3個星期唔喺屋企,返到來一開門成地都係信~ 爭d仆鬼死我!!!!!!

喺芸芸眾多信件之中,有個銀色信封令我眼前一亮! 一睇信封左上角有隻大大既LV logo...我就知佢地又係時候想"鋸"我嘞......
今次既cocktail 係Christmas Shopping Night - 連主題都懶得唸!!!?!?? 時為下星期二(12月2日)~ 如無意外...我應該唔會去! 因為最近冇睇啱野; 睇啱咗既又未出!
不過真係要讚一讚依張邀請咭 - 銀底深藍既巴黎矇矓落雪夜景~ 真係好鬼靚!!!!!

(唔去都要keep 住佢!!!!)

[版主回覆11/25/2008 20:07:00]睇實物仲靚呀! 因為係銀底~~~
不過我冇唸住去喎! (其實仲未決定~ ) 上次cocktail 去買個銀包人迫人...真係好冇癮! 不過如果依個星期內見到有新野想要...我可能會改變主意 - 去!
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/26/2008 16:14:00]話明聖誕shopping 嘛~ 緊係有聖誕feel 啦! 上次夏天果張真係肉酸到震!!!! 同依張相差好遠~~~~~~
[版主回覆11/26/2008 19:00:00]以前有一張都幾靚...不過去cocktail 時對咗比條友比佢收咗.....
i think because of your blog, now i'm always eyeing LV bags!! AH!! I like your hampstead very much ar!! When i first saw it in your pics in hk, i didn't know its a hampstead, but i just like it already! Before this, i was more into gucci, just like you last time! Maybe cos it's more girly? btw, I always feel that damier azur is really hard to maintain though. What do you think about the Saleya GM? it's a simple design though.. maybe i can hint hint to my parents..
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/26/2009 03:41:00]Saleya is OK~ but im not interested since i already have a few similar styles. however as i said before - everyone is different! it doesnt matter how i think, as long as you like it~~~~