

材料中既"三絲"可隨自己喜好自由發揮! 我就用咗火腿絲、蛋絲 + 洋蔥絲~~~

1. 雞蛋加胡椒粉和鹽打勻,燒熱油鑊將蛋液煎成蛋餅,盛起切成條備用。

2. 火腿扒切粗絲,油鑊爆炒火腿扒絲片刻,加入洋蔥絲炒香。

3. 加入烏冬麵和蛋條兜勻,淋上瑞士汁 (我用淘大既!) 適量,兜勻炒至乾身,洒上蔥花即成。

8 則留言:

  1. Vca,
    其實想問你好耐, 你同你老公係咪好鐘意食蔥架? 我見好多時都落大量蔥花喎
    [版主回覆05/23/2008 01:32:00]係架~ 我地好鍾意食蔥架!  蔥好食呀!
    仲有"物以罕為貴"麻~ 依度d蔥一大pack,pack 之前又一早切鬼咗個頭 - 唔擺得耐架! 咪要快d食哂佢囉~~~ 其實我影相時已經落少咗咯喎! 我多數影完之後落埋淨番果d......

  2. 係呀,Mrs T 煮D野成日有蔥架
    [版主回覆05/23/2008 01:36:00]要落果d我先落啫! 你見唔見我煮忌廉雞落蔥??

  3. 加左蔥,個樣好似會更靚.....唔通係呢個原因
    [版主回覆05/23/2008 01:40:00]食物既presentation 係其次,對我來講最緊要係味道! 反正食咗落肚遲吓出番來都係一樣樣!

  4. 忌廉雞落蔥???
    [版主回覆05/23/2008 16:37:00]你自便~ 我d蔥留返來煮第二d野既!

  5. E瑞士雞汁除咗可以整雞翼外重可以用黎炒烏冬喎,等我都試下先!
    [版主回覆05/23/2008 16:38:00]好好味架! 瑞士汁帶甜,唔洗再落其他調味,好方便!

  6. 見到瑞士雞汁就會想煮我至愛既雞翼
    [版主回覆05/23/2008 17:53:00]我都好鍾意瑞士雞翼!
    講開瑞士汁,妳有冇食過太平館既瑞士乳鴿呀??? 哇~~~~ 超好食!!!!!

  7. 我囡囡唔肯食蔥, 唔好話生蔥, 連熟蔥都唔肯食, 依排有個廣告(司各脫)有句係"食蔥聰明呀嘛", 我成日用依句氹佢食, 但係佢次次都答我:"我唔鐘意食蔥聰明喎", 雖然我唔係話好鐘意食蔥, 但係都會食, 自細媽咪教落唔好揀飲擇食, 點知個囡囡好多野都唔肯食, 激死我
    [版主回覆05/23/2008 18:52:00]我真係好鍾意食蔥架~  如果食魚蛋粉時冇蔥,對我來講完全冇哂意思~~~ 有時我想食碗瀨粉,但屋企冇魚蛋都唔緊要! 齋瀨都得 - 不過最緊要有蔥!!!
    最鍾意係生蔥添~ 連洋蔥我都係鍾意生食既!!! 生蔥其實好有益架~ 不過我都有個朋友完全唔食蔥既! 佢仲衰 - 生熟都一食就會嘔! (唔知點解.....)

  8. hi! can i ask if we need to cook the udon first in hot water before frying? or can just fry straight out of the packet? because it's like in a square form if it's not boil first? i'm planning to make this later! but i'll be using beef strips instead of ham, bcos i happen to have that in my fridge, but i'll marinate it first with the sauce n a little oil. have fun in hong kong! i can't wait to go back too. and remember to check out the pot i showed you last time ok?
    [版主回覆11/24/2008 20:42:00]im back already! i had a wonderful time with my family in HK~ really dont want to come back!!! im already planning to go back soon without my husband, since he has finished all his holiday this year!
    re the fried udon - you DONT need to cook the udon first! just straight to wok + use your hands to break the udon. if you cook it first, it will turn out too soft!
    oh~ i totally forgot to check out the pot!!!! actually i spent quite a lot of time with family + friends, didnt have much time to shop! too little time, too many things to do!!!!


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