I like 蟹籽沙律 so much... It is cheaper to make it at home. Thanks for your sharing... [版主回覆04/13/2011 23:44:00]you're welcome Kanny! yes it is a lot cheaper to make this at home~ (i think it's much more tastier as well! )
I like julienne peeler,where could find it,how muck? it's look really fandful,too! xoxoaunt [版主回覆04/15/2011 21:53:00]i bought it here, it was on sale and it was only £1~ big bargin! however i dont know where you can it in HK woh......
but i know that lots of kitchenware brands have julienne peeler, not just Zyliss~ you may try "I Love Kitchen"!
brought it brought it la $4 in US! I always cannot resist all those kitchen gadgets you have on ur blog!! keep up the good work on introducing us w/ all the new items wor! [版主回覆04/18/2011 06:53:00] haahaa~~~~ it seems my kitchen has already got everything, dont know what new item i can buy next time!
V, do you have any tips or tricks on shaving the cucumber? i always wasted a alot towards the end of the process because i am afraid to shaved my own finger ar ...thx! [版主回覆06/03/2011 09:15:00]i will cut the cucumber in half, then stand one half vertically on the chopping board. then hold that in position with one hand and use the julienne peeler to peel it. still need to be careful woh!
Hi, just wondering where could I get 蟹籽 in UK? Thank you =] [版主回覆11/08/2011 20:47:07]i bought it from SeeWoo Glasgow. try local oriental supermarkets, usually they sell Japanese and Korean food as well. also i know that you can get it from Seoul Plaza, they have quite a few shops in the UK~ ^^
I like 蟹籽沙律 so much... It is cheaper to make it at home.
回覆刪除Thanks for your sharing...
[版主回覆04/13/2011 23:44:00]you're welcome Kanny! yes it is a lot cheaper to make this at home~ (i think it's much more tastier as well! )
有 d 似火山口咁, 就爆。
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/13/2011 23:41:00]我就係鍾意佢咁爆! (查實係我"不"蟹籽出來溶雪時重手咗..... )
haha! 真巧合 , 昨晚跟另一半去了一間日式餐廳食放題 , 也有點了這沙律 , 當然 V女妳的一定比我昨晚的吸引得多 , 見到放得滿滿的蟹 籽 已教人心動! 我家也是購買這牌子的蛋黃醬 , 個人認為味道比其他牌子出眾, 除了做沙律外 , 做豬扒飽 , 熱狗 or 吉烈食品......的醬料也很合適呢! 也謝謝妳分享食譜呀!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/13/2011 23:40:00]嘻嘻~~~ 咁啱既! 我返香港都好鍾意食日式放題架!!
依隻日本BB蛋黃醬 + Harvey Nichols 既白松露蛋黃醬,都係我食過最好味既蛋黃醬~
我勁愛呢個沙律...不過好少係屋企整...多數出去食 因為我自己既刀功好差 等我去搵下有無呢個刨賣先 有的話我就可以係屋企整呢個! 多謝介紹! 珮夫人
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/13/2011 23:37:00]依個刨真係好好用! 有咗佢我唸妳唔會再出街食依個沙律!! 因為實在太易整嘞~~~~
好多牌子都有出julienne peeler 架,應該唔難搵!
自己整可以落多d蟹 籽,好味呀
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/13/2011 23:35:00]係呀~ 自己整鍾意落幾多蟹籽都得!
死啦...我見到你個食譜諗起...我都好耐冇食過... 即刻心郁郁好想整黎食... 好在屋企冇蛋黃醬... 見到你個刨絲器...又係好心郁郁想買返個... 因為我整親肉醬意都係超級finely chop材料... 次次都要切細條再切粒...好晒功夫!!!(懶切就唯有用grater...嘻嘻) 等我上網睇下有冇得買先...
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/13/2011 23:34:00]finely chop 還finely chop 喎! 依個刨用來刨絲果喎!!
ebay 有大把呀,而且仲好平!! 好多牌子都有出julienne peeler,唔一定要係Zyliss~
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/13/2011 23:31:00]依個超簡單製作呀! 自己整要幾多蟹籽都得~
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/13/2011 23:31:00]好多牌子都有出julienne peeler 架,唔一定要係Zyliss,應該唔難買~ 再唔係ebay 都有大把!
呢隻 BB 沙律醬好正。。
[版主回覆04/13/2011 23:27:00]我都好鍾意依個! 而且太鬼易整嘞~ 自己整鍾意落幾多蟹子都得!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/13/2011 23:16:00]依個好鬼易整架! 試吓整啦~
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/13/2011 23:16:00]d蟹子一大桶好多架! 我溶雪時手重咗少少"不"多咗出來溶雪,咁無理由雪返佢架嘛,咪落哂佢囉!
你好!我都有整呢個,不過冇咁多蟹籽,好似多蟹籽正好多喎,好勁嘅Mrs .T, 其實因為由一年半前開始,睇左你個blog,令我的起心肝學習烹餸,一星期前更的起心肝開blog,亦為左可以在此留言,多謝你嗰D美倫美換的食譜,祝你嘅Blog人氣keep住日日都咁高!!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/14/2011 00:34:00]妳好BB GIN! 尋晚重手"不"咗太多蟹籽出來溶雪,咪唯有用哂佢囉~ 不過我鍾意超多蟹籽架!
