我同老公一向好鍾意睇恐怖片~ 但我其實好鬼細膽! 老公一定要喺我身邊我先夠膽睇鬼片,如果老公唔喺屋企,就算日頭我都唔敢睇!!! 早幾晚有晚瞓得唔好...成晚發惡夢~ 起身後先記得...原來果晚臨瞓前睇咗半套日本鬼片!!!

雖然我係無信仰...但我就真心相信佛教既道理~ 亦絕對相信鬼神之說!!! 我個就人有過靈異經驗,但唔多~ (好彩!!!) 不過我對依方面就好好奇 + 有興趣....所以特別開依版來講吓我親身 + 聽返來既經歷! Everybody~~~ 有料都可以報過我知架!!!
(1) 細時我同外婆 + 阿姨住喺長洲,我地住既係一幢位於大街既西班牙式既二樓。果度間格有少少怪 - 由客廳去洗手間,要先入廚房,先可以入到洗手間......
洗手間有個向大街既窗; 對街有一間家庭式超級市場,超市右面當時有一間荒廢咗待拆既瓦片屋頂村屋~ 屋頂生滿雜草...我地住喺二樓,洗手間既窗就對到瓦片屋屋頂正一正! (好奇怪~ 雖然屋冇人住 - 門口釘咗木板! 不過好似有人定期清理屋頂上既雜草垃圾...隔冇耐就會見到屋頂好乾淨! 但我就從來冇親眼睇住有人去清理......) 荒廢村屋再右面係一條小巷,從廚房窗望落街會見到小巷,但洗手間既窗只望到瓦片屋頂........
記得小學四、五年級左右.....冬天一個清晨大約4、5點,我人有三急 (開細啫!)~ 由細到大我都唔怕一個人去洗手間既! 所以我如常去洗手間,不過由於年紀細 + 懶 + 時間太早,我覺得應該冇人會睇到....所以我冇關窗! 完事後我洗手,當時窗喺我右面 + 我不經意咁望向窗 - 見到對面瓦片屋頂上有個半透明既白色人形物體,以龜速打橫 (好似打側身瞓喺度咁款...) 從左至右咁飄過!!!

我婆婆而家仍然住喺果度~ 不過荒廢村屋已經拆咗N年 + 改建咗一幢唔知幾層既樓。而我小學畢業後就搬返同爹哋媽咪一齊住,雖然間唔中會返去探婆婆,但就冇再試過喺果度過夜! 自從依次經驗,我養成咗一個習慣 - 臨瞓前做既第一件事,就係去關洗手間既窗! 直至而家都係...........
(1/2) 至於我另一次既所謂"靈異經歷"...其實都唔算係真既靈異經歷~ 只係非常咁古怪 + 有少少太巧合!!! 所以當佢係"半次"啦........
我初時來到英國住喺親戚屋企~ 後來我自己搬咗出來,同另外2個男性好友夾份租咗一間flat 住,佢地好大方 - 讓最大既房間比我。當時我年紀細,亦冇人提點自己,所以就算我本身相信鬼神,但就有好多"規矩"完全唔識。我地搬入去既第一日,我 + 其中一個朋友都覺得 - 全間屋都好陰暗! 不過我地都只認為因為屋周圍有好多樹......
我地住咗果間flat 大約2年多,依2年多可以話係我咁大個女最最最倒楣既一段日子,基本上我住果度咁耐就衰足咁耐!!! 而家唸返轉頭,我覺得係因為搬入去時,我將床擺既位置 - 床尾對住睡房門口~ (腳對住房門口 - 老人家話舊時用來停屍既"義莊",屍體擺放位置就係咁!) 搬咗入去唔記得幾耐,我就同前男友分咗手,當時又啱啱做完智慧齒手術,塊面腫到豬頭咁! 講唔到野食唔到野亦返唔到學成個月! 我整整一個月,除咗出街買日用品,就只留喺屋企。有一日日頭時我發現床頭燈壞咗,於是我拉書枱既燈過床頭代替,就係同一晚我發咗一個夢......
我夢見自己都係瞓緊覺,放喺床尾叉電既手機響起來嘈醒咗我~ (果時我手機真係放喺床尾既櫃仔上叉電既~ 總之夢境同當時現實完全一樣!! ),於是我坐起身接電話,係一個我唔知亦唔識既女人打來,佢用非常唔友善 + 唔客氣既語氣命令我:妳而家入去廚房!! 我當時聽到佢咁講,唔知點解好驚 + 感覺"好危險"~~ 所以我cut 咗對方線! 但之後手機不停咁響,我不停按收線.....但手機仍然不停咁響.....雖然只係夢境,但我記得好清晰我當時好好好好驚!!!!! 於是我去開床頭燈 (我仲發緊夢喎~) - 但果盞係我日頭時換咗既書枱燈...而且開唔著.........
