Hello! Yes i always feel that my time in hk is also not enough! So much that i've yet to buy and eat! By the way, for cooking spaghetti and other 'western' dishes, should i marinate or season the meat first? bcos if don't, sometimes i find the meat rather dry and tough. i'm planning to make this pasta later! but not sure if you season the chicken meat first before cooking? [版主回覆11/25/2008 20:14:00]actually it depends on your own preference! i dont marinate the meat for this recipe since the flavor of this dish is supposed to be subtle.
for my own opinion, i think if the meat's dry and tough, it's probably because it's over cooked~ not about the seasoning.......
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/19/2008 19:09:00]話明係三色意粉嘛~ 其實喺意大利都好普遍! 綠色好似係加咗菠菜; 橙色好似唔知係紅蘿蔔定蕃茄...至於黃色我就唔知! 好可能黃色只係普通意粉~~~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/20/2008 20:51:00](Empty)
[版主回覆09/20/2008 20:56:00]焗野其實好靠彩數~ 有時幾個人跟住同一個食譜,依足材料份量做法溫度....去焗一個蛋糕,出來味道口感都未必相同! 不過好似蔡瀾話齋 - 試多幾次一定得!
回覆刪除你煮餸真係好叻 ,可否教我幾招好嗎 我個女好鐘意食西餐。
[版主回覆09/22/2008 17:24:00]多謝~ 不過唔好講話過幾招...當傾吓計交流下囉!
如果妳囡囡帶飯,我就唔建議妳煮依個 - 因為有忌廉! 有奶類材料既野最好即煮即食; 其實有好多西式餐最好都係即煮即食~
我大學時都係自己煮帶飯,不過多數帶中式! 如果妳囡囡鍾意西餐既話,可以去"粥粉麵飯"分類,裡面有幾個炒意粉 + 炒烏冬既食譜,妳又可以自己變化吓....可以好多花款架! 希望妳囡囡會鍾意啦~~~~
好好味咁喎, 雞塊你係用雞柳定雞腿肉呀?
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2008 17:01:00]依個雖然有cream,但菠菜清淡,中和咗d cream,所以就算有cream 都唔膩!
我用雞上脾肉~ 我唔鍾意食雞胸 - 太鞋口! 雞上脾肉用來炒 + 蒸都好滑滑~~~~
唔該晒, 等我搵日試試先
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/26/2008 07:19:00]唔洗客氣!
Hello! Yes i always feel that my time in hk is also not enough! So much that i've yet to buy and eat! By the way, for cooking spaghetti and other 'western' dishes, should i marinate or season the meat first? bcos if don't, sometimes i find the meat rather dry and tough. i'm planning to make this pasta later! but not sure if you season the chicken meat first before cooking?
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/25/2008 20:14:00]actually it depends on your own preference! i dont marinate the meat for this recipe since the flavor of this dish is supposed to be subtle.
for my own opinion, i think if the meat's dry and tough, it's probably because it's over cooked~ not about the seasoning.......