
Royal Mail八婆之"阿嬸~ 妳都9唔搭8!" (2010年3月12日)

我唔妥Royal Mail 已有一段時間!

(我相信英國有好多人都唔妥Royal Mail! )

今次真係新仇舊恨一次過湧哂出來!!!!!!Livid-small.gif image by veronica_tsim

- 郵差派信時經常將我屋企地址,同附近另一相似地址撈亂~ 我試過第二日將派錯咗比我既信親手比返郵差......點知幾日後我再次收到同一封派錯既信!!!
128181159_c.gif image by veronica_tsim 因為佢地派完信就會好似趕住去死咁急急腳走! 要將信交返比佢地,我就要等到第二日派信時企定喺門口捕個郵差......


從此我收到派錯既信,都會用鉛筆寫上雞乸咁大隻字 - Wrong Postcode!!! 而且我搵唔到鉛筆時會用原子筆或marker~ 其實我真係唔想畫花人地d信! 不過我真係無其他辦法!! 
- 今年1月尾我先至收到朋友12月頭喺香港寄來比我既聖誕咭! 2008111213534059.gif image by veronica_tsim

(網誌) 遲成差唔多2個月,有無搞錯呀? 古代飛鴿傳書都唔洗咁耐啦吓哇!!!!

- V媽媽2月時頭寄包裹比我,送貨時我地仲喺意大利旅行無人應門收貨,佢地唔通知我既情況下就掟咗我個parcel 去Post Office 等我自行取貨~ 不過一方面又喺website online tracking 上講大話 - 話會喺某月某日再次送貨......搞到我足足2日完全唔敢出街喺屋企呆等包裹! 但其實佢地根本無再送 + 無打算再送...... (網誌)

- 早2個星期我寄個壓薯蓉器by Airmail 比一位香港網友~ Royal Mail website 話明由寄果日計起通常5日會收到,但香港網友差唔多2星期先收到!!!!

以上既都係舊恨~ 而今日既係新仇!_1318.gif image by veronica_tsim

繼早排喺Asda 比隻鮮藍老奀茄特登用trolley 片完之後; 今日喺Post Office 又比我遇到一個又rude 又9唔搭8既阿嬸!_1332.gif image by veronica_tsim

(睇來我似乎流年不利! 身邊小人八婆氹氹轉......_1296.gif image by veronica_tsim)


早前我同另一位都有玩開橡皮章既網友介紹過幾好用,佢曾經喺香港搵過但無類似既工具~ 咁我上個weekend 見到有貨,就幫依位網友買咗啦!


郵局有成8、9個counter,但只得2個counter 開咗有人做野~ 條隊呢 - 就來排到出街咁滯!

我應先讚讚serve 我果位lady~29_3_16.gif image by veronica_tsim因為佢由頭到尾都係非常好禮貌既!

如事者磅完包野計埋郵費後,依位有禮lady 問我包裹裡面係咩來? 我如實答佢係"Lino Cutter"!

220217477.gif image by veronica_tsim 有禮lady 告知: Oh Honey~ I don't think you can send knives by post~ There are security restrictions! (譯: Honey~ 我唸唔可以寄刀喎~ 因為保安問題!)

20483064.gif image by veronica_tsim 我: It's just craft tool, I can even order it from ebay~ (譯: 只係手作工具來喎! 我喺ebay 都可以買到~)

(我當時係好有禮貌既!  因為只要對方有禮,我係絕對唔會發爛咋! 我只係想問清楚少少,如果真係唔寄得既話,我係絕對唔會留難佢既!)

203509370.gif image by veronica_tsim 有禮lady 告知: Hold on~ I'll check it for you......(譯: 等一陣~ 我幫妳再check 清楚......)

依個時候一直棟喺有禮lady 旁邊 + 唔知佢做緊乜既一個阿嬸,128181167_c.gif image by veronica_tsim 煞有介事 + 語氣非常聲衰咁一輪咀同我: I'm quite sure you can't send knives! It's too dangerous!! There are rules!!! blah blah blah~~~ (譯: 我幾肯定妳唔可以寄刀! 太危險嘞!! 係有規矩架!!!)


203509767.gif image by veronica_tsim 一臉事態嚴重既衰樣,碌大雙眼望住我再加多句: What would you think if you saw someone holding a knife on the street? (譯: 如果妳喺街見到有人渣住把刀妳會點?)

