

我同老公有好多共同嗜好~ 其中一樣係睇書! 基本上我地睇既書種類好鬼雜,冇話特別唔鍾意睇乜書...上至可以學到野既工具書,下至漫畫~ 乜鬼都啱! 因為老公係竹升唔識睇中文,所以佢只可睇英文讀書,但佢成日都會叫我翻譯漫畫比佢聽; 而我就中英文書都會睇,不過都少睇英文書 - 因為我鍾意瞓喺度睇書,而英文書拮書方向唔同中文書! 好唔就手(慣咗嘛~) 所以除非topic 真係好吸引,如果唔係,我都係睇中文書多...... 

我係"書精"一名來! 我一定要睇書先瞓得著 - 就算已經好鬼眼瞓,最少都要睇幾頁先可以瞓得著...... 睇書係我從小既習慣,所以過來英國讀書時,留咗好多書喺香港既房間冇帶來! V媽媽成日鬧鬼話見到我d書就煩 + 問我幾時搬走佢地......


(1) 去圖書館 - 大約一個月去3、4次啦左右...但圖書館update 得好鬼慢!

(2) 上網買 - 我個個星期都會check 吓香港有乜新書出,每個零兩個月就會order 一次;

(3) 返香港時入貨 - 每次返親香港,我一落機就係去蒲書店! 幾乎入親去都唔會空手行出來! 我小學時已開始去書展,而家如果較啱時間返香港,我都一定會去! 06 + 07年返香港時仲去埋台灣,簡直係我天堂! 06年買咗60幾本,07年就買咗80幾本,好彩有大力士老公幫我搬書~~~~~ 帶返香港之後仲要打箱寄返英國!

可惜我大部份朋友都唔好睇書~ 老公又唔識中文......有時睇咗本好書,都冇得同人分享!

所以特登開一版來講書~ 鍾意睇書既朋友,得閒入來吹兩咀啦!

9 則留言:

  1. Just come across your blog ar.. very interesting and thanks for all the good food..
    I also like reading, prefer reading chinese books too, everytime I went to Taiwan, I definitely will go to the big book store " Shing Bun "--> sorry, i dont know chinese typing.. ...  I usually will buy 5 - 10 books, not as much as you.. haha...
    Btw.. I 'm hongkongese too, married a Singaporean who is a CBC in Canada ( he can speak cantonese, but cannot read or write...hehe.. ). Right now I'm in Toronto~
    [版主回覆03/29/2008 00:38:00]welcome + thanks~ im glad that you like my blog!
    apart from "誠品", i aslo went to "Page One" at 101~ they sell both chinese + english books. to be honest, i think "Page One" is better than "誠品" - much more choices! you can go to "Page One" when you visit taiwan next time!
    my husband is similar to yours - can speak cantonese but cant read or write chinese!

  2. 我都中意睇書架...不過就只限張小嫻小說囉...哈哈..太深奧果d吾係好岩我..因為我冇咁高文化水平...
    [版主回覆03/29/2008 05:53:00]張小嫻我本來都有睇~ 但我覺得佢越寫越差......而家少睇咗好多lu~ 睇過既都只係記得"麵包樹上的女人"+"三個A cup 的女人"~ 小說都係亦舒既好!

  3. 我同你都有同感...其實現在都好少睇...加上有二個小朋友仲邊有時間去睇...
    我第一次睇就係尼本"三個A cup 的女人"..係我香港個表妹介紹比我睇架...
    [版主回覆03/31/2008 15:25:00]我初時睇完"麵包樹上的女人",覺得好睇所以介紹我阿姨睇張小嫻...但我阿姨走去買咗"賣海豚的女孩"來睇~ 睇完走來話我揾佢笨!  佢話依個人唔識寫書........

  4. Hi
    [版主回覆07/31/2008 17:12:00]Hello~ 多謝來訪! 妳有好書都一齊分享吓喎~~~

  5. Hi
    深雪d長篇書幾好睇,你可以睇吓‘第8號當鋪’先,心靈方面的我覺得‘把好運吸過來’(英交原書名:EXCUSE ME, YOUR LIFE IS WAITING)好好睇,你可以睇吓!
    [版主回覆08/01/2008 17:20:00]深雪既書我都睇過幾本~ 個人來講真係not my cup of tea! 通常好我第一次睇既作者,好睇既我會照直話好睇~ 但唔好睇既...我一係唔會再睇果個人既作品; 一係睇多幾本先再下定論! 而深雪既書我個人就唔係好鍾意! 感覺古靈精怪得來背後亦冇乜喻意,有少少嘩眾取寵既嫌疑!! 而從佢既書,睇得出深雪個人本身應該幾自大~ 書內容經常出現好多名牌子既"知識",但我睇唔到佢提依d野對故事既發展有任何影響.....或者佢個人覺得自己好有見識,但我可以講既係 - 佢講既並唔係高深學問 - 只要對該品牌有少少認識既都知道係一般常識!
    唔好意思~ 唔知深雪係咪妳特別喜歡既作者! 我只係講我自己對佢作品既感覺.......
    至於我最近睇既好書,係日本翻譯著作 - 島田洋七既佐賀阿嬤系列~ 好warm 好感人~~~~~

  6. 哦!唔緊要,你只係說出自己的意見,我無所謂的!因為睇書真係好睇個人感覺,甲覺得好睇時乙未必覺得好睇,我自己就鍾意深雪的故事夠天馬行空,不過你講得啱呀!我都唔鍾意她在書內時常講名牌的!

  7. 我介紹你睇一本叫 "鴻-三代中國女人的故事" 作者 張戎, 係講作者的外婆,母親和自己的經歷, 故事背景係1930年代到1990年代的中國背景, 很好睇的, 我睇左3次
    [版主回覆01/23/2009 20:13:00]多謝推介~ 等我上網搵搵先! 妳講既故事背景我都好有興趣~ thanks!

  8. Wah..so many books! How do you manage to keep so many at home?! But i'm sure your house in uk has a lot more space than most houses in hk. Hk houses hardly have any room for old stuff.. I like to read anything except textbooks! haha..! Don't tell me u enjoy reading your sch books last time as well?
    [版主回覆05/10/2009 01:04:00]how do you know ive got many books?  the pic was deleted by me accidentally woh......
    actually i really enjoyed reading some of my textbooks when i was studying!  well not all of them, but some of them were actually very interesting e.g. computing, case studies.....

  9. how can i not know that u've got a lot of books when u mentioned that you buy like 40 books everytime u got to hk or taiwan? haha..how do u bring them back? books are really heavy wor.. i think my textbooks are more interesting when i was in secondary sch than the readings in uni. I'm doing arts now u see..so i don't have textbooks. You like maths last time?
    [版主回覆05/13/2009 06:24:00]no no no! ive been to Taipei twice and the 1st i got 6X books; the 2nd time got 8X books; got 4X last year when i went back to HK~
    just hand carried when i went back to HK from Taiwan, then packed them and post them back to UK by post office's express service~
    i didnt particularly like maths when i was in college and uni, but i was good at maths~~


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