依個時候,我聽到睡房外好嘈,我去開房門,見到出面成屋都係人,有男有女,不過個個我都唔識! 而且每個人個樣都好怪 - 面無表情,目光呆滯 + 面如死灰......其中有一個男人,我"感覺到"佢想入來我睡房,但唔知點解佢入唔到來? 佢每次想踏入我睡房,就好似碰到一塊無形既玻璃咁~ 最後一次佢竟然成個彈起向後彈返出廳! 夢裡面既我完全冇出過睡房半步,我回頭見到房裡面對正房門既電腦枱下方,原本擺打印機既位置 - 打印機唔見咗,但變咗一個有紅燈既地主神位! 而我覺得個男人係因為個"神位"而入唔到我房!!! 夢發到依度我就真正咁醒咗..........
我醒後第一件事就係開放咗喺床頭既書枱燈! 好彩係開得著既~ 夢境雖然已經係10年前,但夢裡面既細節我仍然記得好清楚...因為太真實! 我仍然記得果把女人聲既語氣; 屋裡面果班陌生人既古怪氣氛........不過最深刻既係 - 床頭既書枱燈! 我會覺得真係巧合到太離奇!!! 就算發惡夢,都冇理由咁啱果日日頭時我剛剛換咗燈,就連夢境裡面既燈都咁啱換埋!!?!!??
我唔知究竟係我疑心生暗鬼...還是真係有d野!?!? 我同V媽媽講我既夢,V媽媽就問我床擺放既位置...之後V媽媽就要我搬過張床......後來2個朋友都相繼遷出單位,一個畢業返香港; 另一個準備結婚~ 我亦喺依個時候認識咗老公,不過未開始拍拖。我係3個人當中最後一個遷出單位~ 當時老公幫我手搬野......我記得我臨離開單位時,我覺得一向陰暗既單位,突然好光猛!!! 住喺果度咁耐,從未試過咁光猛!!!!! 搬離咗果度一段時間,我同老公提起"唔知點解我搬果日,單位突然咁光猛?" - 老公都話有同感.........
其實到咗而家,我都唔知依1 + 1/2次究竟係定唔係! 我只知道係又好,唔係又好 - 我都唔想再有咁既經歷 + 感覺咁真實既惡夢~~~~~~~~~~ god bless me!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/11/2008 00:48:00]尋日中午(英國時間)我打到一半,突然完全入唔到香港Yahoo 喎! 由中午至到夜晚都係咁,到咗11點幾先入得返....咁我咪繼續打囉!
雖然事隔咁耐...老公又喺屋企......但打打吓字我都開始驚!!! 所以今朝起身先打埋佢......
好可怖! 我都有一個經歷就是, 當年小時候一到清明節前一晚約晚上11時多, 門鈴就會自動響. 當我們開門時, 就不見任何人, 及環顧屋前周也不見人影. 因我家住村屋, 及門前有一個前花園, 但花園是有圍場的, 所以根來沒有人可以在短時間內走入我們家按門鈴. 之後, 我爸就將那門鈐CUT了線, 自此之後再沒有聽到按鈴聲.
回覆刪除另外有一個是我SISTER和BROTHER的經歷, 他們說在我的房間內聽到一個女子唱SONG. 我就從未聽過, 他們說開始時你會有耳鳴, 但過一會就聽到那女聲在唱好似以前周璇的SONG, 及他們更說要你很留心很留心時才聽到. 所以自此以後, 我一有耳鳴, 我都想其他事, 分散注意力.
[版主回覆07/11/2008 00:50:00]每年都係咁????
如果我係妳既話 - 咁就死火!!! 妳sis + bro 話喺妳房聽到女人唱歌.......我唸我唔敢再一個人瞓........
我以前細個果時係住公屋,我要同我其中一個妹訓上隔床(一個床頭一個床尾咁訓),但有時夏天我會出廳訓,因為個人開始大,上隔床要訓兩個人真係好逼,有一晚我又係咁訓出廳,第二朝我個妹問我:妳尋晚半夜做乜野坐係床尾到拍我呀,又唔出聲~ 我就答佢:我幾時有拍妳呀,我尋晚係廳度訓,都無係床度訓,點拍妳呀~ 我呀媽當時都係到,但佢聽到無出聲,可能佢自己聽完都有啲拗底,但又要當無事,費事佢驚時我哋仲驚,咁咪唯有當我個妹發夢囉~~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/11/2008 15:55:00]如果我係妳妹....我以後唔會再比妳出廳瞓!!!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/11/2008 19:21:00]咁妳聽朝可以順便睇埋另外果版 - 我啱啱又post 咗新野~ 新果篇有埋相添呀!!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/11/2008 19:33:00]咁果d相又唔係好驚既相來! 只係有少少奇怪啫.......
回覆刪除不過住在那間屋你都黑唔晒啊! 起碼那段期間識到你老公. 同埋如果唔係同前bf分了手, 都唔會有機會同你老公後來拍拖啊!
[版主回覆07/22/2008 15:52:00]妳都可以咁講既~ 之但係我同老公都經歷過好多! 我地分過好多次手架 (係我自己既問題!) 果間屋果段時間,我同老公只係做緊朋友,我地離開咗果間屋之後先拍拖架.....
回覆刪除不過住在那間屋你都黑唔晒啊! 起碼那段期間識到你老公. 同埋如果唔係同前bf分了手, 都唔會有機會同你老公後來拍拖啊!