(1) 我知有rules 呀,我都無發爛咋或鬧有禮lady 喎! 問多句都唔得呀?   若果真係唔比寄的話,好聲好氣話我知都得架! 既然有禮lady 話再幫我check 清楚,咁等佢check 完先都得啩?? 

(2) 點解我上網買廚用刀; 同埋我喺eBay 買咗套差唔多既刻章刀,人地都係寄比我既......咁又完全無問題? 點解果d刀又唔dangerous?  難道我寄依套野特別dangerous??

(3) 我後面排哂長龍,既然阿嬸妳企喺度無野做,何不serve 其他人?? 我又唔洗妳serve 我,洗乜妳咁多事插咀???

令我d火標上來其實係果句 - "What would you think if you saw someone holding a knife on the street?"
阿嬸妳都超級無厘頭 + 9唔搭8!bb36.gif image by veronica_tsim

我: Well~ I'm NOT holding it and walking around the street! I'm POSTING it!! (譯: 我而家唔係渣住佢喺條街行來行去! 我而家係寄緊!!)

阿嬸: I'm just trying to explain! (譯: 我只係嘗試同妳解釋!)

我: I know you are trying to explain! But you are talking about a totally different and unrelated situation!! (譯: 我知妳係解釋緊呀! 但妳講緊既係另一個完全唔同 + 唔關事既情況!!)

阿嬸根本完全駁我唔到! 睇住佢黑面 + 拎轉面用個背脊得住我~ 都唔知佢咩態度!!! 幾十歲人都唔化!!!!

唔比寄利器絕對唔係問題! 不過我一路同有禮lady 都係好地地,都唔知依個阿嬸無啦啦發咩癲?

我都知全英國knife crime 好嚴重!
bb1.gif image by veronica_tsim 幾乎平均每4分鐘就有一個"靚"仔比人喺街用刀穿死......不過妳地國家d"靚"仔惡教啫,唔該唔好無厘頭take it out on me 囉!!

盒cutter 有盒入住再有啪啪紙包住封到密哂; 佢又唔會自己拆開自己 + 自行去搵人來插......所以只要無人拆開包裹,基本上完全係零殺傷力! 真係唔明點解會係"too dangerous"??

令我更加唔明既係 - 我只係寄1個包裹仔,阿嬸小題大造到好似我寄緊果個係炸彈咁款......

最近我遇到既阿嬸,好多都好乞人憎!140698382_c.gif image by veronica_tsim

我同自己講 - 第日我到我做阿嬸既時候......
我一定要做一個可愛既阿嬸!!!1775465299.gif image by veronica_tsim

29 則留言:

  1. Gaileは林家歐巴桑2010年3月12日 下午5:45

    [版主回覆03/13/2010 18:54:00]無呀! 我之前喺eBay 買咗套幾乎一模一樣 (唔同牌子)既lino cutter,人地喺美國寄來比我都係咁啦! 若佢地要渣到咁正話美術用具都唔寄得既話,咁佢地個系統好有漏洞囉! 我寄去香港又唔得,人地寄來英國又得! 都唔知咩邏輯??
    佢地係堅持唔比寄既都唔係問題! 不過點解一定要聲衰?? 阿嬸個argument 完全無厘頭一味靠嚇,係都要了到人把幾火!!!

  2. XDDDD 放心你點都唔會變成阿嬸既~ 唔信你問下你老公~佢實會話你七老八十仍然係佢hon hon~!! XDDDD 同埋我好鬼憎人地講野用"quite sure"黎講... "quite"就即係唔係100%肯定啦、唔係100%肯定就唔好講啦!!! =.=都唔明d人既...@@
    [版主回覆03/13/2010 18:49:00]緊會啦! 除非喺變成阿叔 / 阿嬸,或阿公 / 阿婆之前釘蓋既啫! (大吉利是.....) 否則人人都會變身成阿叔 / 阿嬸 + 阿公 / 阿婆架~~~~~~
    咁咪係囉! 佢只係quite sure,而且又唔係佢serve 我,同埋有人已經幫我double check 緊~ 根本完全唔關佢事! 我都唔知佢咁多咀做乜??

  3. 香港郵政局工作態度和效率都好好喎 ! 唔會咁麻煩既 , 可能佢地做野通常慢條斯理 , 我行我素話之你急 .同埋好原則唔識變通 .
    [版主回覆03/13/2010 18:45:00]我喺度住咗咁多年,當然知道佢地做野慢吞吞,而且已經習慣哂!  佢話有rules 唔寄得又唔識變通,唔係問題吖! 咁我咪唔寄囉~
    不過一來根本唔關佢事,二來我唔開聲同佢嘈,佢仲要講多句來嚇鬼! 係都要了到人地火滾為止!!!

