先講咸豐時代既事...長洲太平清醮搶包山係近年先恢復舉辦既活動~ 好多年前其實已經有,但聽V媽媽講,我好細個時,有次搶包山發生好嚴重意外,之後就除消咗依項傳統,改為將包山既包拆落來派包。V媽媽話,發生搶包山意外果年(78年),搶包山開始前,佢, V爸爸 + 朋友抱住我去北帝廟湊熱鬧,但我一去到就突然喊到好厲害,點氹都唔收聲! 於是V媽媽唯有帶我返婆婆屋企~ 返到婆婆屋企冇耐就傳來包山倒塌既消息.....(當時我2歲都未夠,我完全一d記憶都冇! 此事係V媽媽口述~~)
到咗我小學時代...因為同婆婆 + 阿姨住喺長洲,放長假e.g. 聖誕節、中國新年、復活節 + 暑假先會返去V家住一排。唔知二年定三年級既暑假我返咗V家,有一晚我夢見班裡面一位男同學 (我唔係鍾意佢 + 唔知點解會夢見佢!!!) 夢境係發生喺V媽媽舖頭果條街,我 + 男同學迎面撞到~ 點知幾日後一個下午,我真係喺V媽媽舖頭度見到男同學 + 佢親戚經過!!! 地點雖然唔係完全相同 - 不過係同一條街,但V媽媽舖頭喺街頭,夢境喺街中段; 我當時喺舖頭入面,夢境就喺街中; 而且當時男同學同親戚一齊,而夢境我地大家都係一個人! 雖然現實 + 夢境有些少出入,但我覺得已經巧合到非常離奇~~~~~
我來咗英國 + 搬咗出來一個人住...我既"預知"能力仲密過以前! e.g. 突然夢見好耐冇見既朋友,之後幾日真係撞見果位朋友 - 已經係家常便飯; 亦試過喺屋企聽到樓下馬路有煞車聲,突然有種好強烈感覺架車會炒...當我跑去窗邊望出去,已經喺紅綠燈位炒咗!!!
(1) 有年我考第1攞獎,向V媽媽報喜後,V媽媽就話聖誕期間我返香港時,會順道同我, 阿姨 + 表妹4個人去韓國旅行當獎勵~ 我返香港前,有次V媽媽喺電話度同我講: 妳返到來會有驚喜~ 妳爹哋唔比我講係乜,不過妳一定會好開心!"
非常老實~ this is true!!! 唔知點解我當時一下就喺腦裡面唸到 - V媽媽買咗隻錶比我~ 仲係隻Rolex!!! 我當時冇出聲問係咪 (如果唔係我咪好瘀!!?!?) V媽媽亦冇再透露到任何野~ 但我同老公就講過 - 我覺得V媽媽買咗隻Rolex 比我!
直至我由香港機場返到V家,V媽媽叫我打開依櫃,我見到有個盒包咗花紙...我已經知道我既感覺啱咗! 我向V媽媽道謝,V媽媽好似有少少失望地問我: 妳唔鍾意呀? 妳都唔興奮既....我唔係唔鍾意亦唔係唔興奮...當時我只係有少少呆! 點會準成咁??? 一我對錶完全冇研究; 二我其實好少帶錶; 三我根本冇唸住買錶,更加冇向任何人表示過想要任何錶....但我就完全解釋唔到 - V媽媽一同我講我將會有驚喜,我就"知道"係隻Rolex......我覺得驚嚇多過驚喜~~~~~
(2) 有晚又發夢...夢見自己攞哂d鞋出來,打橫排好哂一列,跟住逐對鞋擺個number 上去 - 不過number 唔係1, 2, 3, 4.....咁,係20, 7, 18, 15......咁樣~ 我完全唔知有乜意思! 跟住我就扎醒咗,我隨手攞起床邊紙筆將number 記低,就再瞓返......
第二朝起身,我見number 啱啱好夠數買六合彩,咁啱果晚有得開六合彩喎,咁我就唸住買...不過放學時唔記得咗!

早幾日我洗緊廁所,突然唸起想搵吓一位朋友 (唔係因為廁所令我唸起依位朋友,只係我習慣一路做家務一路唸吓有乜要做!).....我廁所都未洗完,手機就响起 - 依位朋友約我 + 老公食飯........
同咗老公一齊咁多年,佢都見慣見熟我既"預感"~ 好多時我地唸緊食乜野,我唸到但都未講出口,老公就會問: 不如食XX吖? 有時真係準到我都有d驚! 究竟係我有預感? 心靈相通?? 係巧合???.......
不過我既"預感"令老公求婚時我冇花收! 老公話怕我見到花就"知道"到佢求婚喎~

[版主回覆09/05/2008 17:18:00]我錯過咗嘞~ 依家野最少10年1潤....下次最快要等多幾年先有! 仲要未必有喎......
可唔可以入 X - File 呢?
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/05/2008 17:28:00]佢地比較鍾意研究外星人喎~ 我怕佢地當我係外星人...同我做外星人既實驗........
回覆刪除我最勁嗰次 (都唔知好事定壞事), 我好怕生嘅鷄, 怕得好緊要嗰隻, 於是乎我同朋友講: "信我, 總有一日全香港 d 雞會死哂" 當時朋友以為我比鷄嚇傻咗, 但點知過咗無耐, 真係無耐, 就禽流感, 全香港d 雞比政府殺哂!
不過朋友話我呢 d 唔係預感, 係烏鴉口!
[版主回覆09/05/2008 17:43:00]原來係妳令我果年聖誕返香港冇焗魚腸食!!!! (全港殺雞兼冇雞蛋.....)
