而榜首兼得Scottish's Top Fish & Chip + The Best Fish & Chip Shop in Britain (蘇格蘭最好炸魚薯條 + 全英最好炸魚薯條店) 既Atlantic Fast Food......

Atlantic 最威水既地方係 - 佢地開業多年,但今年先係第一次報名參賽~ 而第一次參賽就攞哂2個大獎,贏盡全英國!

MSN News 原文:
And the winner is... Making its first appearance in the national Fish and Chip Shop of the Year competition, Atlantic Fast Food, in Coatbridge, Glasgow, has been voted Scotland's top chippie and the best fish and chip shop in Britain.
Atlantic's owner, Giovanni Fionda, a Scot with Italian heritage, has fish and chips in his blood: his parents have been running shops for many years.
Hearing of his crowning as the nation's supreme fryer, Fionda said: "To win this competition as a first time entrant is a dream come true. It's the best thing to have happened to us in our professional life and has made all the hard work worth it. We've worked in the fish and chips business for many years and it's always been great fun."
All food served at Atlantic is prepared and cooked by a fully trained chef and all the ingredients come from sustainable Scottish waters. Haddock is customers' favourite fish choice and scampi are also popular.

於是尋晚睇完Daybreakers 後,特別去搵依間炸魚薯條店,試試究竟得獎係咪實至名歸......

唔計Harry Ramsden's 依種連鎖式餐廳~ Atlantic 只係一間外賣店來,但就係我 + 老公見過所有炸魚薯條外賣店之中,店面最大最乾淨,裝修最豪,廚房超級大!

店外仲有一個好鬼大既car park,外賣店真係好少有咁既氣勢!

店裡面售賣既炸魚薯條,並唔係用一般既cod (鱈魚),而係用我最鍾意既haddock (黑線鱈)!

每份炸魚薯條有兩大塊厚厚haddock + 大堆薯條~ 比一般店大份,價錢雖然都比一般店貴,但因為用haddock,尚算合理!

但個人覺得唔夠West End Mario's Plaice 既haddock juicy! (不過有可能因為尋晚我地去時係水尾臨近收工~

Overall 來講,Atlantic 既炸魚薯條的確比一般店好味! 但又不至於係我食過最好味既炸魚 (不過薯條就係最好既!


仲有就係 - 雖然一份餐既價錢比一般店貴,但一份既份量都好鬼大份,夠我 + 老公兩份分! 所以計落反而仲平咗呢!
