紅蘿蔔栗子黨參湯; 瑞士汁金菇肥牛卷; 清蒸鹹鮮紅鱲 & 蝦皮炒Spring Greens
依度好少見有新鮮栗子賣,就算有都要等到10月尾萬聖節前後先有,而且好細粒......所以之前煲栗子湯都係用栗子乾,但口感味道都唔得! 早排喺泗和行見到有去哂殼 + 衣既急凍栗子賣,買咗一大包,尋晚第一次用來煲湯,果然好好飲!!!

Weekend 喺泗和見到有蝦皮賣,其實我都係貪得意 - 買時唔知可以用來煮乜! 我好鍾意買新野,買咗返來先唸點用~~~ 今次係我 + 老公第一次食蝦皮! 用來炒菜好鮮甜~ 而且我上網發現蝦皮原來可以煮好鬼多野!!! 咁啱哂嘞~ 因為包蝦皮好鬼大包,未來既日子我會煮好多蝦皮餸.........
開咗間泗和行真係好! 多咗好多以前冇得賣既野~ 金菇肥牛卷? 早幾年真係唸都唔洗唸話自己煮! 因為買到肥牛都冇金菇! 鹹鮮紅鱲? 紅鱲間唔中都有既...不過就未必鮮嘞~~~ 而家就唔同嘞~ 多咗好多野賣,而且撞啱既話仲好新鮮添! 我而家每星期買中國餸都係去泗和行~ 已經好少再去其他地方......
紅蘿蔔栗子黨參湯食譜click here~
瑞士汁金菇肥牛卷食譜click here~
清蒸鹹鮮紅鱲食譜click here~
蝦皮炒Spring Greens食譜click here~
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/20/2008 00:08:00]多謝!
T家習慣 - 只要果日唔係食西餐or 碟頭懶人餐~ 就最少會有三餸一湯架嘞!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/20/2008 00:12:00]我都唔記得我果盒有幾重? 係pack 好哂一盒盒既~ 要成£5! 不過仲有剩,星期四炒餸用埋佢.....
The 泗和行 @ London ~~ hehehehe
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/20/2008 17:21:00]the glasgow seewoo is much much bigger than the one in London chinatown!!! there are 2 Seewoo in London~ the other one is in Greenwich. the glasgow seewoo is just as big as the Greenwich one! (i think maybe even bigger!!!)
The one @ 泗和行 also 好多野賣 ga !!! Even moon cake ar !!! They are really expanding wor !!! Even one @ Glasgow. Hay, is it @ China Town too ??
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/20/2008 17:15:00]there is a chinatown in glasgow.....but it's really small - just 1 restaurant + a few shops! to be honest, shouldnt call it "chinatown"!
Seewoo's opened in Glasgow for over 2 years already! there is also a 昆仲軒 next to Seewoo~ but Seewoo is not in chinatown, glasgow chinatown is not big enough!
yes they have moon cakes during mid autum! they have 年糕 during chinese new year as well~~~~~
BTW, is 蝦皮 = small shrimps ?? is it also with the skin on ??
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/20/2008 17:24:00]yes, they are very tiny little shrimps with shells~
我未食過蝦皮 細細隻好得意...味道如何
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/20/2008 17:04:00]我都係第一次食架咋!
味道係鹹鹹地,好香蝦味 + 好鮮甜~
您好幸福呀... =)
[版主回覆09/26/2008 15:08:00]Thank you~
歡迎妳! 得閒多d上來吖~~~~