1. 雞1隻洗淨抹乾水份備用。
2. 醃料: 切碎迷迭香約2湯匙、蒜茸1整個、新鮮檸檬2個切半搾汁 (不要棄掉已搾汁的檸檬殼!!!!!)、蜜糖2湯匙、海鹽、磨碎黑胡椒和橄欖油拌勻。(橄欖油份量略多~ 醃料汁液應為稀的水狀流質!)
3. 將檸檬殼和2條連莖的新鮮迷迭香塞入雞肚內。
4. 將雞置於大盤中,用醃料汁液塗滿整隻雞內外醃數小時。可用湯匙將醃料汁液淋在雞肚內。(如圖)

5. 焗爐預熱190C。
6. 燒雞時間為每kg 烤焗約45分鐘,另加25分鐘。(e.g.若雞重1.5kg,燒既時間為93分鐘~)
7. 醃料汁液有蜜糖,要留時雞皮比較易燒焦~ 烤焗期間,間中要用湯匙將醃料汁液淋在雞上,勿讓雞皮烤乾!!!!!!!
8. 雞熟後取出雞肚內檸檬殼和迷迭香,並倒出雞肚內的汁液 (倒出來keep 住!!!!),用鍚紙包裹整隻雞5至10分鐘,讓內質relax。
9. 迷迭香燒雞肉汁: 將焗盤內燒雞所流出來的汁隔清渣和用湯匙除去油份,盛入鍋中,加入適量清水和新鮮切碎迷迭香煮滾,用雞粉調味,再加入適量sauce thickening granulas 煮至汁稠。(可用生粉代替~)
10. 切開燒雞上碟並淋上燒雞肉汁即成。
我好想食呀 ~ 點算好呀 ???
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/25/2008 21:57:00]妳又整埋一份~ 妳煮野食咁叻,一定難妳唔到!
其實我有焗爐好耐 但無玩過烤雞 因為老公大人唔鍾意食骨 所以......要搵日佢好有興致先好整 如果唔係要我一個人食....你話點算
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/27/2008 17:48:00]唔鍾意食骨 - 我老公都係!!! 佢食親有骨既雞呀、魚呀.....都會話: 我一定要"發明"一隻雞,煮完之後d骨會自動分解哂!
不過老公唔會有骨就唔食! 只會叫我下次可唔可以整冇骨既? (但妳知啦,有好多食物煮時要連骨架嘛!!) 所以果日佢成個雞骨殼拿起來食 - 佢真係好鍾意隻雞先會咁做~~~
哇..好好味咁喎. 等我搵日又試下先.
回覆刪除早兩日在 電視/ 巴士上的電視見 jamie oliver (唔知有冇串錯) 個焗雞已經好想整. 而家見完你呢個又好想整~~ 好好味咁呀~~
[版主回覆07/27/2008 17:52:00]快d整啦!
冇串錯Jamie 個名~ 雖然我都會間中睇吓佢煮野,有可取 + 學習既地方...但我好就唔鍾意佢個格!!! 佢喺香港係咪好紅? 我見壹週寫親佢都話佢"靚仔"......
Just a good way to share (from Nigella Lawson). You can use a zip lock bag (large size for chicken) to help marinate it.......just put all ingredients in the bag and wait for a few hour as you suggested in your receipe V clean way to marinate ~~ try try ~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/27/2008 19:08:00]thanks for sharing! yes it's a very convenient way to marinate food~ however i dont want to waste a bag! (protect the environment!) plus i dont use my hands to marinate food at all - i just use a spoon to drizzle the marinate ingredients over the food~ it's also a clean and hassle free way to marinate food!
wao ~~ but the marinated chicken seems have gone thro finger massage kam wor !!! you are really an expert in marinating using spoon ar ~~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/28/2008 18:01:00]expert in using spoons? very funny way to say it! haha~~~ no i didnt use my hands to marinate the chicken at all! i just mixed the ingredients first, then used a spoon~ that's it!
[版主回覆07/28/2008 21:29:00]咁焗盤上面有冇個架 (銀色果個!),我都放喺銀色架上面,再放上焗盤咋~ 我都冇串住中間轉轉吓依個function......