  4. haha ... 真係比佢吹漲呀 .. 鬧得好呀 .. 呢d人五行欠鬧呀 ~~
    [版主回覆03/13/2010 18:41:00]無唸過去郵局寄少少野都要同人鬧交! 根本又唔關佢事,都唔知佢發咩神經?

  5. so cud u post it at the end?? well....if ebay cud post it to u....n if we cud put knife in the suitcase....there is no reason y we cant post it.....dat woman is too nosey for god sake....but knife crime is seriously bad here....fd of mine who is also from hongkong....his younger brother whom i went to the same boarding sch wiv...got stabbed to death in bradford....scary...
    [版主回覆03/13/2010 18:39:00]nah~ they didnt let me! i ordered another very similar set of lino cutters (another brand) from eBay, and the guy sent it to me by air mail as well~ i really cant understand why they would consider it was too dangerous?

  6. 建議:
    1)妳可以用血書寫 Wrong Postcode!!! 佢以後一定唔會亂嚟!
    [版主回覆03/13/2010 18:32:00]蟻兄~ 我怕用血書方法,恐防以後我連自己既信都收唔到喎!
    咦~~~~~~ 若果你見到張稅單會暈,你年中都賺唔少喎!

  7. 佢地咁鬼離譜,抵鬧抵鬧!
    [版主回覆03/13/2010 18:30:00]唔比我寄唔係問題! 把聲好少少唔得既咩? 點解一定要咁聲衰???

  8. 八哥狗的女主人2010年3月13日 上午1:38

    阿嬸根本完全駁我唔到! 睇住佢黑面 + 拎轉面用個背脊得住我~ 都唔知佢咩態度!!! 幾十歲人都唔化!!!!       我睇錯咗, 以為你話: 幾十歳人都唔死!!!!
    [版主回覆03/13/2010 18:29:00] 個阿嬸雖然係好乞人憎! 但又罪不至死~

  9. 咁最後有冇寄到呀???
    [版主回覆03/13/2010 18:28:00]無呀! 佢地屎都話唔寄得.....

  10. 嘩﹗你講POST呢的事﹗我尋日同個郵差吵左鑊﹗ 我媽到佢呀媽都唔認得佢﹗佢成日貪方便﹐ 我的鄰居一冇人應門就係咁按我門鐘﹗ 想我幫佢俾個郵包俾我鄰居﹗ 大佬呀﹗晨早八點幾﹐佢玩野呀﹖﹗ 我唔起身佢 仲按多三次門鐘 ﹗ 仲加上咁鬼凍﹗ 我真係咁火滾先著件外套開門出去炳佢架咋﹗ 唉﹐個呀嬸更年期呀 ~
    [版主回覆03/14/2010 03:08:00]我真係無唸過寄一盒仔野都要同人嘈!!!
    哇~ 八點幾又真係早咗d喎!!!! 不過妳果邊d郵差都算幾勤力吖!  我依度剛過去一星期,郵差只來過3次咋~ 一來就一大叠信塞入來,慌死佢地唔係儲埋幾日信先派一次咩?

  11. 妳近期好黑仔喎~又遇到d八婆!
    [版主回覆03/14/2010 03:05:00]係呀! 好黑仔呀~~~~~~~  班阿嬸好似集體更年期咁款!!!!

  12. 嘩, 乜post office d服務態度咁差gar
    香港d郵局+郵差叔叔好好人架 ... 嗯, royal mail好唔惦bor
    俾著係我, 我爆粗炳佢呀 ......
    [版主回覆03/14/2010 03:03:00]妳話係咪激死人吖? 態度又差,而且其實都唔關佢事!
    老公話我知 - 原來政府唔夠錢搞到 Royal Mail 好唔掂,所以政府外判咗比人做,而家Royal Mail privatise 咗呀!!!! 唔怪之最近d郵差幾乎全部都唔識講英文啦 - 而家好多郵差係波蘭人來架........

