Glad to know that you and Mr T had a great Valentine's Day!! Your V day celebration is so sweet, so wonderful...... You said that I live in the most romantic country? Before, I though the same like you but since I started my life in France, I truly found that ROMANCE is only the marketing of this country - France. In order to attract more tourists, they just market their country in this way and they have cheated many people. In reality, the french are very practical people and life can be very tough to grass root level people. I can let you know that Mr T 'll be considered the Saint of Romance here in France because I can bet not many frenchmen will do what he did to their wives or girlfriends. You're truly the lucky one - perhaps I should say both of you are lucky to have found each other in this world!
[版主回覆02/17/2009 05:22:00]really??? ive been to Paris 5 times and i think the atmosphere is really romantic...because im a tourist! haha~~~
thanks for the compliment re my husband~ yes i can tell you that - i truly think that im the luckiest woman in the whole planet! because ive found my soulmate~
I need to show your blog to my husband!!! VERY VERY 羨慕! I wouldn't say he's as creative as Mr. T but he did made me gifts for special occasions while we were dating and after we got married. However, ever since he started his own (working) business and kids production business, that had been put aside. You are super lucky!!! I hope Mr. T will carry on this after he started his kids' production business! LOL! [版主回覆02/18/2009 22:15:00]Thanks very much! yes im very lucky~ i truly think that im the luckiest woman in the whole planet!
how romantic!!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/16/2009 20:48:00]hehee~~~ Thank you!
嘩好曬呀!世上最貴的禮物---DIY, 浪漫到呀!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/16/2009 20:44:00]曬親妳呀? 來來來~~~ 帶返副超先!
要唔要太陽油?? 哈哈!
Thank you~ 依份禮物貴就唔貴...係珍貴至真!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/16/2009 20:37:00]多謝~ (代我老公講!)
哇~~ 羡慕死人咩?
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/17/2009 05:28:00](Empty)
一個字"勁"呀 .........我講妳老公啲手工 & 心機咋,妳就好啦,仲要開心足48小時,唉........我都係唔好"肯"(唔記得點打個字)咁多喇,費事諗到上腦
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/17/2009 05:26:00]我都覺得老公既手工真係有返咁上下! 每格公仔仲過咗膠架~~~~ (真係忍唔住要讚多佢幾次~ )
So sweet & romantic ah~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/17/2009 05:24:00]Thank you~
your dog is very cute! is it a corgi??
Glad to know that you and Mr T had a great Valentine's Day!! Your V day celebration is so sweet, so wonderful......
回覆刪除You said that I live in the most romantic country? Before, I though the same like you but since I started my life in France, I truly found that ROMANCE is only the marketing of this country - France. In order to attract more tourists, they just market their country in this way and they have cheated many people. In reality, the french are very practical people and life can be very tough to grass root level people. I can let you know that Mr T 'll be considered the Saint of Romance here in France because I can bet not many frenchmen will do what he did to their wives or girlfriends. You're truly the lucky one - perhaps I should say both of you are lucky to have found each other in this world!
[版主回覆02/17/2009 05:22:00]really??? ive been to Paris 5 times and i think the atmosphere is really romantic...because im a tourist! haha~~~
thanks for the compliment re my husband~ yes i can tell you that - i truly think that im the luckiest woman in the whole planet! because ive found my soulmate~
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/17/2009 05:13:00](Empty)
(唔知你地英國買花貴唔貴呢...我嗰人在IFC見到一束花要$1800 )
回覆刪除你老公對你真係好好 又肯花心機去諗d野黎氹你開心
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/17/2009 16:38:00]我都對我老公好好架!
你老公真係有心思到暈呀.....俾我真係"林"到唔識行路tim呀........暈晒大浪呀嘛!! 怪唔之得你日日見都唔捨得佢返工啦........
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/17/2009 16:56:00]我都覺得老公好多鬼主意! 早排佢整咗張聖誕咭比V爸爸V媽媽,佢叫我教佢寫"聖誕快樂" + "身體健康"......
我: 你寫英文啦!
老公: 我想寫中文...
我: 咁不如等我寫?
老公: 我想自己學寫比佢地睇!
其實我都唸住教佢既,不過我想試吓佢幾有心! 講真"聖誕快樂" + "身體健康",對一個完全唔識睇 + 寫中文既人都幾有難度! 我好開心老公連我爹地媽咪都氹埋一份~~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/17/2009 16:44:00]似我咩? 我覺得似老公細個個樣多d喎! 哈哈~~~~~~
好SWEEt唷... 不過得陣先,....你岩岩回應post的相... 紅色背心的... 是你老公嗎???? 好以gigi leung...呵呵
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/17/2009 20:40:00]係呀~ 我老公細個來架! 靚女呀呢?
紅色果條係工人褲來架~ 唔係背心!
所以比我cut 鬼咗!
I need to show your blog to my husband!!! VERY VERY 羨慕! I wouldn't say he's as creative as Mr. T but he did made me gifts for special occasions while we were dating and after we got married. However, ever since he started his own (working) business and kids production business, that had been put aside. You are super lucky!!! I hope Mr. T will carry on this after he started his kids' production business! LOL!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/18/2009 22:15:00]Thanks very much! yes im very lucky~ i truly think that im the luckiest woman in the whole planet!
個扭計識點整架? 真係好有心思。
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/18/2009 22:12:00]個扭計骰係買既~ 原本只係一個普通既扭計骰,但老公將原本既顏色搣咗出來,再貼過咗膠 + 自己用電腦畫既公仔上去囉!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/18/2009 23:01:00]多謝! 佢又係幾多鬼主意既~