Tesco sells garlic in bizarre new shade
It's sweeter and less smelly than its white counterpart and you can eat it raw! Say hello to black garlic...
We British have an appetite for unusual foods. Literally. No sooner is breast milk ice cream back on the menu in London, but Tesco announces its latest unusual food product, black garlic.Yes, you read right – garlic that’s black. But it’s not simply a darker version of the familiar white bulb, oh no. Is it really different to normal garlic?
According to the producers it is much sweeter than traditional garlic. You can even eat it raw, straight from the bulb, and you won’t get bad breath or feel like your mouth is on fire.
In fact, it is being sold as a pimped-up version of regular garlic that has twice the amount on anti-oxidants as the pale variety. It also has a longer shelf-life, it’s low in fat and it is rich in natural sugars and amino acids, making it extra tasty as a cooking ingredient.
Why is it black?
To get the colour, white garlic is fermented and the sugars and amino acids contained within it combine to produce melanoidin, a substance which stains the cloves black. The process gives greater depth of flavour and gets rid of the smell.
How do I cook with it?
If you don’t fancy chomping on raw cloves, black garlic works well with roasts, pasta sauces, risottos and stocks. The taste is reminiscent of the sweetness of balsamic or molasses and it subtly adds a bit of umami to meals without overpowering them.
When can I buy it?
Garlic turned goth will be on Tesco shelves from May.
Soruce: http://uk.lifestyle.yahoo.com/food-drink/tesco-sells-garlic-in-bizarre-new-shade-blog-4-lovefood.html
基本上英國飲食文化可以用一個字來形容 - 悶!
白蒜頭本身所含既糖份 + 胺基酸,經過發酵後就會產生一種叫做"melanoidin"既物質,依種物質會令蒜肉變成黑色,發酵過程中會加強蒜頭食味,但同時會除去臭味,就會成為黑蒜頭!
黑蒜頭5月會喺Tesco 上市~
P.S. 想知道更多關於黑蒜頭既資料,可以瀏覽佢地既website: http://www.blackgarlic.co.uk/
如果有得試, 又唔怕一試! 咪當佢係豆豉囉!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2011 22:34:00]我都唔怕~ 我都好想試!
黑蒜頭對我而言一試也無妨呢! 但人奶雪糕我卻未敢嘗試了 , 過不下自己呢! 其實有時看見妳的煮食介紹 , 我都會在想 , 英國的食材比香港的少了很多選擇 , 如果V女妳生活在港 , 我想妳一定有更多創意 ! 我自己很喜歡逛街市的呢 , 食材新鮮又多選擇 , 朋友也在笑我一往街市便興奮 ! 真傻婆! 只是味道還是有待改進! 還有呢 , 我家餐具也是全白的呢!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2011 22:33:00]如果5月蘇格蘭超市有得賣,我都會賣黑蒜頭來試吓!
人奶雪糕我都接受唔到! 只有一個感覺 - 好核突!!
洋人飲食習慣始終同我地有異! 不過而家既英國已經比十幾年前我來既時候好咗好多,越來越多中菜食材都買得到!
我返到香港都好鍾意行街市 + 超市,總之有野食賣既地方都鍾意!
我好鍾意食蒜~ 而且呢句"twice the amount on anti-oxidants as the pale variety" 搞到我都好想試下 哈哈
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2011 22:09:00]可能美國都有呢!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2011 22:08:00]好想試吓係咩味.......
呢隻黑蒜頭 咁似紫洋蔥既 既功效既
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2011 22:08:00]有2樣野唔似 - 黑蒜頭唔辣,食完亦唔會口臭!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2011 22:07:00]我都好想試! 希望5月蘇格蘭既Tesco 都有得賣啦~
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2011 22:06:00]係新產品來,英國5月先會上市!
係CITY SUPER見過日本的黑蒜頭,成60蚊一個,唔捨得食. 到時你試完,寫番個食後感....因為我都好好奇.
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/24/2011 22:46:00]英國依邊唔洗咁貴喎! 30幾蚊港紙已有一包~
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/25/2011 18:58:00]新野來嘛! 我都係第一次聽~
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/28/2011 00:31:00]某程度上都可以咁講 - 因為黑蒜頭係用普通蒜頭發酵而成架嘛!
什麼人奶雪糕? 諗起都想嘔啦....
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/28/2011 00:30:00]倫敦有間餐廳開始有用人奶做既雪糕供應! 標奇立異,我無興趣!!
我想問... 人奶何來?!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/28/2011 00:28:00]好似話果間餐廳比錢搵人offer 人奶供應喎!
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/28/2011 00:26:00]唔係紫色呀~ 係黑色!!
I wanna get that black garlic thing... Do you know where I can find it in hong kong?