1. 雞脾去骨去皮切成片,用胡椒粉、糖、豆粉、少許雞粉和生抽醃好。
2. 洋蔥切塊; 薯仔切大丁和紅蘿蔔切片。
3. 燒熱油鑊爆香洋蔥、薯仔和紅蘿蔔,盛起備用。
4. 再燒熱油鑊下雞肉炒至雞肉開始轉色,將蔬菜回鑊和雞肉兜勻。
5. 加入清水620ml煮至滾,轉小火煮約10分鐘。
6. 加入弄碎日式咖喱磚1盒,煮滾拌勻至咖喱磚完全熔化,再煮約5分鐘讓雞肉和蔬菜入味即成。
- 日式咖喱磚方便好用又好味~

- 日式咖喱磚有好多牌子~ 要注意上面食譜加水份量係依照我用既牌子! 其他牌子加水份量可能有所不同!!!!
- 日式咖喱多數唔辣 + 帶甜,有唔同口味.........

回覆刪除[版主回覆08/14/2008 02:22:00]
點解會放青豆架? 而且放都要最後先放,係咁二滾吓就得! 如果唔係青豆好快溶......
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/14/2008 02:26:00]吓? 乜仲有懶過咖喱磚既方法咩?? 咖喱磚已經好懶咯喎! 妳整炸蝦果盒係咖喱汁來架???
wah you stocked up on so many boxes of curry mix! For those lazy days right? But i like japanese curry! But the hot one is really quite hot for me cos i don't really take spicy food. Have your tried melting a cube of the mix in a wok with a little water and fry it rice? It's nice too! japanese curry fried rice~ I got the idea from pepper lunch. I ordered a curry chicken set and found a cube of the curry mix in my rice which i'm supposed to mix together on my hot plate. There're corn kernels in the rice too! Nice combo!
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/27/2009 06:31:00]yes my kitchen cupboards are full of different kinds of canned food / ready meals, just in case for emergencies! haha~~~~ actually i stocked up all flavours of curry is because i wanted to try them all, to see which one i would like the most!
the curry fried rice sounds a good idea! may try it sometimes~ thanks!
btw, if u're making curry fried rice, you can add lesser amount of the mix than when u're making the curry.
回覆刪除[版主回覆04/27/2009 06:32:00]OK~