  13. well... 聽聞寄 air mail/空運貨, 刀唔係 dangerous goods 喎.... 只要唔會影響到飛機運作, 應該係冇問題嘅... lighter or battery 就話啫..... 我有個客成日都要寄幾十 kg 刀去美國, 美國咁嚴都入到口啦 (我做 forwarder 嘅 air dept..) 呢一盒點睇都唔知有冇 1 kg 嘅刀仔又點會影響到飛機運作呢???
    [版主回覆03/14/2010 02:58:00]睇完妳個回應我仲加激氣!!!!! 果個阿嬸都黐黐地~ 長篇大論喺度大我!!!!  真係無唸過寄一盒仔野都要同人嘈......

  14. 佢地即係迫人講大話, 下次你話gift 算喇~~~
    [版主回覆03/14/2010 02:56:00]唯有係咁啦! 其實就算唔比我寄,佢都唔洗講咁多野嚇鬼!

  15. 件阿嬋真係奇,咁究竟佢楝係度做咩? 就係為咗搭傘??
    [版主回覆03/14/2010 02:55:00]我真係唔知佢喺度做乜喎! 又唔關佢事! serve 我一個洗乜咁大陣象要2個人啫? 都黐黐地架!

  16. 真係寄唔到呀?!
    不過而家真係好多九唔搭八同無事揾交嗌既人! 如果氣量少d, 日日比d無厘頭既人激親就真係好唔抵! 真係幾桶幾桶血咁嘔出黎!!
    [版主回覆03/14/2010 06:09:00]係呀~ 咁佢都唔比我寄,唔通我累地咩......
    果個阿嬸真正八婆! 又唔關佢事,佢插咩咀啫? 講埋哂d自以為好有point 既廢話,不過本小姐都唔係慳電既燈來!!!

  17. 又會咁橋,我琴日先比ROYAL MAIL 激完!! 因為我個門鐘壞左所以次次都接唔倒D POST,要拎住張SORRY YOU WERE NOT THERE CARD去郵局攞..... 又,平時都係用SMART CARD拎就可以,又會咁唔好彩,琴日個POSTMAN寫錯左"MR." o係我張卡度wor!!!個老女人同我講,你唔係"mr." wor,我咪話"我度冇"mr" wor!!!之後又要我返去攞address prove!!好啦我拎住bank statment去拎,又比佢串我 我唔比面佢呀,黑面黑足全程,因為唔係第一次比佢點黎點去,我試過比佢點過來回屋企3次,仲要驚佢收工!!!!!!!我已經連續4次攞郵件都比佢點返屋企攞乜攞物....我想講我前2年o係第間royal mail拎信都係用同一張student smart card lor!!!哼哼哼好嬲呀!!!我又上網買左野啦!!遲下又要見倒個女人!!!

  18. 漏左講,最尾我拎住份野,都睇唔倒"mr","miss",根本就係個寫卡個郵差寫錯!!個女人仲串得我咁開心!!如果唔係當時我火遮眼一拎到個包裹就走,一定企定定話佢知我係miss!!!係個郵差自己寫錯!!
    [版主回覆03/15/2010 21:01:00]我今朝渣住喺Royal mail website print 出來既資料,去返依間PK郵局,白紙黑字叫果條八婆chav supervisor 解釋比我知點解佢地唔比我寄盒cutter,但Royal mail website 又話寄得? 果條high school 都唔知無畢業既chav 話 - 佢唔知! 佢地全部都係人渣,話之妳火遮眼發爛咋都唔會理妳架!

  19. 個阿嬸既比喻真係好9唔搭8喎,而家POST野姐,又唔係偷又唔係搶,洗唔洗D態度衰成咁呀,真係SHORT SHORT地!!
    [版主回覆03/15/2010 20:54:00]今朝仲加激死我!!!!!! 基本上依間郵局所有人都係黐線既!!!! 我以後都唔會再踏入依間野半步!!!!

  20. If I were you, I will print this page from Royal Mail and stick it to their face at the counter and tell them that it's legal to send knives by post.
    You can also write to them and demand an apology of wasting your time and delaying your post!
    [版主回覆03/15/2010 20:52:00]thank you very much for the information Staples Lane!
    i did printed and highlighted the info and went to the post office this morning, guess what the chav bitch supervisor told me? she insisted that i cant send it AT ALL! then i asked her how come the info is different from what she's telling me? she answered me: I DONT KNOW! you need to talk to Royal Mail~
    i went home and called Royal mail hotline, another bitch told me the same thing - i need to talk to Royal Mail directly! WTF? the number i called was from the Royal mail website!!!! she also told me that the local post office (the one i went) WILL NOT accept the parcel! if Royal mail accept my parcel (but i need to talk to them 1st), i will need to take it to the Royal mail office!
    all bitches told me - the question that the old cxxt asked me last fri was reasonable! cos if i post a sharp obeject, it's the same as someone's holding it on the street! what a bunch of fxxking morons!!!!!!!!
    im still thinking abt writing the letter. however since all those retarded reply they gave me this morning, i really dont know what i should expect from them? i swear i will never step into this fxxking branch again!!!

