雖然我已經有好多boots,但我一路都想買返對ug boots~ 其實我覺得ug boots 好醜樣!!!! 不過我又真係有咁既需要 - 因為一到冬天,我腳就超冰冷~~~

Ug boots 最出名既牌子當然係來自澳洲既"UGG"~ 好多明星都有對! 早排喺鞋舖試過上腳,真係又暖又舒服! 不過我當時冇買到...因為(1) 我真係唔多鍾意個樣; (2) 感覺鞋底好化學好易磨蝕,最平果對都要£120,以佢個咁既鞋底來講...我覺得唔值! (3) 冇我size!

我腳細又有扁平足,要著3號半至4號鞋~ 可能英國女人多數腳大,所以鞋店入得比較少細size??? 明星效應又搞到個個都買對ug boots,長期冇我size!

Bearpaw 鞋底用料,比起UGG classic 款式類似發泡膠既鞋底,感覺上襟得多; 而且因為2個牌子既鞋底唔同,Bearpaw 既外形較圓 + cute! 冇咁肉酸~~ 講真UGG 既鞋底幾似拖鞋......
Bearpaw 係美國品牌,雖然產品係made in China,但個人覺得質素比UGG 有過之而無不及! 而且我分別上過Bearpaw + UGG 既網頁,Bearpaw 既產品較UGG 多好多款式 + 靚好多!

我依對Bearpaw 只係£40~ 只付出比UGG 足足平2/3既價錢, 就有一對同UGG 一樣咁舒服而且冇咁醜樣既ug boots!

嘩, 你一次個出4個blog, 好野好野 你既 boot 好 cute 又好保 暖, 個價錢又合理, 正呀!
回覆刪除我都想買番對 尖頭又有小小踭 的 boot 來配裙, 但係唔知係咪今年唔興, 暫時我都未揾到啱心水
[版主回覆12/08/2008 23:06:00]哈哈~~~ 我對boots 因為新買未著過,所以今朝我喺屋企當拖鞋著住通屋走! 到依家對腳都未凍過!!!
今年應該唔興太尖頭既boots 喎! 今年好多都係圓頭boots~~~
the soles for this pair of boots are really good! alot of those that i see here, is like 'sole-less' i can hardly even see the sole from the side! that's why i didn't even want to buy one cos i think it'll get dirty very fast and i don't know how to clean it...and it really sucks when it rains during winter... so the edge will get real dirty since the soles are so thin..but yours are good! and your feet is so small! and uk sizes are always so big, you should really stock up when u're in hk!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/09/2008 16:52:00]i there are more than one ug boots brands in AU~ and most of them look nicer than UGG! i really dont understand why UGG is so popular!?!?!??
ive already got too many shoes!!!! i really should stop buying shoes...at least for a while!
上兩星期去Westfield, 裏面間 ugg專門店竟然要排隊入(當日唯一一間要排隊入的店鋪)!!!!
又話 credit crunch 既?
[版主回覆12/09/2008 16:56:00]明星效應嘛!
good morning !!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/09/2008 17:02:00]good morning + welcome to my blog! (我同妳應該有時差~ 我依度而家仲係朝頭早! )
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/09/2008 16:58:00]哈哈~~~ 張相我2年前整比老公做聖誕咭架! 見聖誕咪換咗佢做標題囉~ 多d聖誕 氣氛嘛!
嘩,原來你著3-4號鞋咋...超細腳呀!!我仲以為我著5號已經ok細tim !!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/09/2008 17:05:00]基本上我地全家既女眷都係超細腳既~ V媽媽 + V阿姨對腳直情係3號半!
回覆刪除睇落對 Boot好暖喎
依家先睇真, 原來妳對腳咁細咋
以前d 老人家話腳細係大富之家0既千金至有架
[版主回覆12/09/2008 19:49:00]真係好暖呀~ 而且著落軟淋淋,好似踩喺d綿花上面咁! 好舒服~~~~
喺香港買鞋就冇問題~ 英國就要買新款 + 啱啱出既先會有我size! 減價貨多數都冇哂我size.... 而且某d款就算係4號,我都要加墊先著到.....
[版主回覆12/10/2008 18:30:00]原來vans 都有出ug boots!
講真...喺香港就唔係咁需要ug boots; 不過喺會落雪既地方,就應該有一對旁身! 如果唔係分分鐘凍到生"蘿蔔仔".......
Hey Mrs T, my sister recommended I see this blog so I can get some recipe ideas... I have to say they all look very good and can't wait to try! Was wanting go ask what shop you got the boots from because I really want a pair! I live in the South but hopefully there may be a shop down here. Good site!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/12/2009 18:28:00]welcome! and thanks for the comment about my recipes!
i got my boots from TK Maxx~ havent seen this brand in other shoe shops, so dont know whether you can find it any other places! you can click Bearpaw's link above to check all its retailers. good luck!
Great thank you! TK Maxx.... I love and hate this shop at the same time.... you literally have to 'hunt' around for stuff! I spent ages in there every time I go in but I did get some good stuff . I shall pay a visit to see if my one has any boots!
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/14/2009 21:59:00]you're welcome!
you better act quick! you should know their stock wont last long and the supply is not consistent!
Hi 我都係買咗呢個牌子的 boots 呀。
回覆刪除[版主回覆01/23/2009 20:11:00]妳果度買幾多錢?