the substitute the other half with coconut cream...hmmm.... Btw..i really like all your heart-shape moulds!!!!! I've never seen a heart-shaped baking tin before...
    [版主回覆07/15/2009 16:59:00]yes 糖霜 is icing sugar~ however i DONT think using caster sugar is a good idea, since you need to put 1/2 quantity of sugar into the strawberry mash - which is cold! if you used caster sugar, it wouldnt mix well~
    re your coconut ice cream question - sorry i really dont know~ coconut.....not my cup of tea! but i guess you can have a wee experiment!
    it's not a heart shaped baking tin which i used to make the ice cream into heart shape~ it's an ice cream sandwich mould!

  11. can you show me what the different of mixer and egg mixer, thanks
    [版主回覆07/15/2009 16:38:00]do you mean the difference between an electric mixer and an egg mixer?
      egg mixer;
      electric mixer~
    Hope this helps! 

  12. hihi!  i'm here to report the result of my coconut ice cream!  i think mine is not as nice as yours. (how did you do it?!) The texture is a little icey feel..not sure why though..maybe i didn't beat it enough during the freezing period.. i used half a cup of milk, 400ml of thickened cream and 200ml of coconut cream, as for the egg yolks and sugar i used the same amount as you. But i used caster sugar instead of icing sugar. Maybe that's why my ice cream is a little icey? Btw, what do u usually do to the egg whites since u only used the yolks for these recipes? I thought it's a waste to throw them away so i made cookies with them!
    [版主回覆07/18/2009 17:41:00]ic~ def not enough beating! you should have tried a little bit of  the ice cream 1st, then beat it! just repeat this step until the ice cream is totally smooth! i usually the lowest speed of an electric mixer to beat the ice cream - try this next time~ much better than using a spoon!
    i just fried the egg whites and ate them for lunch....

  13. I was wondering if it's got to do with the temperature of my freezer as well, cos i lowered it when i was freezing the ice cream. Actually it's not that there are still ice pieces in the ice cream, just that it's not creamy. 有D 散散o地 if u know what i mean. And it was really hard!!! I thought good ice cream is not supposed to be rock hard like mine. I beat it 3 times with a electric beater too! (Maybe i didn't beat it properly?) I used thickened cream and not whipping cream so i really don't know why..Sigh...just wondering which part went wrong so i can get it right the next time.
    [版主回覆07/20/2009 01:04:00]OMG~ why did you turn down the temperature of your freezer? that's not necessary! the freezer must be cold enough to make the ice cream set!
    also when the ice cream's done, remember to take it out from the freezer and put it into the fridge for 30 mins before serving!

  14. 我有雪糕機啦 , 又可跟你食譜整啦  ....
    [版主回覆07/26/2009 19:11:00]我未用過雪糕機,我唸材料大至上都係咁,不過用機應該可以快好多!

  15. hi...我想問下糖霜可以係邊買呀??唔落有無分別架??可唔可以教我整意大利芝士蛋糕味既雪榚呀
    [版主回覆07/15/2010 06:44:00]糖霜即係icing sugar,烘焙店一定有得賣~ 唔落緊係有分別啦 - 唔落咪無甜味囉!

  16. 落砂糖代替糖霜得唔得架
    [版主回覆07/18/2010 03:21:00]
    唔得~ 因為材料係凍既,砂糖太粗唔會打得勻循!

  17. 小肥mi與小肥亨®2013年8月22日 上午3:03

    [版主回覆08/22/2013 18:36:16]無啊~ 我一向只用全脂食材!