I stayed in a hauted flat in Sheffield with my friends, too!
回覆刪除2 friends and I had joined a school exchange program and we had to stay 4.5 months in Sheffield . As the dormitories of the school were full, we must look for accommodation outside campus. In the first few days, we stayed in a small hotel but after a few days’ research, we got to know that the owner of a big flat with 4 rooms looked for tenants. We contacted that person and rented this flat immediately.
In the beginning, everyday was fine except the fact we found the flat was a bit dark. Even though there was sunlight outside, it seemed that the sunlight couldn’t get through the windows and entered into the flat. Strange!
Just about 1 month before our departure, I heard very often one of my friends coughed often at night and the next morning, her face looked very pale. She went to see a doctor but the doctor said that she was fine physically. From time to time, we heard someone walking slowly in front of our rooms at night. As the toilet is around our rooms, we all believed that it was one of us going to toilet in the middle of the night.
One night, I couldn’t sleep well but at around 2:00am, I was woken up by a strange feeling. When I opened my eyes, I clearly saw a woman in black (I didn’t see her face) was sitting at my desk. I jumped up immediately (thinking it was a thief!) and grabbed my tennis racket, ready to attack that person. But once I jumped up, that person disappeared! I started to get scared but I didn’t wake up my friends and I went back to my bed until next morning.
To be continued in the message that folows....
[版主回覆02/11/2009 20:13:00]cant read this by myself! waiting for my hon to come back from work...so reply later~~~~
After discussing with my 2 friends on our way to school the next morning, we decided to go to see our landlady. She wasn’t home but her mother was there. As I had good relation with this granny (she spoke Hakka only and I come from Hakka family as well), I told her my story and she frankly told me that that flat was haunted and that was why no one asked for it since long time. She knew that lady in the flat as she was the first wife of her daughter’s father-in-law.
回覆刪除She told me that when her daughter’s father-in-law first arrived at Sheffield, his wife and children were in China . At that time, he met his co-wife and got married with her without telling his first wife and children in China . Years after when the children started to grew up; they wanted to go to England to further their studies. He then applied for immigration of the whole family in China to England . His first wife was so happy to come to England to join her husband but when she arrived and to get to know that her husband had married another woman, she got sick and was in depression (almost got crazy) until her death. Until then, her spirit stayed/stuck in this flat and she doesn’t like people disturbing her. The whole family decided to move out from the flat (especially the co-wife!) and they rent this flat to ‘innocent students’ for short stays (like us)……
When our landlord arrived at his home and saw us, he understood immediately what happened. He was very sorry to us and he brought us back to this flat and then cried, “mama, stop disturbing my tenants!! They’re my friends and if you continue, I’ll be very angry at you and I’ll NEVER visit you.” Then, in the next 2 weeks (before we left this flat), we didn’t hear, see or sense anything at all…… Granny said that this lady scared a lot of his unique son and would do everything he told her….. That’s very true……
回覆刪除Gotta go now but will tell you more of my stories later on….
[版主回覆02/12/2009 07:49:00]that really gives me the creeps! if i were you, i wouldnt dare to stay in the flat for 1more min!!!!!!
do you think most haunted places are usually dark even during good weather??
Yes, you're right! 'Darkness' is first sign for your to distinguish a haunted from normal house. It's because 'those friends' do live in the dark. That's why I NEVER go to dark places such as caves or even discos. Yes, discos are full of those friends because it's a place where they can see lots of 'true men shows' and to remind them of their passed lives!
回覆刪除There're many beautiful natural caves in the mountains here in sw France. In order to give me a surprise (ask for marriage), my husband brought me to visit a beautiful cave near Lourdes (yes, the holy city where The Holy Mother showed herself to the little St. Bernadette)1 sunny afternoon. I really didn't want to go in even though there were some visitors other than us and there was even a tourist-guild for us. The problem was that he was so enthusiatic and I couldn't refuse him. I can tell you that I passed the most terrible 2 hours of my life there!
It's because once we entered deeper into the cave (where we must use a torch), I started to feel all hairs stand and then I saw millions of eyes were watching us. and many 'friends' were following us . He found the cave with colored lights inside magnificient but I found it scary! The most funny scene is that when he asked me to marry him, I told him that I'd say yes if he could bring me out of the cave immediately!
When we came out of the cave, I asked the tourist-guild what did this cave serve in the past? He told me that during the First and Second World War, people hided themselves there from wars. However, the cave was so huge and the passages were so complicated that many people couldn't find their way out and died inside. When his company started to exploire this cave as a tourist's point, they found lots of human skeletons in the narrow passages....
[版主回覆02/14/2009 05:24:00]OMG! according to what you've told me...(1) i always went to discos in my past; (2) ive been to the Catacombs of Paris; which means......there were a lot of..........!!!!
Wow Mrs T, you were SO SO BRAVE!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆02/17/2009 05:49:00]haha~~~ i didnt think of scary stuff when we visited the Catacombs.....i just thought it a tourist attraction + part of Paris's history!