開心既時間過得特別快,話咁快又要返英國! 因為改咗機票,已經比原定計劃遲咗返英國......
當日同太62、太99 + 99飲完早茶,就去搵V爸爸食lunch,再去買手信比朋友,買完野去舖頭坐咗陣,就要返沙田執行李食飯......

果晚我地班機其實係22日零晨既1.10am~ 所以我地21日深夜入閘後,裡面好多店舖已收鬼哂!

唸唸吓開始又有d愁 - 返到Glasgow 食乜好呢????


回覆刪除[版主回覆12/05/2008 19:12:00]咁又係~ 以前一年返香港兩、三次,次次都係掛住點可以塞滿個喼但又唔會比人罰錢...... 今次反而少咗行街,多咗時間陪屋企人!
回覆刪除有時見到外國d屋, 間間都大大間, 真係超正..如果有得移民我最想去日本(如果無地震既話...), 所有野食都好好食, 生果又新鮮...不過要發o左逹先得囉....hehe
[版主回覆12/05/2008 19:10:00]我第一次見到老公依張相時尖叫完後笑到肚痛! 我地會努力架嘞~~~~
如果比我有得揀,我一定會返香港住! 移民真係迫不得已架咋~
我都好鍾意日本,覺得好好玩~不過只限旅行! 佢地既野實在太貴嘞~ 我10歲時第一次去日本,一個好細個既哈密瓜,已經賣成港紙$500!! 而且一d喺香港人眼中好普通既食物,佢地只會喜慶宴客時先有機會食......
再唔係...台灣都係一個好地方! 物價便宜,人又熱情友善...不過政治狀況差少少......點都係香港最好!!!!!
回覆刪除贊成樓下小尾子講, 快d生個B啦!
[版主回覆12/05/2008 18:59:00]我都係...每次返親英國都會喊! 依個時候...V媽媽又會玩搞笑: 快d收聲嘞~ 最多d鮑魚比妳食多隻!
[版主回覆12/05/2008 18:55:00]已經冇唔開心嘞~ thank you! 不過就來聖誕節...又開始有少少思鄉囉~~~
冇整蛋糕呀~ 唸住遲d先整! 啱啱先感冒好返~ (我 + 老公都係!!!) 我喺香港買咗d整蛋糕用具!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/05/2008 18:50:00]哈哈~~~~ 妳估錯咗嘞!
佢生日緊係post 佢張相啦!
我好怕送機個種感覺呢~ 次次都咸架
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/06/2008 03:33:00]有時我唔想V媽媽喊...所以會死忍到入閘!
Your husband did looks like a gril when he was young. Why he has a gril hair cut? And I think that picture looks like Gi Gi leung(when she is young) ah. (Don't mad)
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/06/2008 03:31:00]haha~~~ of course i wont be mad! you aint the first one to say that he looked like a girl!!!
i love showing people this pic!!!!
Are you already feeling better now? Actually it would be quite nice to spend christmas in uk, i'm sure the atmosphere is different, and the christmas mood should be stronger? i won't be spending christmas in hong kong this year too..first time spending it without my family but but i'm also looking forward to a different christmas! plus you have your husband with you ma~ that makes everything much easier doesn't it? and did you just bought those lv luaggages from hk?? you should be happy cos it was it fruitfull trip!!!! did you max out your baggage limit??
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/07/2008 02:02:00]im alright~ thanks very much! yes the atmosphere is different in uk...however is not in the nice way! it's cold, damp, windy...to be honest, i dont really enjoy it! i used to go back to HK for Xmas when i was still a student. but not anymore since i got married...cos as you said - im with my husband ma! dont need to comfort me la~ im really alright! thanks~~~
re the LV luggage - no, ive got them both in UK for a few years already! dont you know that i am a big fan of LV? the suitcase was part of my "嫁妝"! my mum said it replaced the "衣箱"......
yes both my suitcase + my husband's were a bit over the weight limit this time! (actually my suitcase is always over weight every single time!!!) however they didnt charge us a penny!
回覆刪除唔離開, 又點會感受到家人同香港嘅好呢? 你應該同我一樣, 都唔會好耐先返一次香港呢~
[版主回覆12/07/2008 21:44:00]哈哈~~~~ 我細個時冇老公細個時咁"靚女"! 每次我比依張相人睇,10個當中著咗11個都會話佢細個似女仔~~~
以前仲讀緊書時,我年年都返香港兩、三次架! 不過結婚後因為要搞居留,果排英國居留法例改來改去...所以先返得冇咁密! 不過而家攞咗indefinite leave,老公話我幾時想返香港都可以嘞!