looks yummy, I'd have more eggs thou LOL...looking at your food, my breakfast just became bland & unappetizing... [版主回覆12/08/2012 03:38:44]you can make this yourself! it's very easy~
and no~ the LC mini cocotte is only 8cm in diameter, plus it's a stoneware not cast iron. the pot i used for this rice pot was a 22cm Chasseur cast iron casserole: http://blog.yahoo.com/happy_Mrs.T/articles/74047 [Kevin @ TOR回覆12/07/2012 22:09:35]btw, is that LC mini cocotte?
回覆刪除[mami阿四回覆12/09/2012 22:21:54]New feeds 冇睇過你依張相呀。。。FB 唔掂!
[版主回覆12/08/2012 03:39:40]咁大煲點一人前呀? 尋晚架~ 我尋晚已經貼咗上FB啦!
looks yummy, I'd have more eggs thou LOL...looking at your food, my breakfast just became bland & unappetizing...
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/08/2012 03:38:44]you can make this yourself! it's very easy~
and no~ the LC mini cocotte is only 8cm in diameter, plus it's a stoneware not cast iron. the pot i used for this rice pot was a 22cm Chasseur cast iron casserole: http://blog.yahoo.com/happy_Mrs.T/articles/74047
[Kevin @ TOR回覆12/07/2012 22:09:35]btw, is that LC mini cocotte?
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/11/2012 05:29:11]妳又試吓整啦! 依個好容易之嘛~
我想問, 蓋住個蓋, 啲蒸氣會唔會散唔到
[版主回覆12/11/2012 05:25:37]就係要蓋住蓋蒸氣散唔到來煮熟d飯 + 放喺上面既肉!
我睇你個BLOG D野食睇到流晒口水呀.....好想食呀
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/11/2012 19:29:15]Thank you!
好好想整呢個, 但我用GE係電磁爐, 唔知係邊度可以買到類似的煲來 煮煲仔飯
回覆刪除另外, 多謝你上次指教我個cake, 星期日整咗好成功, 但我老公話乾咗D... 下次再接再厲, THANKS A LOT!!!!!
[版主回覆12/11/2012 19:27:46]Le Creuset / Staub + 我依個係香港比較少見既另一法國品牌Chasseur,全部都係鑄鐵煲,乜野爐頭都用得,電磁爐都得!
唔洗客氣! 如果覺得蛋糕太乾下次不妨噴多少少酒糖液來保濕~ (不過又唔好搏哂命勁噴喎!!)
你依隻法國生鐵鍋應該唔平,有冇其他鍋平d 可substitute煲煲仔 飯?? (又不想用瓦煲好易爛)
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/14/2012 02:40:17]電飯煲唔係唔得,而且當然係無咁好啦,如果唔係洗乜用煲仔?
[小樹太太回覆12/13/2012 01:49:18]多口問句,電飯煲係未無咁好?都係煲喎~
[版主回覆12/12/2012 17:50:14]隻煲買咗好耐,我都唔記得咗幾錢,不過係平過LC既!
唔想用瓦煲 <// 妳可以去上海街果一列廚具店搵一種黑色既金屬煲仔來代替! (我見過人地買,但我唔記得係咩金屬料!)