多謝讚賞! 不過過獎嘞~ 我唔勁! 我都係邊煮邊學架咋~ 恭喜妳新blog 開張喎! 大家交流吓煮食心得吖!
勁多蟹籽, 正!! 呢個沙律如果加d芒果粒都正架! 同埋個peeler真係好好用咁喎... 等我都買個黎試下先!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/15/2011 22:05:00]係呀~ 自己整落幾多蟹籽都得!
我唔鍾意食甜野,所以我都唔鍾意食生果! 整親沙律都唔會落生果架~
依個julienne peeler 真係好方便好好用架!
回覆刪除我好鍾意食蟹 籽沙律架 !睇到都流哂口水,心郁郁想試下整~
回覆刪除好, 一於試吓整, 亞仔一定勁Like!
回覆刪除我上個星期去美國 outlet 買了一個 3-in 1 的刨皮器很好用的,推上頂是刨粗皮,推至中間刨薄皮(如蕃茄之類),推至最下就刨絲。妳試找找這用具,好用又方便。Sorry,我還是電腦新丁,重未識 post 張相比妳睇,外形跟普通的刨皮器一樣,只是手柄稍長小小並有一個製可以拉動,只售 US$ 3.99+tax。
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/15/2011 21:56:00]Thanks Cooking Mama! 不過我成日買廚具,屋企已經有好多個批皮器呢~ Le Creuset, 孖人牌, 陶瓷批皮器都有......
I like julienne peeler,where could find it,how muck?
回覆刪除it's look really fandful,too!
[版主回覆04/15/2011 21:53:00]i bought it here, it was on sale and it was only £1~ big bargin! however i dont know where you can it in HK woh......
but i know that lots of kitchenware brands have julienne peeler, not just Zyliss~ you may try "I Love Kitchen"!
like like like !!! 呢個啱晒我...易整又好味
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/15/2011 21:50:00]係呀~ 依個超易整呀! 抵過出街食好多呢~
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/15/2011 21:49:00]依枝應該係蛋黃醬來架! 沙律醬味道應該酸少少~
妳啲蟹籽絕對唔係適量 我都好鐘意用BB蛋黃醬+煉奶整沙律,媽咪話一定要架煉奶先好味喎
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/15/2011 23:31:00]果日"不"蟹籽出來溶雪唔覺意重手咗嘛! 唔通雪返佢咩......
依隻BB醬 + 上次我用來整薯仔沙律既Harvey Nichols 白松露蛋黃醬,係我暫時食過最好既蛋黃醬!
Zyliss依個1英磅真係好抵 妳講得咁正,等我都去買個
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/15/2011 23:29:00]依個Zyliss 好耐之前大減價時買架! Zyliss 平時邊有咁鬼平呀!! 唔用過真係唔知咁鬼方便呢!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/16/2011 10:04:00]我行開幫妳睇吓有無貨吖!
喂喂喂,唔洗幫我買嘞,香港都有得賣,我得閒就會去買個架啦,thank Q晒
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/18/2011 06:54:00]OK~ 如果妳搵唔到就話我知啦!
brought it brought it la $4 in US! I always cannot resist all those kitchen gadgets you have on ur blog!! keep up the good work on introducing us w/ all the new items wor!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/18/2011 06:53:00]
haahaa~~~~ it seems my kitchen has already got everything, dont know what new item i can buy next time!
D青瓜真係好多水呀-0-" 之前試過整,不過失敗左,有2個原因,一係刨野O個個器唔岩用,2係唔識點樣整到D青瓜冇水。呵呵~等我下次得閒又整下先 。同埋呢,考埋試之後,我會多D上黎參考下 ,因為我個欣大少好快返黎啦,諗住整D好野過佢食。哈哈~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/19/2011 00:15:00]青瓜一定多水架嘞,所以要只刨瓜肉唔要瓜囊! 香港買到日本青瓜就買日本青瓜啦~
Hi!Ms.V,finalIy ;I find it about $ 12.oo,with tax.
[版主回覆04/26/2011 01:19:00]congrats! you may try to make this salad now~
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/04/2011 04:13:00]係咪依個牌子呀? 依個牌子好利果喎,應該好易刨架!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/02/2011 21:37:00]我喺中超買既,我依邊有2間中超都有得賣~
V, do you have any tips or tricks on shaving the cucumber? i always wasted a alot towards the end of the process because i am afraid to shaved my own finger ar ...thx!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/03/2011 09:15:00]i will cut the cucumber in half, then stand one half vertically on the chopping board. then hold that in position with one hand and use the julienne peeler to peel it. still need to be careful woh!
回覆刪除[版主回覆06/03/2011 17:16:00]我都覺得超好用! 尤其係整依個沙律既時候!! 話咁快就搞掂一大條青瓜~~~~
Hi, just wondering where could I get 蟹籽 in UK? Thank you =]
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/08/2011 20:47:07]i bought it from SeeWoo Glasgow. try local oriental supermarkets, usually they sell Japanese and Korean food as well. also i know that you can get it from Seoul Plaza, they have quite a few shops in the UK~ ^^