對一間週末會開lunch time 既食肆來講,食物選擇直情係少.......
上次我 + Mr.T 一人一份頭盆,我食炸catfish 佢食炸雞塊...頭盆都咁鬼大份!
今次只點一份炸catfish 當side dish 兩份分~
(炸catfish 係必食!!!)
天蠍座既Mr.T 愛上一樣野就會好專一......
所以佢今次點返同上次一樣既主菜 - 燉牛胸肉潛艇包 (悶!)
上次我點咗Chicken gumbo; 今次來個King prawn gumbo~
上次太多雞肉嘞! 今次改大蝦,無論料、湯 + 飯份量都恰到好處,
Hi V, I like gumbo too and it looks so good! No wonder why the owners hired the chef from New Orleans to bring you guys the best authentic gumbo. I am jealous!!! :(
回覆刪除how do you know Bar Gumbo hired the chef from New Orleans? :-/
刪除i LOVE gumbo too! esp the king prawn one!! and im going to make my own version! :D
My best friend, Google told me yesterday! He brought me to http://food.uk.msn.com/restaurants/soul-food-restaurants-in-the-uk?page=8
刪除I cant wait to see your king prawn gumbo!!! :D
刪除however...the article said "a chef who cooked in New Orleans for 10 years passed on the secrets blah blah blah", dont think they actually hired the chef from New Orleans. in fact Mr.T thinks it's just some bullshit they made up! :))
Probably true. I’d tasted a gumbo dish from a visiting chef @ school, oh god that was really freaking good! :D
刪除Gumbo is a simple and delicious dish! simple ingredients + simple cooking~ cant wait to try!
刪除好想吃,可惜sheffield 没这些餐厅!from 月儿
回覆刪除我打算試吓自己整gumbo! 如果成功的話,妳都可以自己煮,咁妳咪有得食囉~ ;)