遲來既Saw 3D!
因為10月尾上畫當日同老公去咗倫敦,所以剛過既weekend 先去戲院睇~ 不過估唔到戲已經上咗成十幾日,仍然有唔少人去睇喎......
既然係咁,點解仲要睇第7集Saw 3D呢?
就係因為先前果咋咁垃圾都睇哂,無理由來到最後一集爛尾架嘛! 最後一集更加要睇吓可以點再垃圾法啦!!
出乎意料之外 - 雖然仍然係好垃圾,不過比我預期中好少少喎!
今集個故事好少少,因為有個為搏出名而假扮Jigsaw 受害倖存生還者出書既角色Bobby Dagen,依條支線令成套戲叫做有d故仔,唔再係一味殺殺殺!
但編劇實在太懶惰 - 集集拉咗人,到下集緊係話Jigsaw 有接班人繼續佢個project 果喎......悶!!!
唔合理既情節仍然太多太誇張! 其實Saw 由第二集開始已經越來越誇張,到咗第5、6集越來越離譜,已經到咗完全無可能既地進步......
Halloween 時我幫老公搽假血漿化妝都掂過佢!!!
唉~ 拍埋今集真係唔好再拍嘞......
Children see "Saw 3D" by mistake
Wed 17 Nov 4:47 PM
Families taking their children to see animated hit 'Megamind' in a US cinema were given a nasty shock when 'Saw 3D' was accidentally screened instead.
A theatre in Massachusetts unfortunately played the brutal horror film instead of the animated adventure, leaving kids screaming at the screen. The children were told to cover their eyes as cinema bosses tried to correct their mistake.
It took several minutes before the right film was shown, and so the children would have seen graphic images of a man with his foot cut off, and a woman killed by a buzz saw.
An upset father told WHDH of his traumatised son, "He came and slept with us and we thought we had gotten past that years ago. He said that he had a few nightmares."
Free tickets were handed out by red-faced cinema employees as compensation.
一班家長帶小朋友去美國Massachusetts 一間戲院(據聞係Showcase!)睇3D卡通"Megamind"~
點知戲院搞錯播咗Saw 3D!