Yum yum!! both me and my bf like claypot rice a lot! i'll try this when i'm back in sydney! Btw, u're not going back to hk this winter? [版主回覆12/10/2009 20:54:00]this is not a clay pot, it's a cast iron casserole~
I rushed to the supermarket after work so I just picked up a bag of chicken drumstick and found a few 冬菇 at home. [版主回覆12/11/2009 20:28:00]OIC~ that's the easiest recipe for 煲仔飯!
hello first time leaving a message.. thx for sharing the recipe, i had a great claypot rice last night with my partner!!! so yummy!!! ur so talented... envy to have your cooking skills gal [版主回覆05/24/2011 18:53:00]Hello and welcome nickicatt! nice to meet you~
thank you for your comment~ im glad that you like the recipe!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/08/2009 19:38:00]一樣有架~ 要幾厚有幾厚!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/08/2009 19:37:00]我唔鍾意臘腸,我鍾意膶腸多d! 最好仲要係鵝肝腸~~~ 今晚整返孖食至得!!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/09/2009 08:35:00]食完真係成身暖哂! 加多少少薑絲又香又暖身~~~
Looks yummy! I am gonna make that tonight!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/09/2009 08:32:00]make la make la~~~~~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/09/2009 18:57:00]生鐵煲一定重架嘞! 我hot plate 爐用瓦煲好易爆,生鐵煲雖重,但好好用整好多野都得,又襟用~
Yum yum!! both me and my bf like claypot rice a lot! i'll try this when i'm back in sydney! Btw, u're not going back to hk this winter?
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/10/2009 20:54:00]this is not a clay pot, it's a cast iron casserole~
i go back every year but not always in winter.
Made that last night! I used an iron pot too! It was great!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/10/2009 20:52:00]what did you put on the rice?
I rushed to the supermarket after work so I just picked up a bag of chicken drumstick and found a few 冬菇 at home.
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/11/2009 20:28:00]OIC~ that's the easiest recipe for 煲仔飯!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/15/2009 07:47:00]好似我依個煲咁黑色啞面可以用百潔布,但唔可以用洗潔精; 不過有琺瑯搪瓷面既,我就唔清楚可唔可以用百潔布! 唔知會唔會刮花琺瑯搪瓷面......
回覆刪除[版主回覆03/14/2010 02:52:00]要比電飯煲少些少水! 因為煲飯前米已經浸過~ 另外因為肉類會出汁.......所以我上面依個其實係反面教材來! (果次加多咗少少水啊~~~~)
回覆刪除我有個石頭獲, 唔知會唔會有飯焦?
[版主回覆10/28/2010 04:50:00]生鐵煲任何爐頭都可以用~
回覆刪除[版主回覆10/28/2010 20:42:00]天氣凍食依個最好! 妳都整啦~ 將所有材料揼哂落去一煲熟之嘛,好鬼易!
你個生鐵煲點保養? 以前我買過一隻, 用完就咁抹乾水都會有少少鏽(可能香港天氣潮濕), 搽油去防鏽隔得耐又會有少少油益味, 點算?
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/02/2010 02:42:00]買返來用之前要開煲; 清洗時只用好熱既水唔用洗潔精,洗完即時徹底抹乾水份 - 就係咁架咋! 我完全無生锈既問題,隻煲越用越靚~
hello first time leaving a message.. thx for sharing the recipe, i had a great claypot rice last night with my partner!!! so yummy!!! ur so talented... envy to have your cooking skills gal
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/24/2011 18:53:00]Hello and welcome nickicatt! nice to meet you~
thank you for your comment~ im glad that you like the recipe!