先講d OK筍既先......
上次喺倫敦Japan Centre 本來都見到個細隻d既,不過當時錯過咗無買,今次見到依個又唔貴,就買隻返來試吓!
先唔講點筍法! 先講講我有幾鍾意Zyliss~~~
我以前用過好多唔同牌子既peeler e.g. Ikea, 各大超市品牌...覺得全部都唔掂!
所以後來又添置咗個打蛋器~ 依個打蛋器頂部開口既設計,令材料容易流出,唔會殘留喺打蛋器上~ 正!
就係因為個Y-peeler + 打蛋器,令我愛上咗Zyliss! 不過佢既廚具都幾貴e.g. 當超市peeler 只賣幾十個p; 但Zyliss Y-peeler 就要£8-10......
咁筍又真係唔買唔德呵,個 Julienne peeler 我都有一個, 係 Tuppexxxre 出品,用來刨絲做salad 好好用..
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/24/2009 09:03:00]等我搵次試試先~ 我覺得Tupperware d野都幾靚,不過有少少太colourful for 我......
[版主回覆11/24/2009 18:27:00]其實Zyliss 喺英國都賣得貴架! 不過我買依間店一向賣散貨 (呢~ 即係我買七彩扒刀果間店!),價錢只係一般店價1/3, 不過要撞啱先有貨,賣哂就冇囉......... 咁啱撞正再減價,先平成咁架咋~~~~~
嘩真係好抵呀. 而且好特別.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/24/2009 18:24:00]我覺得最抵係把萬用剪!
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/24/2009 18:22:00]OIC~ 不過擺得喺i love kitchen 賣,都唔慌平得去邊啦........
不過個Y-peeler 真係唔讚多佢兩句唔得! 因為真係好鬼正~ 而我用過最衰既peeler 竟然係IKEA!!! 最主要佢刀鋒真係好好好鈍,批到我好火滾~~~~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/24/2009 18:15:00]刨完要用手自己撕開d絲......
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/24/2009 18:13:00]其實依個牌子英國都賣得貴架! 只係果間店一向賣散貨,加上我又撞啱再減,先得有咁筍咋!
嘩 ... 貢平 ... 真係唔買都對唔住自己 ..... 得我去 i love kitchen 望下先, 我想買個刨朱士呀....
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/24/2009 18:11:00]erm.........我買果間shop 一向賣散貨所以平,再加埋佢又咁啱再減價先咁筍之喎! 香港未必有咁筍架~~~~
日本仔出既cheap野係咁上下架啦,$10貨仔算囉 ~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/24/2009 18:53:00]我一向覺得日本人就算出cheap 野都好得果喎.......好似我地都有果把低能刀仔!
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/25/2009 22:42:00]通常筍成咁既情況下,我都控制唔到自己!
我最近都入左把CHEAP CHEAP 陶 瓷刀..CHEAP得好緊要架XD 不過我有幾位朋友都用呢款刀出事, 佢地話 把野唔似真刀, 所以無小心..結果就係切手指囉... 呢D野我都好鬼鐘意睇! 但通常都貴到死..我唔捨得買 [加上我少煮..更加唔想買] 不過睇下佢地D IDEA 都好開心!
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2009 19:07:00]咁妳用時都要小心d呀!
我早排都心大心細想入把Kyocera 架! 不過我網上見有人用咗一星期已崩刀.......仲要係Kyocera 喎!!! 而且我又咁鬼論盡~ 加上我 已經有咁鬼多刀......都係算把嘞~~~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2009 19:02:00]依個牌子真係好好用!
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2009 18:57:00]嘻嘻~~~ 不過都要自己有用先會買既!
i think soon u'll have to start building new kitchen cabinets!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/10/2009 20:55:00]it's still ok at the moment, i just need to slow down a bit.....
wowo..such a great deal on those items!!! I have been so addicted to kitchenwares lately!! we have TJ Maxx and Marshall here in the US. they all belong to same corp as TK Maxx. Unfortunately they dont carry much of the Zyliss brand, however, they have a wide range of Kuhn Rikon (Swiss brand) kitchen wares. Have you tried this brand? They Y piranha peeler is just amazing! you can give it a try when u saw it in TX Maxx ar... =) http://malukooo.pixnet.net/blog/post/22617477
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/09/2010 03:53:00]Kuhn Rikon is quite a common brand in the UK~ but i havent tried this brand before. actually ive seen the piranha peelers (both Zyliss and Kuhn Rikon) in TK Maxx! however ive just bought a new Le Creuset peeler cos i lost my Zyliss Y-peeler , it's really good though not as good as the Zyliss, will save the Kuhn Rikon if lose the Le Creuset again~
P.S. is this your blog?
darn it! i just wrote a whole essay and stupid yahoo just deleted it due to code error!!! anyway, i was just saying no, that is not my blog. I wish i can write such a nice articles chinese like you guys! i am only using yahoo translate ja..hahaha I must confest to you that i am totally 中毒 on your blog on all those nice kitchen wares and pots and pans, which i need 朝 聖 daily. Keep up the good and informative details on them ar! add oiL!
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/12/2010 02:28:00]maybe you can learn 倉頡 in your free time? i took only 1 week to learn it and it's actually very easy to learn! you can visit this website if you are interested: http://ecj.hk/index.html
also thanks very much for your comment! just like the chinese saying"工欲善其事,必先利其器"~ i love cooking, that's why i love cookware too!