V, can you please explain how to perform the 豬脷用刀刮去脷苔厚皮? i have tried several time in the past, after blanching (5-10 min), the 脷苔厚皮still sticks to the 豬脷 so much that i have to cut a portion of the meat in the 豬脷 to be able to remove the 脷苔厚皮. Does yours able to separate easily? [版主回覆04/07/2011 05:48:00]yes i can remove the thick skin quite easily~ rinse with tap water after blanching, then use a serrated knife to scrape off the thick skin. it will take abt 5 mins for one pork's tongue.
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/06/2011 20:54:00]其實我都無咩心得架~ 我一向買青蘿蔔都係睇佢夠唔夠實淨,只要唔摷皮禁落去唔淋唔會凹就得架嘞~
我以前都會喺中超買青蘿蔔~ 後來我有一位住喺德國既網友話我知,洋人超市有一種叫做swede 既根類蔬菜,煲出來既湯同青蘿蔔味道一模一樣,之後我就一直買swede 來代替青蘿蔔,比真正青蘿蔔仲平仲好味呢! 妳可以睇返依篇swede 既樣: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/veronicams_tsim/article?mid=62530
急凍豬 脷?
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/06/2011 20:44:00]唔係急凍,係新鮮豬脷來架!
豬脷正~~不過係屋企唔煲得...因為一定俾我男友話我痴線 (佢好唔鍾意豬 脷,牛舌, 鴨舌呢D野) 我之前想學你買SWEDE來煲湯 點知....去到街市見合掌瓜仲平過SWEDE就走左去煲合掌瓜 珮夫人
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/06/2011 22:28:00]我老公唔食內臟,所以佢都唔食豬脷架! 我買來煲湯煲完都係得我一個人食!!
話時話我都好耐無煲過合掌瓜咯~ 我都好鍾意飲架! 搵日煲返個合掌瓜湯先!!
V, can you please explain how to perform the 豬脷用刀刮去脷苔厚皮? i have tried several time in the past, after blanching (5-10 min), the 脷苔厚皮still sticks to the 豬脷 so much that i have to cut a portion of the meat in the 豬脷 to be able to remove the 脷苔厚皮. Does yours able to separate easily?
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/07/2011 05:48:00]yes i can remove the thick skin quite easily~ rinse with tap water after blanching, then use a serrated knife to scrape off the thick skin. it will take abt 5 mins for one pork's tongue.
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/09/2011 23:07:00]係呀~ 唯有食豬脷頂住檔......所以我又買咗2條豬脷今晚用來整鹵水! 順便示範吓點刮豬脷厚皮~