Your dish looks gorgeous! I think they are crayfish, lobster like shellfish. They taste very plain and need to be cooked with spicy condiments to bring out the favor. But fresh cooked lobsters have ocean smell, taste very rich and sweet without adding any seasonings. So they have a difference in taste. [版主回覆11/01/2011 22:13:58]yes they are crayfish = crawfish = 淡水龍蝦; and they are related to lobsters. (i know what i eat!) i didnt say that losters and crawfish taste the same, i just say it's smilar. however i dont think they taste "very plain", actually they have a very sweet taste. there are different kinds of crawfish, ive tried the other kind called Cambaridae and they are really tasteless.
after the yahoo change, it's so difficult to locate your blog, and I don't know how to add you in this new platform *~* [版主回覆11/01/2011 21:58:32]click "關注" under my profile pic~ ;-) [blackbear回覆11/01/2011 16:21:01]you can click "follow".
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/01/2011 04:58:17]佢地生猛時都好得意架! 不過成日打交.....=_="
好野味 , 肯定好正 ^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/01/2011 04:58:55]好鬼惹味! 不過食到好messy.....=P
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/01/2011 04:59:53]其實味道差唔多~ 小龍蝦d肉滑d + 對拑好好肉地呢~ ^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/01/2011 05:00:31]好惹味~ 不過食到好烏wer......=P
Your dish looks gorgeous! I think they are crayfish, lobster like shellfish. They taste very plain and need to be cooked with spicy condiments to bring out the favor. But fresh cooked lobsters have ocean smell, taste very rich and sweet without adding any seasonings. So they have a difference in taste.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/01/2011 22:13:58]yes they are crayfish = crawfish = 淡水龍蝦; and they are related to lobsters. (i know what i eat!) i didnt say that losters and crawfish taste the same, i just say it's smilar. however i dont think they taste "very plain", actually they have a very sweet taste. there are different kinds of crawfish, ive tried the other kind called Cambaridae and they are really tasteless.
[版主回覆11/01/2011 22:00:20]依隻龍蝦仔係淡水架! ^^ 我留低咗一隻當pet 養住佢呢~
looks so yummy~~
回覆刪除after the yahoo change, it's so difficult to locate your blog, and I don't know how to add you in this new platform *~*
[版主回覆11/01/2011 21:58:32]click "關注" under my profile pic~ ;-)
[blackbear回覆11/01/2011 16:21:01]you can click "follow".
細細隻小龍蝦好得意, 可惜香港比較少龍蝦仔買, 不過, 呢個煮法好惹味, 辣辣地, 正呀^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/01/2011 21:55:08]係呀~ 佢地好得意架! 所以我留低咗一隻養住佢~ ^^ 依個方法用來煮其他海鮮都好好味架!
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/01/2011 21:53:36]不過食到成口成面都係汁....XDDD
is it expensive in your country
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/01/2011 21:53:06]£6 /kg~ not expensive at all! ^^
甘都得@.@ 留多隻可吾可以變三四隻,哈哈
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/01/2011 22:28:01]我本來想留多隻架,不過一放埋落去就開始打交! =_=" 而且我唔識分佢地男女....
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/03/2011 00:21:55]英國伯明翰Bullring Indoor Market, £6 /kg~
回覆刪除名稱 : 成日都好鬼 happy 嘅 Mrs.T
如果沒有反對~~~ 會11月8日~~~再我的綱誌看到~~~THANK YOU ~~~多謝您們的分享~~
[版主回覆11/03/2011 18:31:07]無問題~ 有註明出處就可以嘞! 多謝告知~ ^^
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/03/2011 18:32:58]買唔到龍蝦仔用第二種蝦或海鮮代替囉,一樣好味~
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/04/2011 19:09:33]唔洗客氣! ^^
整咁多隻!!!! 要因住身子wor~~不過比著我都未必忍到口^^