一直好鍾意依種日本土鍋!!! 但礙於屋企係無火煮食(hot plate),我一路以為唔用得依種煲......不過上次去Kelly 屋企,佢 + Lily 都話係可以用既,不過好慢熱! 慢就慢啦~~~ 最緊要用得啫!!!
決定買其實已經係好幾個星期既事~ 因為決定咗買之後,我就去勻所有中國超市格價 + 格size! 搵啱size 個款~~~ 尋日(9月21日)終於扑槌買依個 - perfect size + cute 公仔,而且又好平! 只係£7.90~~~~


咁其實要靚過佢一d都唔難! 唔係我焗果d靚...只係佢地果d太核突啫!

回覆刪除[版主回覆09/23/2008 18:57:00]我都覺得係! 邊有核突成咁都攞出來賣架???
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/23/2008 18:59:00]冇買呀! 咁鬼核突仲買???? 佢喺舖頭比我睇之嘛~ 影完相放返低即閃!
回覆刪除By the way, do you have msn or skype?
[版主回覆09/23/2008 19:00:00]我自信心仲唔夠大? 妳唔覺得我一向好自大既咩??
yes ive got both~ what's up?
Earthquake ar ?~
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/23/2008 19:00:00]係喎~ 幾似喎!!!
Yup, i am in UK now. I feel so boring in here, which boys are more than girls...... don't know how to talk with men sometimes!!!
回覆刪除I am living in Liverpool!! Come and find me when you have time, actually i may go to Edinburgh to visit my friend and so may meet up sometime later!!
[版主回覆09/24/2008 03:04:00]are you renting a your own place or are you living in hall? when are you starting uni? look after yourself + try to enjoy life in UK~
just let me know when are you coming to Scotland~ welcome to UK!
泗和行自己做的蛋撻都超超超難吃!那個皮,一點都沒有起酥,像塊味道很差的蘇格蘭特産SHORT BREAD, 我形容不出來,反正沒有比那再難吃的蛋撻皮了。
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/24/2008 17:45:00]我、老公 + 好多朋友都鍾意食泗和行既蛋撻喎~ 因為我地唔鍾意食酥皮! 泗和行係用聖安娜蛋撻果隻製法架~~~ 我香港派既餅咭都係 聖安娜~ 我d朋友就用來換哂蛋撻嘞!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2008 17:08:00]我就唔係大師~ 不過佢地就好鬼咋!!!
I think your egg tarts look the same as those in a bakery. Your husband bought those egg tarts? Are they edible? Btw when you buy the japanese clay pot did u check if the box says made in japan? cos those that are made in china crack very fast. I think fire is better for cooking..in my previous apartment i used induction, i can't use a lot of pots for induction, not even non-stick pans! If u use hot plates then can u still use chinese wok?
回覆刪除[版主回覆05/13/2009 06:07:00]he didnt buy them, he just showed them to me in the shop! i can make my own egg tarts, so why buy them?
there was no box when i bought the pot, so i dont kno whether it's genuinely made in Japan or not. however it seems fine.
i think you can use non-stick pans on induction hobs woh! nowaday most non-stick pans can be used on all kinds of hobs~ you can check the instructions of the pans for sure!
im using hot plates at the moment~ i also like fire but my cooker was brand new when we moved in, didnt want to waste it! im using non-stick wok and pans cos the chinese woks are too heavy for me.