想問吓各位英國blogmate - 你地果頭有冇落雪?
前晚(3月3日)我依頭落過一次~ 而且好大! 第二朝雪停咗,不過街上有積雪,但到傍晚就溶得8899,完全睇唔出之前果今晚落過雪!!!
既然仲有雪落,咁即係天氣仲係凍啦~ 不過好多舖頭已開始推春裝,上季冬裝開始減價! 尋晚(3月4日)同老公去Tesco 買餸,老公話想上樓上睇DVDs,Tesco 樓上果層係賣電器、電腦、DVDs + 衫,我一向好少上去樓上~ 不過好彩尋晚老公話上去咋 - 一上去就見到衫褲大減價!
以前超市仲未有cashmere 冷衫賣,我會去Muji,一件普通V領下下都要成£100!
雖則係平價cashmere,不過都要£30 - £40一件~ 我比較過Muji + Tesco 既cashmere,質地同樣柔軟舒服,分別不大! 所以Tesco 既cashmere 真係好抵著!
買返去喺屋企著都抵~ 暖爐電費都慳返!
WOW.... congratulations to your super good bargain!! I've NEVER seen cashmere sales here.... Moreover, the 3 pullovers look great and the colors are nice!
回覆刪除In SW France, we don't have any snow at this moment but we have been having hails since a few days.
[版主回覆03/05/2009 22:06:00]every seasonal change, there are big sales for last season's stock~ ive seen cashmere sales before but it wasnt that cheap! i guess it's becasue of the bad economy~
how many degree C in SW France at the moment?
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 17:42:00]真係超平!!!
At this moment, the temperature is around 3 to 10°C! Not cold enough to snow....
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 17:45:00]actually here's temperature is the same - around 3 to 10 recently~ i think the weather is just getting more and more weird!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 17:47:00]從未見過茄士咩減到咁平~
Good buy wor~~ I like the black one coz it got the bow at the front~~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 17:50:00]yes such a big surprise for me! i like all three, but my favourite is the grey dolly one~
鬼咩! 有幾多鬼婆會係8 size???? (真係妒忌-ing~)
回覆刪除如果我去買12號, 你估仲有無? 一早比人搶鬼哂啦!
[版主回覆03/06/2009 17:55:00]有好有唔好啦! 平時正價貨少細size; 等到d貨去得咁上下減價減餘減淨先有我份......
其實我唸佢地應該已減價咗一輪架嘞! 只係我平時好少上樓上所以唔知~ 果晚我去到似水尾! 不過其他size 都有架,得閒既就去走轉啦~ (唔包一定有架!!!)
I like cashmere, handfeel so good and can keep you warm, those 3 color are also my love too. I am going to London 28 March, I think big sell will be over, too bad.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 18:04:00]every shop in uk is holding sale at the moment due to the bad economy, i think you would still catch it when you come over!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 18:06:00]天氣超級古怪! 尋日落完好勁之後幾粒鐘,出猛太陽,跟手d冇哂 + 地乾哂,完全睇唔出落過雪!
要手洗架啵! 我怕怕!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 18:11:00]Tesco 而家出既茄士咩話係machine washable,不過其實會縮水 (我試過...) 所以 我,而家都係照用手洗~ 係就係麻煩d,不過cashmere越洗越軟,又暖又舒服~~~
cashmere....@v@" 我都好喜歡...不過要用手手洗~"~ 仲有晾乾都好麻煩... 我著完一次, 洗左又冇一件...嗚... 你教我點洗好嗎??
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 18:18:00]洗咗後冇咗? 縮水定洗爛定點呀?
以前我買過一隻手洗液,係專用來洗cashmere 架! 不過而家冇得賣,所以我用一般羊毛手洗液~ 用手洗液 + 暖水浸吓佢,跟手求其搓兩搓就得架嘞!
cashmere 唔可以大力洗架,好易wer / 爛架~
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 18:20:00]超級抵呀! 以前最平都只係見過半價~ 我唸可能剩返既係細size (8號),所以冇乜人買啩!!?!??