  21. 平均每4分鐘就有一個"靚"仔比人喺街用刀穿死 ???
     好恐怖呀 !!!
    壓薯蓉器我已用啦, 好好用呀 , 真係好多謝你呀 ! 其實我影哂相, 不過真係未有時間出卜呀 !
    [版主回覆03/15/2010 20:24:00]依度好多靚仔隨身有把刀架! 大約2年前真係個個weekend 都有幾單架~ 情況嚴重到而家入戲院睇戲,未正式開場時會賣廣告叫人唔好帶刀出街傷害人.........
    唔洗咁客氣啦! 小意思來之嘛~ 我拖咗咁耐先寄比妳唔好意思就真......

  22. 估唔到寄野咁少事都可以攪到咁大件事架!!! 個住O 嬋真係超級 忔人憎! 再咁落去..即係局大家寄FEDEX OR UPS喇... 我之前係EDM 訂 MAKEUP又係..用美國個UPSP 又係不知所謂架!!!!!!!! 我同我同事 係同一 日ORDER,  同一日寄出..佢份野遲我足足2 WEEK先收到... 俾估AWB 你..係乜Q都CHECK 唔到..反而HK POST 個邊話暫時未有呢份件既入境記綠...痴架... 最後我地決定情願GROUP埋一齊, 用FEDEX 寄..貴幾蚊美金...我1WEEK內收到...雖然只係100蚊美金左右既野...我唔想等1個月後先收到!
    [版主回覆03/16/2010 01:11:00]小喇叭! 今朝仲加激死我!!!! 激X到我連lunch 都食唔落!
    唔想再講提件事,妳睇我下面回Staples Lane 就知今朝做乜~
    我發誓以後都唔會踏足依間郵局半步! 成間郵局d人都係黐X線架!!!!
    老公話幫我攞去佢返工果頭既郵局寄! Royal Mail website 雞乸大大隻字話可以寄刀,我就真係唔信我寄唔到囉!!!

  23. 咁煩架 ??? 佢宜家算係咩態度先 ??? "What would you think if you saw someone holding a knife on the street?" 睇完真係 o 晒咀 宜家係 pack 好晒啵 , 又唔係只用個信封黎入住把刀 .... 佢咁得閒插咀 , 就好心佢開夕個 counter serve 人啦 簡直離晒大譜 !!!!! ( 自己講下講下都火埋添 xD )
    [版主回覆03/16/2010 06:07:00]下面有位網友比咗Royal Mail website 既資料我,website 裡面講到明係 可以寄刀 既!
    所以我今朝印埋website 資料出來去郵局同佢地對質,佢地既態度仲加不知所謂!!!
    我今朝真係好激氣~ 不過我唔打算再繼續追究! 因為黐線既人永遠覺得正常既人先係黐線! 所以再同佢地講都係嘥氣~

  24. I feel guilty now for putting you thro' this ordeal! This usually works with idiots when you have facts to mitigate... I have had a look at the Royal Mail complaints procedure and it's deliberately exhausting, of couse, and even if you have time to pursue, say eventually to the ombudsman panel, the max. compensation for stress is a mere £50... However, if you need some means of 'ventilation', drop a story with BBC watchdog, copy to the Royal Mail with pre-and post-parcel pictures:)
    Otherwise, have a cup of tea (+ a fag works for me:)) and like you said earlier, think positive, the world needs a balance of smart and stupid people. BTW, as a rule, I very seldom declare truthfully what's in my parcel, I only put 'present' or 'personal items' on the customs form as even if there's a lot of stealing within the RM system!
    Anyway, as usual, your blog is brilliant and this is the second copy of this mail to you as the first one just disappeared after I did the code thing...Have a nice day:)
    [版主回覆03/17/2010 03:34:00]dont be silly~ it wasnt your fault! i actually have to thank you for giving those information.
    although Mr.T still thinks we should make a formal complaint, i really cant be bothered anymore! as i said - they are morons and im not. i dont see why i should waste anymore time on them?
    they get low paid by doing an easy job and they dont have much job security, always fear of losing their jobs by getting replaced by computers; and the woman who made such comment - obviously she doesnt have much brain! unlikely that she has a good chance to have a better job.......to be honest i pity them! 
    at that moron branch, they fill in declare form for all customers! i didnt think about lying when i tried to post the lino cutters, cos i ordered a very similar set from eBay before, therefore i never thought it would be a problem! 
    next time remember copy the comment before you save it!

