青紅蘿蔔煲豬踭; 玫瑰豉油雞翼; 西蘭花炒牛肉; 清蒸比目魚 & 頭抽荷包蛋
有朋友問老公:V成日煮咁多餸,你地食唔食得哂架? (冇錯~ E, 係講緊妳!!! 嘻嘻~~) 其實都OK 架...一煲湯飲兩日; 餸食唔哂就留第二日做我既lunch 或晚餐囉~ 不過其實都好少有餸留,如果係豬扒就唔洗旨意有得留添......
老公唔鍾意食魚因為有骨~ 食親魚都要我夾比佢! 今次第一次買已起咗骨既新鮮比目魚柳 (Black Halibut Fillet)來蒸,出乎意料之外咁滑喎!!! 估唔到咁好味~ 又冇骨!! 今次係實驗性質,下次會買大塊d.......
平時我+老公兩個人多數都係3餸1湯~ 但尋晚突然好想食煎荷包蛋! 所以就算原本已有3餸,都煎咗4隻荷包蛋~~~~~~
青紅蘿蔔煲豬踭食譜click here~
玫瑰豉油雞翼(參考食譜)click here~
西蘭花炒牛肉(參考食譜)click here~
正呀!! 仲有食譜添~ 第日可以偷師喇~
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/30/2008 17:41:00]認得妳個女張相嘞! 歡迎~ 歡迎~
(乜咁鬼遲先入來捧場架!!! )
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/01/2008 03:00:00]一早話咗我地為食架啦!!! 尋晚只係食淨雞翼有得留咋...3分1度啦~~~~
[版主回覆05/01/2008 03:01:00]尋晚我地都飽到上心口!!!! 不過今晚親戚到唔舒服...今晚唔煮咯~~~~
你地都好誇張嗟, 點解你食極都仲甘 skinny 嘅 , 真係羨慕死我勒 我好鍾意食 Halibut, 我托人買到 個d 係成百磅一條,所以 d fillet 係無骨嘅,岩晒我哩 d 唔識食魚嘅人食....... 你試下 Haddock, 丫, 都好好食㗎.
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/02/2008 17:44:00]嘻嘻~ V媽媽話我"油浸都唔肥"!!! 我都唔知點解架...
依度halibut 屬於貴價魚來~ haddock 我成日都食架! 我個魚批都係用haddock~ 仲有 炸魚薯條一係用cod,一係用haddock~ 但我鍾意haddock 多過cod - 因為cod 易碎,散收收咁........
Oh...please tell us the secrets of " 油浸都唔肥"....there are loads of recipes that i wanna try but even if i cook 1 dish for myself, it takes at least 2 or 3 meals to consume....do u go to gym and work out??
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/08/2009 17:32:00]i dont have any secrets woh.......
i went to gym a few years ago for abt a year, but it was just for curing my depression! since then and before that, i dont do exercises at all.
i also love high cholesterol food! however i dont like sweet stuff, snacks (i just make them for my husband!) ; i dont eat fruits at all cos they're sweet but i love vegetables; i rarely drink fizzy drinks, i like chinese tea and water.......maybe that's the secret?
haha....dats amazing!!....wt a secret!!...lol....this is a gift from god to u so dat u can eat wtever u like without concerning to be fat!!!....this is my birthday wish lol...i avoid high cholesterol goods but i luv foie gras!!...dun like desserts dat much but i luv baking n i eat dark chocolate when i feel stressful...i dun reli like fruit but i eat fruit for health....me either i dun drink frizzy drink but sparkling water....oh Mrs T....i almost hv the similar diet as u but why r u different??...so envy!!....next time when u r on the phone wiv V mama, maybe u can ask her abt the secret n share with everyone....i m sure this will be a gd topic cuz everyone amazed dat u look so slim n young but can eat a lot!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/08/2009 21:34:00]actually V mama was even slimer than I am! however she keeps gaining weight after gave birth to me......
to be honest we dont have any secrets~ as long as we have good health, that's the most important thing! right?