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 18:24:00]我未著過茄士咩之前,我都會唸: 有冇咁巴閉呀? 不過一著上身已經可以感受得出茄士咩同普通羊毛既分別!
有時出面落緊雪,我喺屋企入面著2件茄士咩,真係暖到唔洗開heater 架! 著住佢出街,行行吓個身開始暖,有時仲會熱到標汗架!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 18:26:00]依度茄士咩都幾貴,所以只要有得減我已經好開心~ 仲要平成咁就更加開心!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 18:55:00]一陣再去過睇吓仲有冇筍野!
係 縮水 + wer 曬~"~
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 19:17:00]咁可能係妳d水太熱 + 太大力搓~~~
又真係好平啵 底底底呀
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 23:34:00]超happy! 平時買一件都唔止依個數~~~~
乜呢隻牌子嘅衫好鬼暖架? 你揀個三件都差唔多款嘅!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/06/2009 23:33:00]cashmere 唔係一個牌子來架! 係一種高山山羊既底層絨毛,每隻山羊都只係得一層薄薄既絨毛,所以產量少 + 賣得貴~ 貴價既純cashmere 閒閒地千幾二千銀一件......
我依3件係跳樓減價貨來架! 係得3件我既size,唔到我揀咩款~~~~
Thansk I hope I can catch it, I am wearing size 8 or 10.
回覆刪除Most of my cashmere are from Pxlx or ANF sample sale, I worked for them before. I suggest to wash cashmere as below;
Only wash one time per season, but have it exporse under the sun once in a while
Use cold water instead,
Soap the sweater for mix 15mins (more than 15mins the dirt will go back to the sweater)
Rinse it and flat dry on a dry towel.
I will use
[版主回覆03/07/2009 02:29:00]i used to wash my cashmere with a hand wash liquid particularly for cashmere. i followed its instructions which stated that using warm water.
it's a bit hard to expose the cashmere under the sun due to UK's weather......
Sorry I wanted to say I use softener as well.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/07/2009 15:18:00]i dont use softener~ the hand washing liquid is already good enough!
Good deal la. I need to go shopping too. Hope have a good sale la.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/07/2009 15:19:00]yes it's a very rare good deal! i was so lucky~
Good deal la. I need to go shopping too. Hope have a good sale la.
[版主回覆03/07/2009 15:24:00]點解妳原本唔唸住裝呀?? 話到明唔裝就所有flash object 都唔會work 架嘛! 妳個鐘唔出就緊架啦......
真係好抵........ I never knew Tesco does Cashmere! I'll go and try my luck next time......
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/07/2009 15:25:00]有咗cashmere 幾年啦~
[版主回覆03/09/2009 02:48:00]我件件都咁鍾意~
睇左你個blog好耐, 好鍾意睇你shopping
回覆刪除我4月尾都會去london呀, 想問下附近有無d outlet又平又抵又好shop呢? 介紹下丫, thanks!
[版主回覆03/09/2009 03:05:00]妳自由行呀? 如果係的話,時間上自由好多 + 方便捐窿捐罅shopping!
我冇去過London 既outlet~ 建議妳去Westfield,有網友話好多野賣! 妳去佢地website 睇睇: http://uk.westfield.com/london
另外我建議妳去TK Maxx~ 只要耐心摷,衫褲鞋襪家居用品......會搵到好多好野! 倫敦都有幾多TK Maxx,不過我唸最方便妳應該係Kensington 分店~ 妳可以去依度睇地址 + 其他資料: http://www.tkmaxx.com/storefinder.php
食野妳就唔好有咁大期望! 不過我推介妳去Japan Centre,佢地既日本野唔太貴,又正宗又正! http://www.japancentre.com/
希望幫到妳~ 祝妳有個愉快假期!