  25. Don't know how it happened but there seemed to be some typo. errors in my mail to u... The BBC watchdog website is http://www.bbc.co.uk/watchdog/gotastory/
    And, I meant to say in my previous mail that 'BTW, as a rule, I very seldom declare truthfully what's in my parcel, I only put 'present' or 'personal items' on the customs form as even if it's sent, there's a lot of stealing within the RM system!' My apologies for taking up the space, I hate typo errors...
    [版主回覆03/17/2010 03:36:00]it's OK~ i dont type perfect english either! as long as we can understand each others~

  26. 其實有冇可能去投訴呢? 我去看看佢地個webpage先。我經常都被英國人的[非凡]服務態度﹐驚到死死下﹗﹗   但諗住自己人在外地﹐叫做以禮待人﹐俾面佢地﹐所以絕少投訴。
    [版主回覆03/17/2010 08:17:00]樓上有位網友比咗Royal Mail website link 我,裡面講到明係 可以寄刀之類既利器 既! 所以我尋日印埋website 資料出來去郵局投訢 + 同佢地對質,不過結果仲加激死我!!!! 之後我再打電話去Royal Mail hotline 投訴,但係再激到我幾乎爆血管咁滯!!!!!
    件事係點我真係唔想再提~ (妳想知就睇我回樓下Staples Lane 既回覆啦!) 我老公一向脾氣超好,但佢都覺得應該要繼續投訴! 不過我真係 唔想再追究,因為佢地全部都係黐線既! 再同佢地講都係嘥氣 + 浪費我自己時間!!!
    我試過喺Asda 比錢時有樣野比架上價錢貴咗 - 仲係貴咗成£20喎!!!! 果條痴肥收銀竟然同我講咗句: I dont care! 我當面向個經理投訴依個痴肥收銀,經理話會跟進......但最後咪寄封信來話我知"抱歉我同佢d staff 發生咗問題!" - 講到好似我都有錯咁款!!!!  
    講真就算我地無論喺度住幾耐,或者入埋籍渣英國passport,甚至乎好似我老公咁喺度土生土長都好,佢地 永遠都唔會 當我地係自己人架!

  27. 唔好講ROYAL MAIL, 真係一講就把幾火!!!!  兩個字 "勁廢" 來形容佢
    [版主回覆03/17/2010 19:55:00]我第二日返去間郵局投訴仲加激死呀! 不過我唔想再提~ 同黐線既人點講都係嘥氣既!!!

  28. 批評是容易的,郵差由早上至下午不停工作可以每天不錯嗎? 問題是錯得多與少,是否替假?
    [版主回覆01/22/2011 02:00:00]依位阿嬸妳無野吓哇? 我唔知妳係邊國既郵差,不過我可以話妳知我所在之國家既郵差並無妳講到咁辛勤囉!
    英國Royal Mail 服務之差,喺英國住既人都皆知! 至於"那城市郵差不錯,那國家郵差不錯" - 我唔知喎! 我又無住哂全世界!
    而且妳自己都識講啦 - 問題是錯得多與少嘛! 在我 + 好多住英國既人來講,Royal Mail 服務出錯的確係好多!!
    唔知點解妳咁激動? 妳做郵差架?? 就算妳係郵差都唔需要咁激動吖! 我寫乜妳唔洗對號入座架!

  29. 我都好嘔血呀對住你嗰邊啲郵政局,我寄咗個包裹去俾屋企人,佢哋要返工返學所以冇人喺屋企,已經聯絡咗郵政客服話下晝先至好派件過去,但係佢哋好似完全收唔到咁,連續三四次都係朝早派件,然後下晝就送返個包裹去倉庫,最慘就係佢連張速遞卡都唔留喺個信箱俾人,去郵政局俾個tracking number佢睇,佢又話唔知道,都唔知叫人哋點樣去攞返個包裹。
