
Sooooooooo Sweeeeeeeet!!!! (2011年2月22日)

What are the chances of that? Couple married two decades discover holiday photo of themselves - taken 14 years before they even met

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 5:02 PM on 22nd February 2011
A couple who have been married for 20 years were astonished to discover an old holiday photo featuring both of them as children - 14 years before they met.

The black and white snapshot taken on a Butlins holiday in 1965 shows a four-year-old Mandy Knaggs peering into the foreground towards the boy who she would later marry.

Her husband, Ray, who was also four at the time, was the mystery boy who features prominently in the picture, despite it being taken by one of Mandy's parents. 

By an incredible twist of fate, the pair who lived just streets away from each  other in Billingham, Teesside, found themselves on holiday in Filey at the same time - the only time Ray's family ever visited the camp.

Despite being yards apart in the photo, Mandy never actually met young Ray until more than a decade later.

Fate finally threw a grown-up Mandy and Ray together in 1979 - a lot closer to home at a club in Billingham - and, after hitting it off, the couple married in 1985 and went on to have five children.

'For all those years we were only a few streets away as kids, but we went to different schools,' said Mandy, who works at Billchem pharmacy.

'I don't even remember that particular holiday. Mum or dad took the photo, but we are hardly in it.

'You can just see my and my sister Julie's heads and Ray is right at the front of the photo.

'It looks more like his photo than mine! He's not looking at the camera but you can tell it's him.

'He had the most ridiculous boyish hairstyle, all clagged down at the front.'

For years after they married, the childhood photograph from Butlins stayed stored away - its incredible coincidence hidden - until one day when the couple were sharing their old snapshots.

Mandy remembers the moment well, saying: 'God, he was surprised when he saw it. He looked at the picture and said, "That's me! I was four!" 

'He kept saying, "What are the chances of that happening?" Ray believes in spiritual things, but I don't know about fate. But I think it definitely was there.'

The couple's children, Louise, 23, Mark, 20, Jessica, 18, and 16-year-old twins Ashleigh and Liam, all agree it's an amazing story.

The Butlins photo became a talking point again last week as Ray, who works at NETA Training in Stockton, was putting together a photo scrapbook of Mandy's life for her 50th birthday.


2011年2月22日 Daily Mail 新聞......

Super super sweet sweet + 超級超級巧合既真人真事!

Mandy + Ray Knaggs 1979年認識,1985年結婚,夫婦兩有5個仔女~

一日Mandy + Ray 睇返大家既童年照片,Ray 突然發現自己出現喺一張由Mandy 父母拍攝既相裡面!

時為1965年 - 即佢地認識之前14年前!!

1965年Mandy + Ray 都係大約4歲左右,雖然當時大家都係住喺同一個area,而且屋企只相隔幾條街,不過大家返唔同既學校,兩家人亦互不相識~

依一年兩家人同一時間去咗family holiday - 仲係同一地點!

就係咁Mandy 既父母拍下咗依張相,當時Mandy 父母正影緊Mandy + Mandy 姐姐,突然一個陌生小男孩出現喺鏡頭前


14年後Mandy + Ray 相遇,仲結埋婚生小朋友,happily ever after~~~

仲唔係整定? 直情係天作之合!


18 則留言:

  1. 我覺得夫妻之緣份很多時真是很特別的
    [版主回覆03/02/2011 02:23:00]係呀~ 茫茫人海由兩個原本完全唔認識既人,相遇到結婚生小朋友......真係好玄妙~

  2. 相中的機動船仔,我小時候都係荔園玩過(我已經好老餅) ,le 款機動遊戲好似八爪魚、摩天輪咁,每一架都相隔一段短矩離,看來Ray應該是坐在Mandy前面果架船仔,Ray被攝入相中,是影相的人早按了快門所致,不過我贊成你所講,依個故事真係好浪漫呀!
    我以前工作的公司約有5-6百人,有多個部門及辦公地點,我與部門其中7-8個同事特別friend,並經常一班人到其中一位叫阿May的朋友家裡開大食會同埋吹水 ,有一次她拿出所有旅遊照俾我地睇,當我揭到其中一本日本遊的相,看到一張在東大寺前的團體合照,我對她說都唔明白點解個個旅行團都咁鍾意係東大寺前影合照 ,仲張張相都差唔多樣,熟口熟面,忽然我發現我亦在相中,原來大家在8年前曾參加同一個日本旅行團,約4-5年後她加入到我工作的公司,並被安排在同一個部門,我地仲成為好朋友添(如果唔係咁,大家可能一世都唔會發現依件事),妳話係咪好有緣呢!
    [版主回覆03/02/2011 02:20:00]我細個時都有玩過荔園既船仔,每架船有個鐘可以搖架嘛! 我初時根本睇唔出相中既係船仔,而且英文內文都無講清楚佢地玩緊乜!
    如果我係妳或May 既話,我唸我一定一早可以認出! 認人都幾犀利架!
    其實我之前同Mr.T 都有類似既情況架! 不過時間無咁久遠,我之前既網誌都有提及過: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/veronicams_tsim/article?mid=5539
    另外仲有一次我地傾閒計,發現原來我地未認識時,曾經搭埋同一班飛機返香港,不過當時我同ex 一齊返香港,但喺機上都無見到對方~ 只係返到香港後聽新聞,原來當日我地搭果班機,差唔多到香港時,曾經同一班開往韓國既機迎頭非常接近,搞到我地班機要突然急降飛行高度,航空公司事後要調查事件,所以上咗新聞.......

