Wah, u had 5-6 eggs in 1 meal with your husband? haha better not do tt everyday or else u'll be having high cholesterol soon! but i love eggs! they so easy to match with other ingredients to make a simple dish. by the way, do i have to soak the shrimp shells first before cooking? because the shrimp shells i see in sydney are all dried ones, just like dried shrimps. [版主回覆11/01/2008 07:43:00]haha~~~ we love eggs ma! also we both have big stomachs...
no, you dont have to soak the shrimp shells first~ just heat a little bit oil and straight to wok, fry it for a while~~~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/04/2008 06:09:00]蝦皮係一種類似日本櫻花蝦咁細隻既連殼蝦乾~ 連殼一齊食既...好香好鮮甜! (blog 內文加咗圖~)
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/04/2008 06:06:00]妳有冇食過蝦皮? 好鮮甜架~
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/04/2008 06:09:00]蝦皮係一種類似日本櫻花蝦咁細隻既連殼蝦乾~ 連殼一齊食既...好香好鮮甜! (blog 內文加咗圖~)
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/04/2008 20:50:00]我唸海味舖應該會有得賣!
哈~ 我都有買到呀~ 不過係返大陸時貪得意買的~ 幾蚊雞一包, 都頗大包~ 有時淥菜都會加d蝦皮落去淥, 好鮮甜呢~~
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/06/2008 23:01:00]早排行中國超市見到,覺得幾得意...不過唔知點食,但我都買咗~ 買咗返來之後先上網睇蝦皮可以點食!!!
上幾個月我mami都買咗包蝦皮比我, 我淨係用過黎煮過一次咸豆漿, 之後都冇用過, 因為唔知整咩好, 今晚等我試下炒旦先
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/09/2008 17:47:00]鹹豆漿? 我未試過呀~ 不過我好有興趣!!!!! 聽人講用來做早餐好正.....唔該醒個食譜來吖~~~~~
Wah, u had 5-6 eggs in 1 meal with your husband? haha better not do tt everyday or else u'll be having high cholesterol soon! but i love eggs! they so easy to match with other ingredients to make a simple dish. by the way, do i have to soak the shrimp shells first before cooking? because the shrimp shells i see in sydney are all dried ones, just like dried shrimps.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/01/2008 07:43:00]haha~~~ we love eggs ma! also we both have big stomachs...
no, you dont have to soak the shrimp shells first~ just heat a little bit oil and straight to wok, fry it for a while~~~~