


1. 鮮魷去衣去腸臟洗淨,劏開攤平,在肚的一面打斜界花及切塊,用少許紹興酒抓勻略醃。

2. 西芹洗淨瀝乾,打直切半後再切成菱形備用。

3. 預備薑片、蒜頭(拍扁)和紅蘿蔔花數片(optional)。

(P.S. 其實如果你界花方法正確,魷魚塊一下滾水會即時捲起!)

5. 燒熱油鑊爆香薑片和蒜頭,再下蝦醬炒香。

6. 先下西芹和紅蘿蔔花炒一會,再下魷魚兜勻後灒酒,以糖和少許雞粉調味炒勻即成。

2 則留言:

  1. Hi V, this is Peggy. How are you? Long time no contact..I missed your blog so much.
    I come back la ...So poor of me! I had a broken knee ( fracture ) from middle of December 2013 due to slippery floor in my office. And I have moved house during my terrible journy of broken leg .....

    Doctor put plaster on my knee for 1 month which I only could do was lieing on bed or sit on chair...
    Even take bath is not possible by myself.. After the plaster, I need to have the physiotherapy for 4 month. Everyday I only stayed at home or moved a bit by wheelchair for totally 3 months :-( Then start from April, I walked under 2 crutches but it was still quite pain in my knee...
    Luckily, from this week I finally can walk by 1 crutch and can go out by taxi lu...

    I am so gald I can come back to your blog and read so many lovely food. :-)

    Have a nice day.

    1. Hey Peggy~ welcome back! im fine thanks~ glad that you are feeling better now. hope you will get through your recovery soon ;;)