  3. 真係緣份天注定.....
    [版主回覆03/02/2011 06:23:00]佢地真係天作之合! 睇相都覺得佢地好幸福啊~

  4. 我都有睇E篇啊~
    [版主回覆03/02/2011 06:23:00]雖然唔識佢地,但好鍾意睇到d咁sweet 既story!

  5. 咁咪係良緣天定囉!
    [版主回覆03/02/2011 22:55:00]一定係啦! 真係睇到新聞都戥佢地開心~~~

  6. 真係好有緣喎~
    [版主回覆03/02/2011 22:54:00]真係命中注定既緣份呢~

  7. 我有一對朋友, 佢地個經歷又係咁離奇地有緣! 個女仔朋友細細個同屋企人去遊樂場玩, 行行下比一個細路仔拖開左個女仔朋友, 之後個女仔朋友既媽咪拿拿臨拉返個女.... 係上年呢個女仔朋友同佢老公結婚, 準備成長片段既時候, 搵返d舊相出來, 個女仔朋友就話比佢老公聽佢之前係個遊樂場既經歷... 點知佢老公話佢記得以前細個同媽咪朋友d仔女一齊去過個公園, 試過行行下拖錯左一個細路女, 以為係佢媽咪朋友d仔女。 大家都覺得好怪... 之後佢老公搵個日映既相出來, 個女仔媽咪一睇就記得係當日既細路仔! 大家都覺得好奇怪, 好有緣! 真係姻緣早註定!
    [版主回覆03/02/2011 22:53:00]哈哈~~~ 妳朋友個老公唔係拖錯細路女呀,佢係拖早咗好多年呀!  sweet~~~~

  8. 我成日都覺得,係一種緣份,係命中注定,真係好sweet呀
    [版主回覆03/02/2011 22:52:00]無錯佢地真係命中注定! 咁舊既相比在第二個人可能揼咗 / 唔見咗 / 收埋咗,可能一世都唔會發現......

  9. Gaileは林家歐巴桑2011年3月1日 下午5:53

    [版主回覆03/02/2011 22:51:00]真係超級sweet~~~~ 雖然唔識佢地,不過好鍾意聽依類故仔!

  10. 緣份真係好奇妙呢~ ^^
    [版主回覆03/02/2011 22:50:00]係呀~ 佢地咁既情況,遇上後仲相愛結婚生子.......會有幾多機會??

  11. 有時緣份就係咁奇妙
    [版主回覆03/02/2011 22:49:00]其實有緣遇上認識都已經好奇妙啦!

  12. 嘩!好正呀,緣份早已定.我同我老公拍拖前都住得近,都經常在同一個山有玩過,但重未見過.
    [版主回覆03/02/2011 22:48:00]真係一個好甜蜜好神奇既故事!

  13. 綠份真係好微妙~有緣既一定會走在一起
    [版主回覆03/02/2011 22:46:00]真係好玄妙~ 雖然唔認識佢地,但好鍾意睇到依類story!

  14. 呢D就係緣份啦~~ 不過類似既野好似唔止發生過一次 因為我記得以前好似係報紙睇過差唔多既野! 珮夫人
    [版主回覆03/02/2011 22:45:00]係呀~ 唔係第一次架嘞! 不過雖然唔認識佢地,但每次睇到類似新聞都覺得好sweet 好開心~

  15. 可以做成夫妻已經好有緣
    [版主回覆03/02/2011 22:44:00]係呀~ 由2個完全唔認識既人,到相遇相愛結婚生子......依個過程都係緣份來架!

  16. 真係超正!! 注定緣份到極!!!  
    [版主回覆03/03/2011 02:00:00]雖然唔識佢地,不過都好戥佢地開心啊~~~

  17. 其實呢的算唔算係 Serendipity? 呢個英文字﹐真係算係我覺得係最難唔用舉例方式黎到解釋說明既其中之一個英文字。不過我都仲係唔係好明 ﹐ 我諗廣東話應該話有咁岩得咁蹺或者好有緣之類。 荷蘭人同德國人(我識果的)就成日話MAGIC~
    [版主回覆03/04/2011 23:46:00]其實我覺得fate 先係最直接簡單又最貼切既字!
    不過佢地既情況,又真係可以用magic 來形容啊~

  18. 係呀我不嬲都好信緣份, 根本拍拖結婚呢D野就係個天既安排, 係整定既.
    我朋友10年前上網同人吹水, 有個男仔問佢攞電話, 佢整鬼個男仔, 撈亂哂D數字, 個男仔竟然撞3次就中哂
    就係咁, 佢地相識拍拖到而家
    [版主回覆03/04/2011 23:43:00]哈哈~~~~ 其實妳朋友都係有心比個機會個男仔既,只係要個男仔比多d effort 啫!