老公求婚果日我啱啱放學好鬼攰~ 可能攰得滯...果次真係預唔到!
講開又講,尋晚我中左 $160六合彩呀!
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/05/2008 19:41:00]$160即係中幾多個字?
[版主回覆09/05/2008 20:59:00] 我對賭博冇研究...因我冇乜橫財運~
3個半字都好吖! 恭喜啊~~~
預感我都有呀~ 不過係預感夢~~ 但準得好得人驚!! 所以細個試過2次之後, 我真係唔希望d夢再準啦~~ d預感夢好似有同你講過?? 定係冇呢? 我都唔記得lu~ 好彩大個之後就冇啦~~ 唔係晚晚都驚唔知會發埋d咩夢(我發夢多數唔係好野!)
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/06/2008 22:55:00]冇呀~ 冇呀~~~~ 講來聽吓吖!!!!!
[版主回覆09/06/2008 23:36:00]好多時係現實中見到一些事情...好似似曾見過咁 <///// 依種情況叫做"deja vu"! (法文~) 好多人都曾經試過~ 以前既人話deja vu 就係預感; 但近年科學解釋係大腦signal,同靈異事冇關....
另外deja vu 會比較常出現於15至25歲既階段~~~
第一個夢係小學4~5年級時發生(唔肯定係邊一年, 但肯定係小學高年班) 時間就係考試前幾日, 個夢好平常, 都係夢到考試發生的事, 由入課室到考完都夢到~ 本來以為只係一個普通的夢, 點知幾日後開始考試, 而當日所發生的一切, 老師著咩衫, 同學同我講既說話, 連遞考卷係邊隻手, 點樣拎住, 都一模一樣! 嚇到我死! 驚得濟, 於是係前面既同學同我講完一句說話(一模一樣), 之後我應該回答返佢一句, 但我只係哦左一聲, 咁之後所發生既就同夢境不同啦~ (唔知會唔會因為咁而改變左少少我的命運呢? 唔敢去諗答案~) 另一個夢又係好普通, 只不過係我去一個沙灘玩, 但當我再去時, 個沙灘已經因為水漲而淹晒, 落沙灘的樓梯的扶手都生晒秀了~ 在夢中時直覺覺得發生左d野, 令到海水水位高左, 所以沙灘已經冇左, 荒廢左~ 幾年之後, 有一次睇電視, 見到果個沙灘, 不過見到的樣已經係荒廢左既樣, 但鏡頭的走法同我夢中見到的一模一樣, 連扶手的生秀都一樣啊! 我驚得濟, 冇留意到報新聞果個人講d乜, 大約好似話係全球暖化海水上漲左唔知幾多, 所以d沙灘都冇左之類~ 嗯~ 而且發呢d夢既果幾年, 我經常被鬼責, 最多時一星期4~5次, 最少時都一星期一次~ 唔知有冇關呢~ 而家大個左就冇左lu~
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/08/2008 03:20:00]
被鬼責我就未試過! (亦唔想試!!!) 不過有人解釋被鬼責其實係關神經線既問題.......
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/08/2008 15:22:00]過去未試過喎...係未來至喎!
Strange! It has been the 3rd time that I tried to send this story to you but I failed since this Monday.
回覆刪除I don't have any 6th sense but I have strange dreams which can't be explained. My first strange dream started at age of 5. It had been 2 years that my beloved grandfather left us. One night, I dreamed that my grandfather came to school to fetch me as he used to do. However, instead of going back to our home, he brought me to ‘his new home’. When we arrived at his home, I found that the door was so narrow that I had difficulty to enter into. He told me that the door was normal before but since the arrival of a neighbour, the house of this neighbour had blocked his entrance. Then, he invited me to sit at the table and brought me a glass of fruit juice and some cakes. However, I found that all these were in paper and I just couldn’t eat and drink them.
While I wanted to talk to my grandfather, there were drops of water falling onto my head from the ceiling. My grandfather took a little towel to dry my head and told me that his roof was damaged since a few months’ time. He said that when I’d be back home, I should tell this to grandma so that she might ask someone to fix this problem for him. Then, grandpa told me that it’s time to go home. He put me on his shoulders and started to walk back home with me. I still remembered that the roads were very dark and there wasn’t any light. Luckily, there was a little star in front of us to lead us the way. Once we arrived in front of my home, my grandfather put me down from his shoulders and told me to be ‘a good girl’ and he left. It was this moment that I opened my eyes from my dream.
I'll continue this story in the message that follows!
[版主回覆02/12/2009 07:36:00]your blog's problems occured even eariler than mine!
The next day, I told this dream to my mother but she told me that I dreamed too much. Then, I told the same thing to my grandmother but she didn’t say anything. No one believed me! However when we went to grandpa’s grave on Chung Yeung festival that year, they both knew that I didn’t lie at all. First, we found a new grave was constructed ‘VERY CLOSE’ or we should say ‘too close’ to the grave of my grandfather (coincided to narrow entrance). Then, when we started to clean the grave, we found that a huge ants’ nest was constructed at the back of his grave and this nest had made much mud disappeared (coincided to the water leaking on the roof!).
回覆刪除I didn’t remember how my uncles destroyed the ants’ nest and what they did concerning the new grave. But until now, I still remember clearly this dream! And my grandfather came to ‘visit’ me a few times after – but each time was to remind me something so that I would be careful.
[版主回覆02/12/2009 07:41:00]i think it wasnt just a dream! i think your grand dad really did come to visit you in your dream~ however, i dont think it's scary~ actually it's kinda sweet! cos he's your family~~~