天氣超好~~~ 去Dobbies 買完野,就同老公遊車河! 記得舊年夏天同老公去玩Go Ape,場地附近有一片好靚既草地生滿blue bells......於是我向老公提議去返果度 - Aberfoyle~
我地見到有幾個人喺湖邊釣魚 + 燒烤,Loch Venachar 湖畔真係一個好好既燒烤地點~ 搵日等我同老公來個二人燒烤先! (我有個未開光既超迷你"自私"燒烤爐,只夠二人用架咋!!
喺Loch Venachar 散步完,開始有少少肚餓,於是返上車去Bridge of Allan 食飯......
Hamish 係一隻蘇格蘭既高地牛 (Highland Cow)~ 其實"Hamish"係佢個名,但我喺網上見好多中文blog,都錯誤地指Hamish = 高地牛.......係錯架!!!!!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/12/2009 16:24:00]咁其實一家人去又有另一種溫馨啫!
好靚呀!個環境好舒服。 我同樓上果位媽咪一樣。都想以人世界又係唔捨得兩個仔。下個星期一我同老公結婚七週年。我地都諗住呢個星期五唔番工出去行吓。
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/12/2009 16:23:00]就係唔想有小朋友阻頭阻勢,我 + 老公先過足二人世界,先生小朋友!
妳部相機影D相都幾靚喎, 請問係什麼牌子& model ?
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/12/2009 16:19:00]我部係Panasonic Lumix DMC -TZ3~ 已經出咗2年架嘞!
我強力推介Panasonic 既相機,因為佢地防震好勁! 我老公渣緊80 miles,我一樣可以影到車外風景清清楚楚~
[版主回覆05/12/2009 16:15:00]係呀~ 買咗唔用既話,買來做乜呀?
Hamish 個樣真係幾傻幾可愛既~~~~
Hamish ...好得意 , 第一次見 , 一陣開比囡囡睇你個Blog 先 .
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/12/2009 16:13:00]尋晚喺一個台灣人既blog,見到有人話Hamish 果樣似周杰倫! 笑爆咀~~~~~
[版主回覆05/13/2009 06:46:00]靚係好靚~ 不過間中去吓就無彷,要我住喺果度就咪搞! 果度連手提電話都收得唔好架! 我始終都係鍾意香港~~~~~
好舒服呀呢個地方,再加上天朗氣清又唔會熱,真係一個好relax & sweet的節目!我自己最怕熱同潮濕 的天氣,所以係香港真係無咩幾何去郊遊.......
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/13/2009 06:45:00]其實我覺得香港都有好多好靚既地方架! 講天氣我反而比較鍾意香港,因為冇咁凍 + 多太陽 只係夏天時比較熱囉.......
So sweet wor..still going on dates with your husband! I like exploring new places! I bet u have to wake up real early to drive out? By the way, who took the couple picture for you guys? Or did u just put the camera on a tree or rock? And i see your pretty new bag! Btw, for bags that u use frequently, do u always put them back in their dust bags after using? As for those nicer ones that u only use for certain occasions, do u clean them before keeping them again? Sounds stupid of me to ask such questions..but my mum always nags at me to keep my bags properly. i always find it a chore to take them in and out of the dust bags!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/13/2009 06:43:00]no actually we didnt have to wake up early~ cos during spring summer time in the UK, it's still sunny outside until 9ish pm!
no we took the pics by using a tripod~ we have a few tripods, we always keep one in the car; one for travelling, and there are 2 or 3 at home as well.
yes i use a soft dry cloth to wipe the bags i only use occassionally, then stuffed the bags with tissue paper before i putting them back to the dust bags.
the more i look, the more i feel that the bag really suits you! Enjoy your new "love"!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/13/2009 06:35:00]thanks~
回覆刪除妳hon hon好似瘦咗啲呀,係咪呀
[版主回覆05/14/2009 06:00:00]淨係第一張靚咋? 其實香港都有好多好靚既地方既~~~~
我返咗香港3星期,返到來時佢輕咗; 不過而家重返咯! 我自己就覺得冇乜分別~ 係你地先成日話佢又肥咗又瘦咗咁.......
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/14/2009 05:57:00]Katrina 好叻女喎!
估唔到 Stirling 都有長毛牛, 風景好靚.
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/15/2009 17:09:00]點解估唔到? 依度唔算有好多,不過都唔止Hamish 一隻......